• Xi Shuang
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Hello Guys,

I have been using embedded service for a while, I wanted to hide the standard button and start the chat with some custom button and for that I tried to use below code snippent. However, it gives me error all the time as Cannot read property "startChat" of undefined. If I print the object embedded_svc in the console, it comes fine. However, embedded_svc.liveAgentAPI gives and error. Can you please help what may have gone wrong?
	directToAgentRouting: {
	buttonId: “573xx0000000000”,
	// userId: “”,
	fallback: true
extraPrechatInfo: [],
extraPrechatFormDetails: []

Hello All,

I am using a visualforce page to add the embedded service chat, as it is going to be chat between internal users and agent. I want to use the logged in user name as visitor name and email. I don't need a pre chat form and want this basic information to be taken from logged in user. Is there a way by which we can do this? I saw some options to override the prechat info in script however that works only if I have a pre chat form


I have a question regarding the execution order of Trigger, Workflow and Process. I know there are plenty of resource there but none of them match my case.
Right now our project have bunch of trigger logic, workflow and process are being used upon the Case object. According to this post, process will be executed after workflow(#12 and #13)https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_triggers_order_of_execution.htm?search_text=order
I was wondering:
  1. Since the workflow's update fields will fire another round of UPDATE trigger, if the UPDATE trigger is occurred before or after process?And which values(old or new) are taken into account when process is executed?
  2. How can I determine a UPDATE trigger is fired from Salesforce UI, SOAP API, workflow or process? I would like to add some logic inside UPDATE trigger to detect the source of the update request.

Very appreciate if anyone has some clues.

i not understanding usage of junction object .

Please explain usage and how to create junction object with a example

I am following the guidelines from the Chatter guide and somehow I can't get the OAuth to work. 


It's not working from Java or curl.   Here is what I am doing:


mike$ curl --form client_id=3MVG9yZ.WNe6bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxu5AjB4oT9kxi8SEhY --form client_secret=26542xxxxxxxxxxx78  --form grant_type=password --form username=xxxxxxxx@gmail.com --form password=xxxxxxx https://na11.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token


What I am getting is:

{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"authentication failure - Invalid Password"}


I double checked and I am getting into na11 with the right password.  Is there anything else I need to do?


Here are the settings in my remote access:



Callback URLhttps://na11.salesforce.com/ConnectTest/oauth/_callback /// temp one

No user approval required for users in this organizationNot Checked