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Charles Cummings 7Charles Cummings 7 

Superbadge: Lightning Experience Specialist Step 9 (Chart)

Hi, I'm starting a specific post for this topic. 

I'm getting the following message on step 9. 

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.

It is ironic to get to the end and get stuck on charts which I do all the time. :) Ok, here are the instructions:

Give sales reps a visual indicator to compare product performance. First, create a summary report on opportunities named Opp Stage by Adventure. Filter it by Product Date within the past year. For the purpose of this superbadge, assume this date range is 1/1/2026-12/31/2026. Second, add a stacked vertical bar chart of the number of explorers by product name, grouped by stage, to your summary report. Finally, add this chart to your Lightning Adventure Record Page with the label Adventure Stage Comparison. To ensure that this chart isn’t accidentally displayed to customers, add it to a new section called Adventure Comparison.

And, here is what I have. 

I have a Summary Report of "Opportunities with Adventures". In the data model, each Opportunnity corresponds to 1 Explorer from what I can tell per the data model. I've grouped the report by adventure and stage. I have not grouped by Explorer (which is a Contact Role on each Opportunity). I have tried that though and still got the same error. Note also that I'm using "Adventure Date" instead of Procuct Date per the instructions since Product has been renamed to Adventure. 

Opp Stage by Adventure Report

Chart Editor

In the Lightning Record page for Adventure, I've created a custom tab called "Adventure Comparison" and added in the chart called " Adventure Stage Comparison". I've also tried flipping those names, but I still got the same error. 

Adventure Chart in Lightning Record

Any hints would be appreciated. :)
Best Answer chosen by Charles Cummings 7
oh oh, almost there!

You need to group by Stage first and then the Adventure Name.  

Let me know if that helps.  Cheers!

All Answers

oh oh, almost there!

You need to group by Stage first and then the Adventure Name.  

Let me know if that helps.  Cheers!
This was selected as the best answer
Charles Cummings 7Charles Cummings 7
@sfdcFanBoy That did it! Thank you so much! What is the logic in having to have it grouped by stage first instead of adventure name? 
For every stage, they need the number of explorers by Adventure.  So, stage has to be top most grouping.  


Do mark that answer as best solution, so it is useful for others!
Charles Cummings 7Charles Cummings 7
You know, that makes sense. All of my Adventures were in stage "New" so that that didn't really hit me. 
I am stuck on #9 with the same error message as yours Charles. Been breaking my head for the last 4 hours and can't get past this last step.
Report type - Opportunities with Adventures
Groupings - First by Stage then by Product Name
Filters - Product Date spaning 1/1/2016 to 12/31/2016 and All Opportunities and All Opportunity Status
Chart Type - Vertical stacked in lightning UI X-axis is Stage, Y-axis is Record Count and grouped by Product Name

Couple of things I noticed from your screen shots was the label 'Product Name' instead of 'Adventure Name' and also the 'Product Date' instead of 'Adventure Date'. Can you please let me know how you were able to get those names, I did rename Product to Adventure.

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Since most of our settings except for the fact that my fields are called 'Product' instead of 'Adventure', I am wondering if that is why Trailhead is not accepting my solution. I am using the report type 'Opportunities with Adventures' but for the life of me, I can't figure out why the field label appears as Product instead of Adventure.
I ended up solving it by creating a custom report type, the full details of the solution have been written here
Łukasz KojzarŁukasz Kojzar
If above advices does not help you, ensure that you have only one report containing 'Opp Stage by Adventure' text in title. I have to delete 'Opp Stage by Adventure 2' report to finish the chellange.
Venkatesan SundaramVenkatesan Sundaram
Thank you very much sfdchacko.  My issue got resolved after opting for a custom report type with fields Product Date and Adventure Name. Got my superbadge today and appreciate your help
Debopriyo Dey 4Debopriyo Dey 4
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Did exactly as the challenge requirement in Step 9. But still it says "The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type."
Rakesh Muppiri 8Rakesh Muppiri 8
I'm trying this from past 1 week, Step 9 Report. Please help me on this
Below are the screen shots what i did. Please correct if amy i doing wrong.

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As  indicated by Łukasz Kojzar, I was able to validate the Challenge after renaming all the reports containing 'Opp Stage by Adventure' in the title.
Anushka BansalAnushka Bansal
how do we add the chart to the Lightning Adventure Record Page in a new section called Adventure Comparison
Azfan Jaffeer 7Azfan Jaffeer 7
Add it to the product layout :) @anushka bansal
The Real Scott MorrisonThe Real Scott Morrison
The verification for this part needs to be less finicky, this is my chart what's wrong? 

The Real Scott MorrisonThe Real Scott Morrison
What is the correct report type here? Fullfillments with Opportunity? 
Charisse de BelenCharisse de Belen

I used the report type Opportunities with Adventures.

I had the same issue as you, where everything seemed to be right but it wasn't working. I even created a new Trailhead Playground to see if that would fix it. No luck. Finally, I switched back to my original Playground, opened up my report, changed the Date Field filter from Close Date to Adventure Date, and boom. It worked.

Here's what my report settings look like:
Opp Stage by Adventure report settings

Good luck.
Donald Rivard.ax1922Donald Rivard.ax1922
Does someone have step by step on how to finish this step. I am on day 3, 3rd org and cannot get past this. I create reports all day and this one is just crazy. What am I missing?
Donald Rivard.ax1922Donald Rivard.ax1922
3 days and 3 different orgs of

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.

Donald Rivard.ax1922Donald Rivard.ax1922
NVM. I did the report in classic, did NOT add to the adventure page and it passed.
Patrick McClellanPatrick McClellan
KEY DETAIL, assuming you have all the filters/sorting correct. Date Field should be set to Adventure Date, not Close Date.
Just now I completed my super badge. I didn't changed any names. Only thing I miss here doing is not taking the 'stacked vertical bar chart'. I keep on trying with vertical bar chart but I didn't check whether it's stacked or not. Be sure it's 'stacked vertical bar chart'.
Bob RhodesBob Rhodes
I just got my superbadge today.  It needs to be grouped by Stage first, then Adventure Name.  And it needs to be a "Stacked Vertical Bar Chart" instead of just a "Vertical Bar Chart".  The instructions do clearly state a stacked vertical bar chart so that was my oversight.
sai manojsai manoj
hello i stuck at challenge 9  I want to create Any  new lightning App Builder to complete challenge9
Quentin HQuentin H
Hello guys,
I'm also stuck on this last challenge, with the same old "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.", so frustrating.
I've described my case and tried solutions in a new post, any help would be more than welcome!
Thanks, Quentin
Ramya Priyaa MohanRamya Priyaa Mohan
Quentin, I am stuck up with this . Would you be able to help. Please let me know the steps you followed , I will try to redo and check
Hello all:  I found this piece of information prevented me from validating the report: 
To ensure that this chart isn’t accidentally displayed to customers, add it to a new section called Adventure Comparison.
Do be sure to add the chart and a new section to the page layout.  Once I did that it worked. 
Brendan ConroyBrendan Conroy
This has been driving me crazy for about 3 hours now. I think that the configuration looks correct, but I am getting the same error. Here are some screenshots. 

The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.

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Ramya Priyaa MohanRamya Priyaa Mohan
@Brendan Conroy. Hope this helps you. Check you report type, It should be " stacked vertical bar chart".
Check your grouping: Group by Stage first.
Opp by Stage in Lightening

I switched to Salesforce classic version to help you better understand this. Let me know if it helps you. 
Opp by Stage report
Ramya Priyaa MohanRamya Priyaa Mohan
@brendan. Please let me know if your still stuck with this.
Brendan ConroyBrendan Conroy
Hi Ramya,

I'll move to Classic too. Done, but same error after saving it. The data is different for some reason, but I passed the import challenge already

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Brendan ConroyBrendan Conroy
FYI it's a Opps with Adventures (products) report type if that makes a difference. 
Ramya Priyaa MohanRamya Priyaa Mohan
Lightning App builderVertical Bar Chart
Brendan ConroyBrendan Conroy
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Brendan ConroyBrendan Conroy
Well, I feel stupid. I had the end date as 12/01 as opposed to 12/31. Uuuughgghghgh. Thanks for your help!
Quentin HQuentin H
Hello guys,
I don't know what changed, but after months of being blocked and not trying anymore, I tried again today and passed... I checked all the parameters, the end date was 12/1 and changed it to 12/31. I thought I already did that before, anyway, that was the last missing part.
Thanks for the heads up, and good luck for your next Trailheads!
Brendan ConroyBrendan Conroy
I’m glad that my own stupidity helped someone for once :-)
Adam Wilson 51Adam Wilson 51
Another little finicky thing in this particular challenge:

When you group the Rows/Columns, it will change your report type to a "Matrix Report." Be sure that you change that back to a "Summary Report" as outlined in the requirements doc.
Christi Kane gobucksChristi Kane gobucks
I am stuck on the report - I feel like I have it all correct but keep getting the error. 
My report type: Opportunities with Adventures
Summary report
Grouped by Stage first, then Adventuure Name
Stacked Vertical bar chart
Named Opp Stage by Adventure
Chart named: Adventure Stage Comparison.

Does anyone see something I have missed?
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Christi Kane gobucksChristi Kane gobucks
I got it!! I was using the default 'close date' filter that automatically appears on the report to all time, and added filters for the adventure date. I retried tonight realizing the default date filter has choices - and changed that to adventure date. It passed! Technically I had all the right information, but it was looking for something specific. 
Sachin Gulvady 1Sachin Gulvady 1
I am getting stuck at the same spot. I can't see 'Adventure date' as a filter option. I get 'Adventure month'.
Can anyone spot any obvious mistakes?
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Sachin Gulvady 1Sachin Gulvady 1
Managed to get it working - Initially I had used Product name & Record count on X/Y axis & stacked by stage. I swapped Product name & Stage.
Also, I was using 'Adventure month' to filter dates. Using 'Product date' did the trick!