• Ravindra Kashyap 2
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  • Member since 2018

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Hi All,

I am working with Lightning Web Component(with pre-release instance). Previously I was able to Run 'Authorize Org' command and all commands were working fine, suddenly these commands stop to appear in Visual Studio Code 'Command Palette'. And when I am trying to execute these command, I get an error saying something like 'Command Not Found' with a big description in the console.

Even I am not able to create Scratch Org now. 

I have installed Salesforce CLI, Salesforce extension pack in VS Code(Version 1.30.2) and plugins for pre-release.


Hello Experts,

In Contact Object, there is no field name Owner then how it is able to access "Contact.Owner.email" ??
Please explain its internal working.
Hello everyone,

When I am trying to test my class using test setup method then IDE is giving an error. There is any way to avoid this and use both methods during test??

global class AddPrimaryContactTest 
    static void setup()
        List<Account> accountList = new List<Account>();
        for(Integer i = 1; i <= 50; i++)
            accountList.add(new Account(name = 'Test Account'+ i, BillingState = 'CA'));
        for(Integer i = 50; i <= 100; i++)
            accountList.add(new Account(name = 'Test Account'+ i, BillingState = 'NY'));
        insert accountList;
    global static  Void test()
        Contact con = new Contact(Firstname ='conFirst',lastname='conLast');
        AddPrimaryContact obj = new AddPrimaryContact(con,'CG');        
        List<Account> count = [select id,(select id from contacts) from Account where BillingState = 'CA'];
        System.debug('countcontact = ' + count.size() );
        System.assertEquals(50, count.size());        

thanks in Advance :)
Hello Experts,

I want to run my apex code everyday on 1 PM, my question is where i should write below code for that??
Do I need to run in anonymous window??

proschedule p = new proschedule(); 
 String sch = '0 0 13  *  *  *'; 
 system.schedule('One Time Pro', sch, p);
Hello experts,

I am new in Salesforce world and I found that Salesforce is using force.com for development, My question is what are the features which are provided by this platform.

Thanks in advance.
Hello Experts,

In Contact Object, there is no field name Owner then how it is able to access "Contact.Owner.email" ??
Please explain its internal working.
User-added image i need to create to page like this and i need to insert into a tab .can any one give a idea how to go through this
I am unable to see any debuglogs for the apex calses and triggers  that I ran. could any please suggest me what has to be done.
I set the dates also. and I am the Admin...
Hello everyone,

When I am trying to test my class using test setup method then IDE is giving an error. There is any way to avoid this and use both methods during test??

global class AddPrimaryContactTest 
    static void setup()
        List<Account> accountList = new List<Account>();
        for(Integer i = 1; i <= 50; i++)
            accountList.add(new Account(name = 'Test Account'+ i, BillingState = 'CA'));
        for(Integer i = 50; i <= 100; i++)
            accountList.add(new Account(name = 'Test Account'+ i, BillingState = 'NY'));
        insert accountList;
    global static  Void test()
        Contact con = new Contact(Firstname ='conFirst',lastname='conLast');
        AddPrimaryContact obj = new AddPrimaryContact(con,'CG');        
        List<Account> count = [select id,(select id from contacts) from Account where BillingState = 'CA'];
        System.debug('countcontact = ' + count.size() );
        System.assertEquals(50, count.size());        

thanks in Advance :)
Hello experts,

I am new in Salesforce world and I found that Salesforce is using force.com for development, My question is what are the features which are provided by this platform.

Thanks in advance.
User-added image i need to create to page like this and i need to insert into a tab .can any one give a idea how to go through this
I am unable to see any debuglogs for the apex calses and triggers  that I ran. could any please suggest me what has to be done.
I set the dates also. and I am the Admin...