• sagar sanu
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  • Member since 2018

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Hii all,
I have a very important requirement to complete...I need to create a page in lightning aura component...am very new to lightning and not able to create it properly...I need a separate date, month and year picklist or dropdown type field in my page but not able to do it..kindly please help me with this..I have attach the image of my page view..User-added image

In my Vf page i have a selection radio option.. i want to have a javascript function which will show validation message whenever i click save button without selecting the radio options.. kindly plz help me with this.

   <apex:selectradio id="modeFamilyTraveling" value="{!modeFamilyTraveling}" layout="pageDirection" style="font-weight:0px !important;" >
 <apex:selectOptions value="{!transportMode}"></apex:selectOptions>

How can i remove the side scrolling options from my vf page component.. not able to get it kindly plz help me with the solutions
Hello, I got a question for retriving data. For example, if I use code like this: <apex:outputtext value="{!Case.Owner.Name}" /> and I can get a text show on my web page. But how can I know where does each value after dot come from, is that simply (object name) . (field name) . (data wanna retrive). But how can I know the exact name of data that I wanna retrive?  The example I showed is a bad example, cuz I assume that the name of data I wanna retrive maybe call Name, yet I dont know where to find it.     Thanks for helping.