• Abhishek VONTELA 11
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My Shifts Pending Approval Report is showing following error I have tried all the filters (status confirmed or canceled and Pending shift

Thanks in Advance User-added image
I am scheduled to take my adm exam on July 2nd. I am VERY nervous as I am new to Salesforce. I have taken online course, completed quite a few trailhead trails/modules, and have taken a lot of practice exams. Any tips/words of encouragement? :)
Sorry to bother, I tried searching but could not find any questions regarding an error I am experiencing when trying to follow the steps for creating a custom object.

On the topic mentioned above (Understand Custom & Standard Objects) from the module Data Modeling there is a section in which you are required to create a custom field ("Price") to a custom object previously created ("Property").

I follow all the steps mentioned on the topic:

Create a Custom Field
The Property object we just created is pretty bare-bones. Let’s add some custom fields to it. Head back to your Trailhead Playground.
 1. From Setup, go to Object Manager | Property.
 2. In the sidebar, click Fields & Relationships. Notice that there are already some fields there. There’s a name field and some of the system fields we talked about earlier.
 3. Click New in the top right.
 4. For data type, select Currency.
 5. Click Next.
 6. Fill out the following:
    1. Field Label: Price
    2. Description: The listed sale price of the home.
 7. Check the Required box.
 8. Click Next, Next again, and then Save.
You’ll see your new Price field in the list of Property fields. In the Field Name column, notice that it says Price__c. The “__c” part is an easy way to tell that a particular field is a custom field.

The problem I am facing is with the currency data type it seems, because whenever I try to go and add a new property I am thrown the following error:

Error when trying to create a new Property

Technical stuff:
Uncaught afterRender threw an error in 'ui:inputSmartNumber' [Invalid regular expression: /[^a-zA-Z]k(?:\)|(\)?(?:\))?)?$/: Unterminated group]
throws at https://playful-moose-230944-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/auraFW/javascript/bZa2QajUSmHCPiEKj7zMjw/aura_prod.js:34:15. Caused by: afterRender threw an error in 'ui:inputSmartNumber' [Invalid regular expression: /[^a-zA-Z]k(?:\)|(\)?(?:\))?)?$/: Unterminated group]

I am quite certain that this is being caused by the currency data type because I tried removing it and adding a simple check box just to test it out and that works fine. See below:

Correct Property

Has anyone else come across this issue? And how did you end up solving it? I am on Lightning Experience

Thank you very much in advance.
I am trying to set a picklist default in a flow screen input field. Im SFDC the field, actually 2, both have default values but in the flow the deafults are not there. I am trying to get them to preselct but cannot seem to find the correct setting. Any ideas?