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Alex Wong 4Alex Wong 4 

How can I change the visualforce page to a public one?

I am quite new for salesforce. How can I change the visualforce page to a public one? Thank you for your help. 
Best Answer chosen by Alex Wong 4
JyothsnaJyothsna (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Alex,

Please follow the below steps for make visual force page public.
  • go to Setup > Develop > Sites,
  • register your subdomain name,
  • create a new Site
  • next to 'Site Visualforce Pages' click Edit
  • add your page to the list of Enabled Visualforce Pages

Please check the below links for more details.

If it is really helpful to you please mark it as best Answer.

Hope this helps you!
Best Regards,

All Answers

Manish BhatiManish Bhati
Hi Alex,

You can use of Salesforce to do so.

Some answers are already there so I won't write the process again. 

JyothsnaJyothsna (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Alex,

Please follow the below steps for make visual force page public.
  • go to Setup > Develop > Sites,
  • register your subdomain name,
  • create a new Site
  • next to 'Site Visualforce Pages' click Edit
  • add your page to the list of Enabled Visualforce Pages

Please check the below links for more details.

If it is really helpful to you please mark it as best Answer.

Hope this helps you!
Best Regards,
This was selected as the best answer
Alex Wong 4Alex Wong 4
Sorry...Is there any setting for access the develop and sites in the first step? I cannot search them in the quick find box.
Manish BhatiManish Bhati
Just write sites in the quick find box, if it doesn't show up then ensure you have the admin privileges.
Naveen DhanarajNaveen Dhanaraj
Hi Alex Wong 4,
you can create your visualforce page by using URL:
I have highlighted in bold letters, so you have to type apex/yourvisualforcepagename.....
if you have already visualforce page,existing page will open.
if you dont have visualforce page on that name so this will ask you to create the new visualforce page in that name

Salesforce Rockzz!!!
JyothsnaJyothsna (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Alex,

Please check the below screenshot

User-added image

Alex Wong 4Alex Wong 4
Do "30 day trial edition" get the right to access? I cannot find the option mentioned above.
JyothsnaJyothsna (Salesforce Developers) 

In trail version there no option for creating sites. If you want to create sites, you can use Enterprise Edition or Developer Edition.

The developer edition is free and does not expire at any time only a trial edition can expire. Developer Edition organizations continue to be available as long as these organizations have some type of activity within the previous six months.

Please use the below link to signup for Developer Account.
Please feel free to reach us for any further help!

Best Regards,

Alex Wong 4Alex Wong 4
Really thanks for all your help!!! One more question to go. Why can't  I found the input field in my page for the public access? My page is a form so it is really important for me.
Alex Wong 4Alex Wong 4
I have solved the above problem by setting the permission of my custom objects. However, even I type my information in the form, it still cannot create a new reocrd in my custom object. It work fine when I use my admin profile, but not the public one.