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Bryan JimenezBryan Jimenez 

Visualforce Javascript Question

Hi, I am struggling with a piece of javascript on my visualforce page. I want to be able to filter my results by typing into a search box and as I type the page rerenders to give me the results with the letters I have already typed into the search box. User-added image
As I type into the account box, I want all the accounts with the word I type in. For example, I have already typed in, "connect" I want all accounts with "connect" in the name to come up.

so far I have this in my visualforce page.
<apex:page controller="ContactSearchController2" sidebar="false">

  <apex:form >
  <apex:pageMessages id="errors" />

  <apex:pageBlock title="Find Me A Customer!" mode="edit">

  <table width="100%" border="0">
    <td width="200" valign="top">

      <apex:pageBlock title="Parameters" mode="edit" id="criteria">

      <script type="text/javascript">
      function doSearch() {
          var $rows = $("tr");

          $("doSearch();").keyup(function() {
    var val = $.trim(this.value);
    if (val === "")
    else {
        $rows.has("td:contains(" + accountName + ")").show();


      <apex:actionFunction name="searchServer" action="{!runSearch}" rerender="results,debug,errors">
          <apex:param name="firstName" value="" />
          <apex:param name="lastName" value="" />
          <apex:param name="accountName" value="" />
          <apex:param name="technology" value="" />

      <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
        <td style="font-weight:bold;">First Name<br/>
        <input type="text" id="firstName" onkeyup="doSearch();"/>
        <td style="font-weight:bold;">Last Name<br/>
        <input type="text" id="lastName" onkeyup="doSearch();"/>
        <td style="font-weight:bold;">Account<br/>
        <input type="text" id="accountName" onkeyup="doSearch();"/>
        <td style="font-weight:bold;">Interested Technologies<br/>
          <select id="technology" onchange="doSearch();">
            <option value=""></option>
            <apex:repeat value="{!technologies}" var="tech">
              <option value="{!tech}">{!tech}</option>


    <td valign="top">

    <apex:pageBlock mode="edit" id="results">

        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!contacts}" var="contact">

            <apex:column >
                <apex:facet name="header">
                    <apex:commandLink value="First Name" action="{!toggleSort}" rerender="results,debug">
                        <apex:param name="sortField" value="firstName" assignTo="{!sortField}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!contact.firstName}"/>

            <apex:column >
                <apex:facet name="header">
                    <apex:commandLink value="Last Name" action="{!toggleSort}" rerender="results,debug">
                        <apex:param name="sortField" value="lastName" assignTo="{!sortField}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!contact.lastName}"/>

            <apex:column >
                <apex:facet name="header">
                    <apex:commandLink value="Account" action="{!toggleSort}" rerender="results,debug">
                        <apex:param name="sortField" value="" assignTo="{!sortField}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!}"/>

            <apex:column >
                <apex:facet name="header">
                    <apex:commandLink value="Technologies" action="{!toggleSort}" rerender="results,debug">
                        <apex:param name="sortField" value="interested_technologies__c" assignTo="{!sortField}"/>
                <apex:outputField value="{!contact.Interested_Technologies__c}"/>




  <apex:pageBlock title="Debug - SOQL" id="debug">
      <apex:outputText value="{!debugSoql}" />           




I want to integrate this into my code and I have tried but failed at it.

var $rows = $("tr");

$("#search").keyup(function() {
    var val = $.trim(this.value);
    if (val === "")
    else {
        $rows.has("td:contains(" + val + ")").show();

Bryan JimenezBryan Jimenez
The problem is somewhere in between line 14 and 32