• Manuj Pandey 18
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I'm trying to create a class based on files, which is ContentDocument object.  I'm trying to create a map where the key is the ID of the ContentDocument and the value is a list of LinkedEntityId that are related to the key.  

I'm not sure how to do this.  I took a shot here but I don't think it's correct.  

I'm thinking that the key is correct, but I don't know how to get the values for each key.  Each key will have a few Ids for the value. 

***I'm passing a list called 'docs' from a trigger.  The list is essentially all of the docs that were passed from trigger.new

  public static void ProcessFiles(List<ContentDocument> docs){
Map<Id,List<ContentDocumentLink>> FilesMap = New Map<Id,List<ContentDocumentLink>>();
List<ContentDocumentLink> l = [SELECT LinkedEntityId FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE ContentDocumentId IN : docs];

        for(ContentDocument c : docs){

Any help would be awesome!