• Gabriel Kremer 9
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  • Member since 2018

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I am searching for a way to get long text areas automatically expanded.
The long text ares in my flow happen to be in a standard size not displaying all of the text. 
The user has to expand the window with the little triangle on the right side which seems a bit like lazy work.

Does one of you have an idea how to make the field automatically expand? Using a lightning component or any setup within the flow is okay for me, CSS too.




I created a flow which redirects at its end to another record. Currently the Errormessage "Action already completed. We’ve refreshed the Action List." occurs. The flow is distributed via the Guided Action List as a quick action. The redirection is handled by a lightning component.
Any suggestions how to avoid the error? Thanks!


Hey guys,

i am trying to prevent the user from creating a record with this validation - formula:
IF( {!Abwesenheitsgruende} = {!KrankheitIdUndName.Id}, 
 TODAY() - {!Beginn} < 15 &&  
 YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR({!Beginn}) > -1 
 TODAY() - {!Beginn} < 1 &&
 YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR({!Beginn}) > -1
{!Ende} - {!Beginn} >= 0

Unfortunaly this formula everytime evaluates to true. Do you have any suggestions?
I appreciate it!


I want to use Business Hours in my flow. The problem is that I can't retrieve the needed fields of the User's Business Hours.
The object Business Hours is accesible but not the requested fields.
Does on of you have advice how to solve the problem within my flow?
Thank you!


I am trying to implement my own email-to-case class and I have the following code, which is working in my sandbox, to create an EmailMessage on a case using email services:
EmailMessage[] newEmail = new EmailMessage[0];
newEmail.add(new EmailMessage(FromAddress = email.fromAddress,
FromName = email.fromName,
ToAddress = email.toAddresses[0],
Subject = email.subject,
TextBody = email.plainTextBody,
HtmlBody = email.htmlBody,
ParentId = newCase[0].Id, 
ActivityId = newTask[0].Id));   // (newCase and newTask are the newly created case and task from earlier code)
insert newEmail;
I have several questions.  Is it possible to set the email message status to "New"?  If I attempt to add "Status = 'New'" in the .add() method I get an error: Message: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST, Status: bad value for restricted picklist field: New: [Status] null.  If I don't attempt to set the status, it defaults to "Sent".
Also, does anyone have any sample code to share that adds headers and attachments from an inbound email to an Email Message object?  I'm struggling with that one.
Another minor issue that is bugging me is that in the Email Section of the Case page in my sandbox, the column labelled "Email Address" shows the 'to address' and my production version using the the standard SFDC email to case application will have the 'from address' (contact's address) displayed.  Does anyone know what field in the Email Message object this data comes from?
Thanks for the help!