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Reports & Dashboards Specialist superbadge step 2 error

The 'Sales Manager' dashboard does not have the correct headers and titles for the chart components.

I keep getting this error  now sure what is the issue

User-added image

This is the report I have created for 2nd step. Do you see any issue?
Vasani ParthVasani Parth
Make sure that all the underlying Reports are correctly Named as given in the Question.It worked for me. Here is my header.

User-added image

Please mark this as the best answer if this helps
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Vasani Parth .. I checked all the names the only mistake is Opportunity pipeline. Pipeline should be in cap that I did but still no success 
Vasani ParthVasani Parth
Ok, there might be the situation where customizing the report and in the Report Properties and moving it into a different folder and renaming it to Opportunity Pipeline.

Also, I think there is a problem with the image or the description given in the challenge.

Check for this
  • Header - Contact Hobbies, Title - Type (w/ account rating)
  • Header - Contact Hobbies, Title - Top 10 hobbies
  • Header - Account Value, Title - Top 10 states
Please mark this as the best answer if this helps
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Sales Manager doesn't have contact hobbies report 
Frank Mamone 24Frank Mamone 24
Can someone help me to get the 3-column Dashboard tabular component for Contact Hobbies marketing report. I don`t understand how to get all three columns.

Rohan SarafRohan Saraf
Even this error comes to me even though the name are correct as per the given...!!
The 'Sales Manager' dashboard does not have the correct headers and titles for the chart components.

Step 2 error..!!
Thomas Elmström 7Thomas Elmström 7
I had the same issue, but after renaming the source reports it was solved. In other words the error message is not correctly written...

Check the "Other Dashboard Requirements" section for correct naming of the source reports.
Nitin Sharma 291Nitin Sharma 291

I have meticulously copy-pasted all the reports name. Still facing the same issue. Not sure what is going wrong.

Thanks in advance.
Rohan SarafRohan Saraf

I think that something is wrong with the trailhead checking system.

Does anyone know how to report an issue about the same?