• raj_sfdcc
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can anyone give me apex trigger examples for better understanding of the apex trigger 
what is the difference between list and map
Hello All,
        I am new to salesforce and  i need to improve apex coding. can you provide some trigger examples? so that i can learn apex from that exapmles.
I am trying to complete the challenge Lightning Data Service Basics - Manipulate Records with force:recordData and I am getting the followling error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Could not find either the 'accEdit' component, 'accDisplay' component or both components in the Account Record Page.
This is strange because the 2 components are indeed on the page:
User-added image
Could please assist ?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Can some one explain me how to use two components with Lightning Data Service, i tried the following code for accDisplay and accEdit.
This worked as i expected but i got the following error!

I am missing some thing, can some one explain me how LDS works with multiple componets!
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'accDisplay' Lightning Component does not appear to be displaying the 'Name' using 'ui:outputText' and the value 'v.accountRecord.Name
<!--accDisplay component-->
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId">
 <aura:attribute name="accountRecord" type="Object" />
<force:recordData aura:id="AccountRecordCreator"

    <!-- Display a header with details about the record -->
    <div class="slds-form--stacked">
        <div class="slds-form-element">
            <label class="slds-form-element__label" for="recordName">Name: </label>
            <div class="slds-form-element__control">
              <ui:outputText class="slds-input" aura:id="recordName"
                value="{!v.simpleNewAccount.Name}" />
            <label class="slds-form-element__label" for="recordIndustry">Industry: </label>
            <div class="slds-form-element__control">
              <ui:outputText class="slds-input" aura:id="recordIndustry"
                value="{!v.simpleNewAccount.Industry}" />
             <label class="slds-form-element__label" for="recordDescription">Description: </label>
            <div class="slds-form-element__control">
              <ui:outputTextArea class="slds-input" aura:id="recordDescription"
                value="{!v.simpleNewAccount.Description}" />
             <label class="slds-form-element__label" for="recordPhone">Phone: </label>
            <div class="slds-form-element__control">
              <ui:outputPhone class="slds-input" aura:id="recordPhone"
                value="{!v.simpleNewAccount.Phone}" />


<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId">

<aura:attribute name="accountRecord" type="Object"/>
<aura:attribute name="simpleNewAccount" type="Object"/>
<aura:attribute name="newContactError" type="String"/>

<force:recordData aura:id="AccountRecordCreator"
    <ui:outputText class="slds-output" 
                value="Edit Account" />
     <lightning:input aura:id="recordName" name="accountRecord" label="Name"
                  value="{!v.simpleNewAccount.Name}" />

     <lightning:button label="Save Account" onclick="{!c.handleSaveRecord}"
               variant="brand" class="slds-m-top--medium"/>

Hi Experts,
I need to create a trigger on account object which will prevent the users in creating duplicate account based on the name.
Kindly provide me the same.


Hi All,

I want to know that why we use map instead of list in salesforce. Please help with scenario.


Hi Guys,

Can any one explain me which purposes we are using list,set and Map with each one one real time scenarios.please
I am too confused in trigger.new and trigger.old.I fyou could give scenario based trigger example.
Iam new to customization, I want to know In  which situation we can go with List,set and map.

Can someone explain when to use different collection types in Apex with some real-life scenarios? 

Some explanation why a certain collection is used would be awesome. (Especially on maps!)

Additionally, are there any collection-specific limitations or best practises which would be good to know?

Thank you!
Hello All,
   i have gone through list and map, would any one share same example using LIST and MAP using 2 object. i am still confused when do i use list and when do i use map? please give me one common example , how MAP reduces code over LIST ?

Hi  All, I would like to know what is the Difference between Apex sharing and and sharing rules. If anybody know the difference please share to me.

Can any one please let me know when do we use list? when do we use map? when do we use set?


I'm bit confused regarding their usage.

I am new to programming in apex am studding from apex code developer guide.


I need some assignments so that I can practices some body provide me some link on a PDF so that I cold get some help.



I have read the Apex concepts but I am not getting enough confidence in Apex coding, probably I need to practice more.

I was looking for Apex code examples/samples and use cases in google, but couldnt get any.

Can you please let me know if you have links to the Apex code examples/samples and use cases for Apex to try practicing.


Also for Apex classes and triggers, please let me know the following:


1. On which parts of Apex, I need to start for code practice and how to proceed further.

2. While practicing, what should be the areas that I need to practice more

3. What areas of Apex are commonly used

4. What areas of Apex are complex which needs more practice

5. How to frame the use cases myself for Apex code practice.





HI all, i m new to this platform, also to Apex code development.

I m creating an application in which i need to use Apex programming,

i have java development background.


So what i need is, as many examples as possible in Apex programming,

so if anybody can provide me the websites which i can look into, so it will be helpful.


Thank You