• Prabhjot K
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Hi All,

We have a requirement to update a status field on a custom object whenever email activity gets logged in or sent via einstein activity capture. Initially, the status is open when an email is sent the status updates to "Waiting for guest response" and when the guest responds the status updates to "Guest replied".

I am not sure how this functionality can be achieved. Can this be done via process builder or Apex trigger? Can someone please guide me in the right direction ad help with this functionality?

Hi, I am trying to create a trigger for my client.T his is what I amtrting to do
  • There is a lead path, having deposit field (checkbox), once the check box is clicked and path updated, I want to send an email to the client with "attached forms" asking them to fill it to go further on process. By now this is teh code I was able to create:
  • Working class for EMailManager ---

    public with sharing class EmailManager
        public static void sendMail(String address, String subject, String body)
                Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                String[] toAddresses = new String[] {address};
                mail.setPlainTextBody (body);
                Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {mail});       
    }Problem is: 1. How can I get particular field from the path on the lead object?
  • 2. how to send email to client who paid the deposit and whose field got udated?
  • Please help, I am new to trigggers and really struggling to find the solution.
Thank you.
please provide step by step instruction for paypal integration with salesforce