• AlvaroMattos
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I want to create Account hierarchy and customer community plus users for each hierarchy. Then I want to create dashboards for each hierarchy but I do not want users from each hierarchy to see dashboard record count from other Account hierarchy.

So I had taken following steps but I think I am doing something wrong.

I created two reports and dashboards (one for each Account hierarchy) of one custom object and put them in two dashboard folders. One folder is shared with users from one Account hierarchy and other with another Account hierarchy and I also made the object record sharing settings private for external users.

But when I view the dashboards After logged in through customer community plus users then I notice that each user can view record count for every other user which I want to prevent. But for reports I found that users from one hierarchy can view their own records and their team's records and not records of other Account Hierarchy. I need this for dashboard also. 

Please let me know where I am going wrong or I am open for any other solution which can fulfill my requirement.

Your help is appreciated.
We created a Visualforce page for Google Maps in our instance back in June of 2014 and it has worked perfectly until today when we started receiving the "Oops! Something went wrong. This page didn't load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details." error on every account using this page layout. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with us receiving the Spring 17 release over this past weekend. I did notice that when I went into the page detail of the Visualforce page that the API version is 30.0. All throughout the Spring 17 Release Notes it talks about version 39.0. Could this be my issue? Would a solution be to delete the Visualforce page and create it again? Would it automatically use version 39.0 when I create it? Just a few questions. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you,
I have a test class that works in my Developement Sandbox but doesn't work when Validating the Change Set in Production.

We have a Partner Community, and the test class creates a user with a Partner Community Role and Partner Profile.  Here is the User Creation Test code that is failing on Insert:
public static User getCommunityUser(Profile p, String contactId)
        User testUser = new User();
        String rId = [SELECT ID FROM USERROLE WHERE NAME Like 'Partner Test - Big Dealer Partner User%' LIMIT 1].Id;

        testUser.Email = 'test@test.com';
        testUser.Username = '2345666@testuser.com';
        testUser.LastName = 'test';
        testUser.Alias = 'test';
        if (p != null)
            testUSer.ProfileId = p.Id;
            testUser.ProfileId = UserInfo.getProfileId();
        testUser.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
        testUser.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
        testUser.TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Chicago';
        testUser.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
        testUser.ContactId = contactId;
        testUser.UserRoleId = rId;
        testUser.IsActive = true;

         insert testUser;  
         return testUser;
This works in the Dev environments. 
The error when Validating in Production is this: 
User-added image
I have confirmed the Roles and Profiles exist in Production. Also confirmed I do have available licenses for the Community. I'm guessing there is a nuance with Partner Community Roles that I don't know about. 

Ideas? Answers? :) Thanks Community!
Hi All,

Could you please let us know if we can Chat between Comminity Users and Normal Salesforce Users. Please also suggest a method to achieve this.

Thanks and Regards,