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Lightning map with google maps directions
I'm using a lightning component that uses lightning:map and it contains multiple markers, code from:
Now I was just wondering if anyone knew how to add a link to the google maps directions in the information of the markers. For example something similar to below except I only care about the directions link.
Thanks for your time and any help would be appreciated,
I'm using a lightning component that uses lightning:map and it contains multiple markers, code from:
Now I was just wondering if anyone knew how to add a link to the google maps directions in the information of the markers. For example something similar to below except I only care about the directions link.
Thanks for your time and any help would be appreciated,
- Jay Wang 2
- May 15, 2019
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How to access User Verified Email flag on the User object in apex/VF
I am trying to do a check on a User to see if they have verified their Email/Mobile and I can see that the User object has this field, however I cannot seem to find a way to access it with apex/VF. Any help would be appreciated. I have attached a picture below showing the flag in the list view in Users.
Kind Regards,
I am trying to do a check on a User to see if they have verified their Email/Mobile and I can see that the User object has this field, however I cannot seem to find a way to access it with apex/VF. Any help would be appreciated. I have attached a picture below showing the flag in the list view in Users.
Kind Regards,
- Jay Wang 2
- August 13, 2018
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SObject row does not allow errors message
Hey guys, I have a simple trigger before change:
I get the error message SObject row does nto allow errors on line 19. I know that you can use the addError method for only those records that are avaliable in Trigger Context. But I thought i fixed it? How do I fix this?
trigger AssemblyDiaryEditValidation on Assembly_diary__c (before update) { Set<Id> aids = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> saids = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> sraids = new Set<Id>(); for(Assembly_diary__c a :trigger.old) { aids.add(a.Id); saids.add(a.Service_Appointment__c); } ServiceAppointment[] sa = [Select Id From ServiceAppointment where Id in :saids]; AssignedResource[] ar = [Select Id, ServiceResourceId From AssignedResource where ServiceAppointmentId in :saids]; if(ar != null) { sraids.add(ar[0].ServiceResourceId); } ServiceResource[] sr = [Select Id, RelatedRecordId From ServiceResource where Id in :sraids]; for (Assembly_diary__c b :trigger.old) { for(integer i = 0; i < Trigger.new.size(); i++) { if(sr != null) { if(sr[0].RelatedRecordId != UserInfo.getUserId()) { b.addError('Nejste oprávněni upravit tuto položku'); } } } } }
I get the error message SObject row does nto allow errors on line 19. I know that you can use the addError method for only those records that are avaliable in Trigger Context. But I thought i fixed it? How do I fix this?
- Jan Kopejtko 2
- February 13, 2020
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Trigger After Delete not updating
I'm trying to update a field on the account when a child record is deleted but the field isn't updating. Here's the trigger:
trigger RatePlanDeletion on Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlan__c (after delete) { // Make a list of the deleted subscription rate plans List<Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlan__c> deletedRatePlan = [SELECT Id, Name, Zuora__Account__r.Local_Listings__c, Zuora__Account__r.Engage__c, Zuora__Account__r.SEO__c, Zuora__Account__r.Social_Ads__c, Zuora__Account__r.Social_Posting__c, Zuora__Account__r.Website_Product__c Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlan__c IN :Trigger.old]; List<Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlan__c> newRatePlan = new List<Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlan__c>(); for (Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlan__c sub : deletedRatePlan) { // Get Trigger.new version of the rate plan Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlan__c subInTriggerNew = Trigger.newMap.get(sub.Id); // Local Listings if ((sub.Name.contains('Marketing Essentials') || sub.Name.contains('Local Listings'))) { subInTriggerNew.Zuora__Account__r.Local_Listings__c = false; } // Engage if (sub.Name.contains('Engage')) { subInTriggerNew.Zuora__Account__r.Engage__c = false; } // Reviews if (sub.Name.contains('Review')) { subInTriggerNew.Zuora__Account__r.Reviews__c = false; } // SEO if (sub.Name.contains('SEO')) { subInTriggerNew.Zuora__Account__r.SEO__c = false; } // Social Ads if (sub.Name.contains('Social Ads')) { subInTriggerNew.Zuora__Account__r.Social_Ads__c = false; } // Social Posting if (sub.Name.contains('Social Posting')) { subInTriggerNew.Zuora__Account__r.Social_Posting__c = false; } // Website if (sub.Name.contains('Website')) { subInTriggerNew.Zuora__Account__r.Website_Product__c = false; } newRatePlan.add(subInTriggerNew); } update newRatePlan; }I appreciate any help I can get.
- Steven Wellman 28
- August 22, 2018
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After Update Test Class Failing
I am hitting the wall on this test class. The Trigger and code are below. Any suggestions are welcome. It's my first try at a test class. When running the test, my query does not seam to fire. However, when I run it in the query editor, it pulls the correct account. Also, none of my system.debugs show in logs when filtering for "Debug Only"
In the logs I get: "FATAL_ERROR System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject."
In the logs I get: "FATAL_ERROR System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject."
trigger UpdateDisReg on Account (after update) { Account a = Trigger.New[0]; String alias = 'a.center__c'; System.debug(a); List<Lead> leadsToUpdate = [select id,CenterDistrict__c,CenterRegion__c from Lead where Owner_Alias__c = 'alias']; System.debug(leadsToUpdate); List<Lead> leads = new List<Lead>(); for(Lead Leadz : leadsToUpdate) { leadz.CenterDistrict__c = a.District__c; leads.add(leadz); { update leads; } } }Test Class:
@isTest private class UpdateDisRegTest { private static testMethod void UpdateDisReg() { Account a = [SELECT Id, District__c, Region__c FROM Account WHERE NAME IN ('Center 000001')]; insert a; System.Debug(a); Lead l = [SELECT Id, CenterDistrict__c, CenterRegion__c FROM Lead WHERE Owner_Alias__c = '000001' Limit 1]; insert l; System.Debug(l); Test.startTest(); a.District__c = 55; a.Region__c = 66; update a; System.assertEquals(55, l.CenterDistrict__C); System.assertEquals(66, l.CenterDistrict__C); Test.stopTest(); } }
- FB Admin
- August 20, 2018
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How to Convert a Lead to Opportunity & Contact based on existing account name using Apex
Dear all,
May i know if I can convert lead to only an existing account. the conversion will read based on company name in lead module. the apex now will create all new account, opportunty and contact ;
what i have done is creating a process builder that will run this apex when a lead becomes hot.
Public class AutoConvertLeads
public static void LeadAssign(List<Id> LeadIds)
LeadStatus CLeadStatus= [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted=true Limit 1];
List<Database.LeadConvert> MassLeadconvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
for(id currentlead: LeadIds){
Database.LeadConvert Leadconvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
// Leadconvert.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(TRUE); Remove this line if you want to create an opportunity from Lead Conversion
if (!MassLeadconvert.isEmpty()) {
List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr = Database.convertLead(MassLeadconvert);
May i know if I can convert lead to only an existing account. the conversion will read based on company name in lead module. the apex now will create all new account, opportunty and contact ;
what i have done is creating a process builder that will run this apex when a lead becomes hot.
Public class AutoConvertLeads
public static void LeadAssign(List<Id> LeadIds)
LeadStatus CLeadStatus= [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted=true Limit 1];
List<Database.LeadConvert> MassLeadconvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
for(id currentlead: LeadIds){
Database.LeadConvert Leadconvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
// Leadconvert.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(TRUE); Remove this line if you want to create an opportunity from Lead Conversion
if (!MassLeadconvert.isEmpty()) {
List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr = Database.convertLead(MassLeadconvert);
- August 16, 2018
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Error :"Attempt to de-reference a null object, 3332 "
Below is the method which is throwing "Attempt to de-reference a null object, 3332".Can somebody help?
it is called under Before insert and Update
R2_CLS_CaseTriggerMethods.checkStatusCountAndDate(news, null);
R2_CLS_CaseTriggerMethods.checkStatusCountAndDate(news, olds);
public static void checkStatusCountAndDate(List<Case> news, List<Case> olds){
if(R1_CLS_LogHelper.isRunningTest()){throw new R1_CLS_LogHelper.R1_Exception('test');}
Id rtIdExp = Schema.SObjectType.Case.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Expediente').getRecordTypeId();
Id rtIdCons = Schema.SObjectType.Case.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Consulta').getRecordTypeId();
Id rtIdGDPR = Schema.SObjectType.Case.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('GDPR').getRecordTypeId();
//fill the set with the possible status to close a transction
Set<String> statusEndTransactionSet = new Set<String>();
statusEndTransactionSet.add('Waiting on Iberia');
statusEndTransactionSet.add('Waiting on Cliente');
for (Integer i = 0; i < news.size(); i++) {
if (news[i].RecordTypeId == rtIdExp || news[i].RecordTypeId == rtIdCons || news[i].RecordTypeId == rtIdGDPR) {
//is insert
if (olds == null) {
//check if the status corresponding to a close transaction
if (statusEndTransactionSet.contains(news[i].Status)) {
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_First_Transaction_date__c = System.Today();
news[i].R2_CAS_NUM_Count_Number_Transaction__c = 1;
else if (news[i].Status == 'Reabierto') {
news[i].R2_CAS_NUM_Count_Number_Reopen__c = 1;
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_First_Reopen_Date__c = System.Today();
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_Last_Reopen_Date__c = System.Today();
// is update
else {
if (!statusEndTransactionSet.contains(olds[i].Status) && statusEndTransactionSet.contains(news[i].Status)) {
news[i].R2_CAS_NUM_Count_Number_Transaction__c = olds[i].R2_CAS_NUM_Count_Number_Transaction__c + 1;
if (olds[i].R2_CAS_DAT_First_Transaction_date__c == null) {
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_First_Transaction_date__c = System.Today();
else if (olds[i].Status != news[i].Status && statusEndTransactionSet.contains(olds[i].Status) && news[i].Status == 'Reabierto') {
news[i].R2_CAS_NUM_Count_Number_Reopen__c = olds[i].R2_CAS_NUM_Count_Number_Reopen__c + 1;
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_Last_Reopen_Date__c = System.Today();
if (olds[i].R2_CAS_DAT_First_Reopen_Date__c == null) {
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_First_Reopen_Date__c = System.Today();
if (olds[i].R2_CAS_DAT_Last_Reopen_Date__c != null) {
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_Penultimate_Reopen_Date__c = olds[i].R2_CAS_DAT_Last_Reopen_Date__c;
}catch(Exception exc){
R1_CLS_LogHelper.generateErrorLog('R2_CLS_CaseTriggerMethods.checkStatusCountAndDate()', '', exc.getmessage()+', '+exc.getLineNumber(), 'Case');
it is called under Before insert and Update
R2_CLS_CaseTriggerMethods.checkStatusCountAndDate(news, null);
R2_CLS_CaseTriggerMethods.checkStatusCountAndDate(news, olds);
public static void checkStatusCountAndDate(List<Case> news, List<Case> olds){
if(R1_CLS_LogHelper.isRunningTest()){throw new R1_CLS_LogHelper.R1_Exception('test');}
Id rtIdExp = Schema.SObjectType.Case.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Expediente').getRecordTypeId();
Id rtIdCons = Schema.SObjectType.Case.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Consulta').getRecordTypeId();
Id rtIdGDPR = Schema.SObjectType.Case.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('GDPR').getRecordTypeId();
//fill the set with the possible status to close a transction
Set<String> statusEndTransactionSet = new Set<String>();
statusEndTransactionSet.add('Waiting on Iberia');
statusEndTransactionSet.add('Waiting on Cliente');
for (Integer i = 0; i < news.size(); i++) {
if (news[i].RecordTypeId == rtIdExp || news[i].RecordTypeId == rtIdCons || news[i].RecordTypeId == rtIdGDPR) {
//is insert
if (olds == null) {
//check if the status corresponding to a close transaction
if (statusEndTransactionSet.contains(news[i].Status)) {
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_First_Transaction_date__c = System.Today();
news[i].R2_CAS_NUM_Count_Number_Transaction__c = 1;
else if (news[i].Status == 'Reabierto') {
news[i].R2_CAS_NUM_Count_Number_Reopen__c = 1;
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_First_Reopen_Date__c = System.Today();
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_Last_Reopen_Date__c = System.Today();
// is update
else {
if (!statusEndTransactionSet.contains(olds[i].Status) && statusEndTransactionSet.contains(news[i].Status)) {
news[i].R2_CAS_NUM_Count_Number_Transaction__c = olds[i].R2_CAS_NUM_Count_Number_Transaction__c + 1;
if (olds[i].R2_CAS_DAT_First_Transaction_date__c == null) {
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_First_Transaction_date__c = System.Today();
else if (olds[i].Status != news[i].Status && statusEndTransactionSet.contains(olds[i].Status) && news[i].Status == 'Reabierto') {
news[i].R2_CAS_NUM_Count_Number_Reopen__c = olds[i].R2_CAS_NUM_Count_Number_Reopen__c + 1;
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_Last_Reopen_Date__c = System.Today();
if (olds[i].R2_CAS_DAT_First_Reopen_Date__c == null) {
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_First_Reopen_Date__c = System.Today();
if (olds[i].R2_CAS_DAT_Last_Reopen_Date__c != null) {
news[i].R2_CAS_DAT_Penultimate_Reopen_Date__c = olds[i].R2_CAS_DAT_Last_Reopen_Date__c;
}catch(Exception exc){
R1_CLS_LogHelper.generateErrorLog('R2_CLS_CaseTriggerMethods.checkStatusCountAndDate()', '', exc.getmessage()+', '+exc.getLineNumber(), 'Case');
- Pseudodarwinist
- August 13, 2018
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How to access User Verified Email flag on the User object in apex/VF
I am trying to do a check on a User to see if they have verified their Email/Mobile and I can see that the User object has this field, however I cannot seem to find a way to access it with apex/VF. Any help would be appreciated. I have attached a picture below showing the flag in the list view in Users.
Kind Regards,
I am trying to do a check on a User to see if they have verified their Email/Mobile and I can see that the User object has this field, however I cannot seem to find a way to access it with apex/VF. Any help would be appreciated. I have attached a picture below showing the flag in the list view in Users.
Kind Regards,
- Jay Wang 2
- August 13, 2018
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url type column sorting in datatable
HI All,
I want to sort the column in lightning datatable. All other columns are getting sorted properly except Account Name
<aura:component controller="AccountListController"
implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" >
<aura:attribute type="Account[]" name="acctList"/>
<aura:attribute name="mycolumns" type="List"/>
<aura:attribute name="sortedBy" type="String" default="Name"/>
<aura:attribute name="sortedDirection" type="String" default="asc"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.fetchAccounts}"/>
<lightning:datatable data="{!v.acctList}"
fetchAccounts : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set('v.mycolumns', [
{label: 'Account Name', fieldName: 'accUrl__c', type: 'url', sortable: true,typeAttributes: {label: { fieldName: 'Name' }, target: '_blank',sortable:'true'}},
{label: 'Industry', fieldName: 'Industry', type: 'text'},
{label: 'Type', fieldName: 'Type', type: 'Text'}
var action = component.get("c.fetchAccts");
action.setCallback(this, function(response){
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
component.set("v.acctList", response.getReturnValue());
helper.sortData(component, component.get("v.sortedBy"), component.get("v.sortedDirection"));
updateColumnSorting: function (cmp, event, helper) {
var fieldName = event.getParam('fieldName');
if (fieldName == 'accUrl__c'){fieldName = 'Name';}
alert('fieldName >> '+fieldName);
var sortDirection = event.getParam('sortDirection');
alert('sortDirection >> '+sortDirection);
cmp.set("v.sortedBy", fieldName);
cmp.set("v.sortedDirection", sortDirection);
helper.sortData(cmp, fieldName, sortDirection);
sortData: function (cmp, fieldName, sortDirection) {
var data = cmp.get("v.acctList");
var reverse = sortDirection !== 'asc';
data.sort(this.sortBy(fieldName, reverse))
cmp.set("v.acctList", data);
sortBy: function (field, reverse, primer) {
var key = primer ?
function(x) {return primer(x.hasOwnProperty(field) ? (typeof x[field] === 'string' ? x[field].toLowerCase() : x[field]) : 'aaa')} :
function(x) {return x.hasOwnProperty(field) ? (typeof x[field] === 'string' ? x[field].toLowerCase() : x[field]) : 'aaa'};
alert('direction2 >> '+reverse);
alert('direction3 >> '+reverse);
reverse = !reverse ? 1 : -1;
alert('direction4 >> '+reverse);
return function (a, b) {
// return a = key(a), b = key(b), reverse * ((a > b) - (b > a));
return a = key(a)?key(a):'', b = key(b)?key(b):'', reverse * ((a > b) - (b > a));
Apex Class:
public class AccountListController {
public static List < Account > fetchAccts() {
return [ SELECT Id, Name, Industry, Type,accUrl__c FROM Account ];
accUrl__c is a formula field on Account with return type text : "https://toons-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/one/one.app#/sObject/" &Id& "/view"
I want to sort the column in lightning datatable. All other columns are getting sorted properly except Account Name
<aura:component controller="AccountListController"
implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" >
<aura:attribute type="Account[]" name="acctList"/>
<aura:attribute name="mycolumns" type="List"/>
<aura:attribute name="sortedBy" type="String" default="Name"/>
<aura:attribute name="sortedDirection" type="String" default="asc"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.fetchAccounts}"/>
<lightning:datatable data="{!v.acctList}"
fetchAccounts : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set('v.mycolumns', [
{label: 'Account Name', fieldName: 'accUrl__c', type: 'url', sortable: true,typeAttributes: {label: { fieldName: 'Name' }, target: '_blank',sortable:'true'}},
{label: 'Industry', fieldName: 'Industry', type: 'text'},
{label: 'Type', fieldName: 'Type', type: 'Text'}
var action = component.get("c.fetchAccts");
action.setCallback(this, function(response){
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
component.set("v.acctList", response.getReturnValue());
helper.sortData(component, component.get("v.sortedBy"), component.get("v.sortedDirection"));
updateColumnSorting: function (cmp, event, helper) {
var fieldName = event.getParam('fieldName');
if (fieldName == 'accUrl__c'){fieldName = 'Name';}
alert('fieldName >> '+fieldName);
var sortDirection = event.getParam('sortDirection');
alert('sortDirection >> '+sortDirection);
cmp.set("v.sortedBy", fieldName);
cmp.set("v.sortedDirection", sortDirection);
helper.sortData(cmp, fieldName, sortDirection);
sortData: function (cmp, fieldName, sortDirection) {
var data = cmp.get("v.acctList");
var reverse = sortDirection !== 'asc';
data.sort(this.sortBy(fieldName, reverse))
cmp.set("v.acctList", data);
sortBy: function (field, reverse, primer) {
var key = primer ?
function(x) {return primer(x.hasOwnProperty(field) ? (typeof x[field] === 'string' ? x[field].toLowerCase() : x[field]) : 'aaa')} :
function(x) {return x.hasOwnProperty(field) ? (typeof x[field] === 'string' ? x[field].toLowerCase() : x[field]) : 'aaa'};
alert('direction2 >> '+reverse);
alert('direction3 >> '+reverse);
reverse = !reverse ? 1 : -1;
alert('direction4 >> '+reverse);
return function (a, b) {
// return a = key(a), b = key(b), reverse * ((a > b) - (b > a));
return a = key(a)?key(a):'', b = key(b)?key(b):'', reverse * ((a > b) - (b > a));
Apex Class:
public class AccountListController {
public static List < Account > fetchAccts() {
return [ SELECT Id, Name, Industry, Type,accUrl__c FROM Account ];
accUrl__c is a formula field on Account with return type text : "https://toons-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/one/one.app#/sObject/" &Id& "/view"
- shalini sharma 24
- May 19, 2018
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- 2
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url type column sorting in datatable
HI All,
I want to sort the column in lightning datatable. All other columns are getting sorted properly except Account Name
<aura:component controller="AccountListController"
implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" >
<aura:attribute type="Account[]" name="acctList"/>
<aura:attribute name="mycolumns" type="List"/>
<aura:attribute name="sortedBy" type="String" default="Name"/>
<aura:attribute name="sortedDirection" type="String" default="asc"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.fetchAccounts}"/>
<lightning:datatable data="{!v.acctList}"
fetchAccounts : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set('v.mycolumns', [
{label: 'Account Name', fieldName: 'accUrl__c', type: 'url', sortable: true,typeAttributes: {label: { fieldName: 'Name' }, target: '_blank',sortable:'true'}},
{label: 'Industry', fieldName: 'Industry', type: 'text'},
{label: 'Type', fieldName: 'Type', type: 'Text'}
var action = component.get("c.fetchAccts");
action.setCallback(this, function(response){
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
component.set("v.acctList", response.getReturnValue());
helper.sortData(component, component.get("v.sortedBy"), component.get("v.sortedDirection"));
updateColumnSorting: function (cmp, event, helper) {
var fieldName = event.getParam('fieldName');
if (fieldName == 'accUrl__c'){fieldName = 'Name';}
alert('fieldName >> '+fieldName);
var sortDirection = event.getParam('sortDirection');
alert('sortDirection >> '+sortDirection);
cmp.set("v.sortedBy", fieldName);
cmp.set("v.sortedDirection", sortDirection);
helper.sortData(cmp, fieldName, sortDirection);
sortData: function (cmp, fieldName, sortDirection) {
var data = cmp.get("v.acctList");
var reverse = sortDirection !== 'asc';
data.sort(this.sortBy(fieldName, reverse))
cmp.set("v.acctList", data);
sortBy: function (field, reverse, primer) {
var key = primer ?
function(x) {return primer(x.hasOwnProperty(field) ? (typeof x[field] === 'string' ? x[field].toLowerCase() : x[field]) : 'aaa')} :
function(x) {return x.hasOwnProperty(field) ? (typeof x[field] === 'string' ? x[field].toLowerCase() : x[field]) : 'aaa'};
alert('direction2 >> '+reverse);
alert('direction3 >> '+reverse);
reverse = !reverse ? 1 : -1;
alert('direction4 >> '+reverse);
return function (a, b) {
// return a = key(a), b = key(b), reverse * ((a > b) - (b > a));
return a = key(a)?key(a):'', b = key(b)?key(b):'', reverse * ((a > b) - (b > a));
Apex Class:
public class AccountListController {
public static List < Account > fetchAccts() {
return [ SELECT Id, Name, Industry, Type,accUrl__c FROM Account ];
accUrl__c is a formula field on Account with return type text : "https://toons-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/one/one.app#/sObject/" &Id& "/view"
I want to sort the column in lightning datatable. All other columns are getting sorted properly except Account Name
<aura:component controller="AccountListController"
implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" >
<aura:attribute type="Account[]" name="acctList"/>
<aura:attribute name="mycolumns" type="List"/>
<aura:attribute name="sortedBy" type="String" default="Name"/>
<aura:attribute name="sortedDirection" type="String" default="asc"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.fetchAccounts}"/>
<lightning:datatable data="{!v.acctList}"
fetchAccounts : function(component, event, helper) {
component.set('v.mycolumns', [
{label: 'Account Name', fieldName: 'accUrl__c', type: 'url', sortable: true,typeAttributes: {label: { fieldName: 'Name' }, target: '_blank',sortable:'true'}},
{label: 'Industry', fieldName: 'Industry', type: 'text'},
{label: 'Type', fieldName: 'Type', type: 'Text'}
var action = component.get("c.fetchAccts");
action.setCallback(this, function(response){
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
component.set("v.acctList", response.getReturnValue());
helper.sortData(component, component.get("v.sortedBy"), component.get("v.sortedDirection"));
updateColumnSorting: function (cmp, event, helper) {
var fieldName = event.getParam('fieldName');
if (fieldName == 'accUrl__c'){fieldName = 'Name';}
alert('fieldName >> '+fieldName);
var sortDirection = event.getParam('sortDirection');
alert('sortDirection >> '+sortDirection);
cmp.set("v.sortedBy", fieldName);
cmp.set("v.sortedDirection", sortDirection);
helper.sortData(cmp, fieldName, sortDirection);
sortData: function (cmp, fieldName, sortDirection) {
var data = cmp.get("v.acctList");
var reverse = sortDirection !== 'asc';
data.sort(this.sortBy(fieldName, reverse))
cmp.set("v.acctList", data);
sortBy: function (field, reverse, primer) {
var key = primer ?
function(x) {return primer(x.hasOwnProperty(field) ? (typeof x[field] === 'string' ? x[field].toLowerCase() : x[field]) : 'aaa')} :
function(x) {return x.hasOwnProperty(field) ? (typeof x[field] === 'string' ? x[field].toLowerCase() : x[field]) : 'aaa'};
alert('direction2 >> '+reverse);
alert('direction3 >> '+reverse);
reverse = !reverse ? 1 : -1;
alert('direction4 >> '+reverse);
return function (a, b) {
// return a = key(a), b = key(b), reverse * ((a > b) - (b > a));
return a = key(a)?key(a):'', b = key(b)?key(b):'', reverse * ((a > b) - (b > a));
Apex Class:
public class AccountListController {
public static List < Account > fetchAccts() {
return [ SELECT Id, Name, Industry, Type,accUrl__c FROM Account ];
accUrl__c is a formula field on Account with return type text : "https://toons-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/one/one.app#/sObject/" &Id& "/view"
- shalini sharma 24
- May 19, 2018
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