• bharath m 7
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Hi All,

Can anyone answer the below questions:
1.)What is the metadata api name for "global picklists and how can one deploy them using ant"?
2.)Difference between the below declarations in package.xml? What are the implications when record types are involved?


// It seems that retrieving objects retrieves all fields
//What happens when record types are involved?


// retrieves all fields of the mentioned object
//What happens when record types are involved?

Thanks and Regards,
Bharath Kumar M

Hi All,

I am trying to fetch records from another salesforce ORG using REST API. I found that we can fetch upto 2000 records only. Now digging more into this, I found that we need to use NEWRecordURL for fetching remaining records.

With that I am facing some challenges fetching more than 2000 records via REST API. Does anyone have some sample code/snippet with which I can achieve that using NewRecordURL?

Thanks in advance.