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Michael Fink
given a campaignID and contactID how can you check if a contact is a campaign member for the given campaign in apex
say I have
Contact c= findContact();
ID campID= getCampID();
how can I...
find if c is a campaign member of the campaign related to campID
if it is not a member make it a member?
Thanks for any help I've just started learning salesforce and have been getting pretty frustrated with SOQL
Contact c= findContact();
ID campID= getCampID();
how can I...
find if c is a campaign member of the campaign related to campID
if it is not a member make it a member?
Thanks for any help I've just started learning salesforce and have been getting pretty frustrated with SOQL
Try below code as reference:
list<CampaignMember> lstCampaignMember=[select id from CampaignMember where ContactId='contactid' and CampaignId ='CampaignId'];
CampaignMember newCM = new CampaignMember(
CampaignId = campaignId,
ContactId = c.Id,
status = 'Sent' );
insert newCM;