• Syed Insha Jawaid 2
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what is direction of flow in lwc
Hi All - I am trying to embed external web page in Salesforce Account record page using Aura component, I am trying the below approach which is working for me but need better way without harding the URL and passing the account id as well. can some one help me out on this.

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >
    <iframe src="https://externalwebpage?id=XXXXXX"            
            sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms"
Hi able to save the class but changes are not reflectiong in the account

trigger  Checking on Customer_Policy_details__c (Before Insert , Before Update , After Insert , After update) {

if(trigger.isbefore == true &&(trigger.isinsert == true || trigger.isupdate == true)) {



if(trigger.isafter == true &&(trigger.isinsert == true || trigger.isupdate == true)) {



Public Class CPDclass{

Public Static void beforemethod(List<Customer_Policy_details__c> CPDlist){

                for(Customer_Policy_details__c varc : CPDlist){

                        varc.Text_for_before__c =  'before exec';



    Public Static void Aftermethod(List<Customer_Policy_details__c> CPDlist1){

                       set<string> varset = new set<string>();

              for(Customer_Policy_details__c varc : CPDlist1){


      List<Account> varacc = [SELECT id,Name,(SELECT id FROM Customer_Policy_details__r) From Account Where id in: varset];

        if(varacc.size() > 0) {
               for(Account a :varacc){

                      a.Name = 'after exec';
            update varacc;


In a before update trigger with Trigger.new and Trigger.oldMap, do the following three groups contain identical values?
  1. The element Ids of Trigger.new
  2. The Ids in Trigger.oldMap.keySet()
  3. The element Ids of Trigger.oldMap.values()
public class testingarryfuction {

   public StateInfodetails StateInfodetailswraper{get;set;}
   public string Stateidselected{get;set;}
   public boolean isSelected{get;set;}
    public  testingarryfuction (){
    string teststring ='{ "sucess":1,"data":{"Stateidselected":"2","StateInfodetails":{"stateName": "Andrapradesh","value": "apx" ,"rating":5},"isSelected":true}}';
    Map<String, Object> maptest =   (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(teststring);
    system.debug('mapped and deserialized data is::'+maptest);
      Object ob = (Object)maptest.get('data');    
       system.debug('get data is::'+ob);
     String srlze  = System.JSON.serialize(ob); 
      system.debug('again deserailized is ::'+srlze );
       StateInfodetailswraper = (StateInfodetails)System.JSON.deserialize(srlze,StateInfodetails.class);
     system.debug('deserilize using the wrapperclass::::::'+StateInfodetailswraper );
     //this is a wrapper class 
     public class StateInfodetails{
     public string stateName{get;set;}
     public string  value{get;set;}
     public integer rating{get;set;}


After debugging , iam getting the value as: NULL...!

Can anyone have a solution to serialize it .. thank you ...!
I am trying to call the flow through an apex class I created to attach the files to the Account object using Conga Template. This is the apex class I had created for the same.
public class FileAttachment{

    public static void file(List<Id> presId) {
        Set<Id> presc = new Set<Id>();
    public static void sendReq(Set<Id> medId) {
        HealthCloudGA__EhrMedicationPrescription__c m = [SELECT Id,HealthCloudGA__Prescriber__c,HealthCloudGA__Account__c 
                                                         FROM HealthCloudGA__EhrMedicationPrescription__c
                                                         WHERE Id IN :medId];  
        Account a = [SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName FROM Account WHERE Id = :m.HealthCloudGA__Account__c];
        String sessId = UserInfo.getSessionId();
        String servUrl = Url.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/services/Soap/u/29.0/'+UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
        String url2 = 'https://www.appextremes.com/apps/conga/pm.aspx'+
            '&serverUrl='+EncodingUtil.urlEncode(servUrl, 'UTF-8')+
        Http http = new Http();
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        // Send the request, and return a response
        HttpResponse res = http.send(req);
        //return res.getStatus() + ' => ' + res.getBody();
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage semail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
        String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'wade08@gmail.com'};

        semail.setSubject('Single Email message Example'); 
        semail.setPlainTextBody('Hello!!!!!!!!!!This is a test email to test single email message program '+url2); 
        Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {semail}); 

And I executed this in the anonymous window:

I am getting this error:
Line: 1, Column: 32
Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void sendReq(String) from the type FileAttachment
  • December 02, 2019
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I'd really appreciate some help. Our instance migration is happening this weekend. I've tried using Eclipse with Force.com IDE to find our hard-coded references, and have followed the instructions here https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000230820&language=en_US&type=1
however, every time I search, I get zero results. Where am I going wrong??

I really need some help. I don't understand why this is happening when I've followed the instructions?


I am sending an email from the apex code, the email is getting attached to th accounts but the attachments are not geting attached to the email.
Attachments section is null
  • January 09, 2019
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I have made an @invocableMethod , And I grab some values like Queue ID and Record ID form my Custom Object (QueueDistroHelper__c) . 
All I want to do is Get all users who are in  the Queue (I grab the queue ID from custom field on the Custom object) . And then show all that users on  a field called Queue_Members__c on same Custom object . 
I am not able to add the results to custom field 
Here is my code 
global class lookUpAccountAnnotation {
public class inputValues{
        @InvocableVariable(label='Queue ID' required=true)
        public string QueueId;
        @InvocableVariable(label='Record Id' required=true)
        public Id recordid;
    public static void deletePackageLicense(List<inputValues> inputs){
      for (inputValues i : inputs)
      List<QueueDistroHelper__c> getcurrentobject =  [SELECT Queue_Members__c FROM QueueDistroHelper__c WHERE Id=:i.recordid  LIMIT 1];
      List<User> users =  [SELECT
                    id IN ( SELECT userOrGroupId FROM groupmember WHERE groupId = :i.QueueID )
                    isActive = true
                ORDER BY
      for (User test : users ){
     //Add User.name in Queue_Members__c

So all I want to do is add the test.name to  Queue_Members__c
Hello,  we are going to start to restrict some objects sharing, and we found that we cannot create the __share custom metadata for the objects, as per the documentation, salesforce creates them when the sharing of the objet is changed from public.

Our concer is that we have a metadata repository to store all our project metadata, and to use it to deploy at our different orgs (Dev, Int, Pre) prior to deploy to prod, but so far, we are not able to find the metadata type to be used with ANT to download this custom metadata named "...__shared"
Not sure if is because this is not available, or if it has a different metadata type. We just want to generate the __share, extract it with ANT from one Sandbox, and upload to a different one with ANT (if this is not possible, almost to get it from the sandbox and store it at our repository)
Here I have written code for lightning component. I have needed that when error occures then button should not call action 

<aura:component controller="ContactsController" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global">
    <aura:attribute name="conInfo" type="contact" default="{'sobjectType':'contact','LastName':'','firstName':''}"/>
    <!-- CREATE NEW Contact -->
    <div aria-labelledby="newconform" style="display:flex;justify-content:center;">
        <!-- BOXED AREA -->
        <fieldset class="slds-box slds-theme--default" style="width:40%;">
            <form class="slds-form--stacked">          
                <lightning:input  aura:id="conform" label="First Name"
                                 messageWhenValueMissing="First Name is Required."
                <lightning:input aura:id="conform" label="Last Name"
                                 messageWhenValueMissing="Last Name is Required."
                <lightning:input aura:id="conform" label="Email"
                                 messageWhenValueMissing="Email is Required."
                  <lightning:input aura:id="conform" label="Phone"
                                 messageWhenValueMissing="Phone is Required."  
                   <lightning:input aura:id="conform" label="Street"
                                 messageWhenValueMissing="Street is Required."    
                   <lightning:input aura:id="conform" label="City"
                                 messageWhenValueMissing="City is Required."    
                 <lightning:input aura:id="conform" label="State"
                                 messageWhenValueMissing="State is Required."  
                        <lightning:input aura:id="conform" label="Country"
                                 messageWhenValueMissing="Country is Required."         
                <lightning:button label="Next" 
            <!-- / CREATE Contact -->
        <!-- / BOXED AREA -->
I'm braindead today and can't figure out the simplest of things.  

I have a custom object called VRNA__Policy__c.  
This object has a lookup relationship to ACCOUNT that's called VRNA__Issuing_Carrier__c.
I need to get the email address from the ACCOUNT lookup (VRNA__Issuing_Carrier__c) that's on the Policy record. 

This basic query works fine, but doesn't get the email address:
[SELECT VRNA__Issuing_Carrier__c FROM VRNA__Policy__c WHERE VRNA__Account__c =: Id AND RecordTypeID = '012f4000000giyZ']

I've tried:
[SELECT VRNA__Issuing_Carrier__c.email__c FROM VRNA__Policy__c WHERE VRNA__Account__c =: Id AND RecordTypeID = '012f4000000giyZ']

Shouldn't that work?  I'm getting an error that it doesn't understand the relationship.   

I created a flow and a button to launch it.
The flow was debuged and works perfectly. But when I try to launch it using a custom button I receive an error:

"We can't launch this flow because of a variable error. Send this error message to your admin. The value 19/12/2019 is being provided for variable TermEndDate but isn't compatible with the variable's data type (Date)...
As you can see the value is Date type. I doubled checked that the field referenced is indeed Date type.

Can anyone please direct me to how to solve this?


I have a question about campaign influence. 

So I know that if a contact is added to an opportunity that any campaign that was associated to the contact before the contact is associated with the opportunity will be added to the opportunity. My question is if that contact is added to another campaign before the opportunity closes will the newly added campaign be added to the opportunity. 

If the answer is no, is there a way to create a trigger that will do it for me?

Hi all,
Need help in trigger,

Whenever a Contact is updated and only if any of the values for the below fields changed(Oldmap and NewMap values.)

Member Id
Preferred language

For all the contacts verified against Opportunity Contact roles with IsPrimary = true. Then fetch all the Opportunities and update the values for corresponding 3 fields in Opportunity record.

Costco Member Id
Preferred language
One day we could access our partner community with no problem, the next we are getting a blank screen when logging in, and the error above when in the builder.  I am at a loss.  I have not done any special coding, and I am not getting the help I need to resolve my issue.  Help!

I have below error when i run the ANt retrive command
Buildfile: C:\Users\Gyra\Music\apache-ant-1.9.4\bin\build.xml

[sf:retrieve] Note: use ant -verbose to get more information on the failure

C:\Users\Gyra\Music\apache-ant-1.9.4\bin\build.xml:14: Failed to login: Failed
 to send request to https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/38.0

Total time: 23 seconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">

any suggestions ?
  • December 17, 2018
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Need to understand what this lines of Trigger actually means as I'm new to Triggers.
								opportunity.CurrencyISOCode = accountSalesArea.CurrencyISOCode; 
                                opportunity.Account_Sales_Area_TI__c = accountSalesArea.Id;
                                opportunity.INCO_Term__c = accountSalesArea.Incoterms__c;
                                opportunity.Price_List__c = accountSalesArea.Price_List__c;
                                if(Trigger.isInsert && Trigger.isBefore && opportunity.Payment_Term__c == null)
                                    opportunity.Payment_Term__c = accountSalesArea.Payment_Terms__c;
                                else if(Trigger.isUpdate && Trigger.isBefore)
                                    Opportunity tempOpty = (Opportunity)Trigger.oldMap.get(opportunity.Id);
                                    if(tempOpty.Sales_Area__c != null && tempOpty.Sales_Area__c != opportunity.Sales_Area__c && tempOpty.Payment_Term__c == opportunity.Payment_Term__c)
                                        opportunity.Payment_Term__c = accountSalesArea.Payment_Terms__c;
                                //opportunity.Payment_Term__c = accountSalesArea.Payment_Terms__c;
                                opportunity.INCO_Term_Location__c = accountSalesArea.Incoterms_2__c;

Hello All,
how to retrieve record id from map using custom filed.
List<String> lststringid =  new List<String>();
                for(Servicing_Error__c se : lstservicingerror)
                    if(se.Fastrack_Work_Order__c != null)
                         lststringid.add(se.Fastrack_Work_Order__c) ;  
                Map<id,workOrder> mapWorkOrder = new Map<id,workOrder>([Select id,FAStrackIdentifier__c from WorkOrder where FAStrackIdentifier__c IN:lststringid]); 
                for(Servicing_Error__c se2:lstservicingerror)
                    if(Se2.Fastrack_Work_Order__c != null)
                         se2.Fastrack_Work_Order__c = mapWorkOrder.get(se2.Fastrack_Work_Order__c).id; 

I am getting below error:
System.StringException: Invalid id: 23982178: External entry point
Hi All,

I am trying to output a date type of yyyy-MM-dd, not as a string. I can create the correctly formatted string and insert that into a set.
currentDate = Date.today().toStartofMonth(); // Outputs 2018-12-01 00:00:00

firstDayOfCurrentMonth = currentDate.addMonths(i).toStartofMonth();

String currentDateString = String.valueOf(firstDayOfCurrentMonth).removeEnd(' 00:00:00'); // Outputs 2018-12-01 as a string

However, the issue is converting that string back into the Date type using either .valueOf or .parse
// Outputs 2018-12-01 00:00:00

Date.valueOf(currentDateString.removeEnd(' 00:00:00'))
// Outputs 2018-12-01 00:00:00

// Throws error with Invalid Date : 2018-12-01

My question is, how can I convert the correctly formatted string back into the Date type?

Many thanks!!
Is it possible to get back the metadat of a deleted scratch org?
Hi All,

I am accessing the SalesForce composite resources through HttpClient and RestClient but I am getting the error [{"message":"Session expired or invalid","errorCode":"INVALID_SESSION_ID"}], I already rest the password and regenerated the Security token and passing correctly ClientId, Client Secret, user name and password+security token but getting session expired error.

I am able to get the access token but when supplying that access token to update an object at the sales force than getting the session expired error.

But when I am trying to make a call through postman then everything is working fine.

I have a LWR site through it anyone access it anywhere and  create leads through it and its Publicy Available to all.(Its working FIne for All User)
Now to provide some security this to Site I wnat to add Mobile / Email  verifiation to this site.
So when any person enters his Mobile/Email it should send OTP  then verify the OTP After successful verification Provide access to this SIte to that User.

How to achieve this Mobile/Email Verification to this Site.
Can anyone suggest with best solution for this
We registered an external service, the Apex classes are generated, we can see them in the Apex Classes list under Dynamic classes, but we could not figure out, how to access the classes from VS Code or from the developer console. Is there a (hidden) configuration or other setting, which we did not see and that is not discribed anywhere?
We have one Custom object "Target Setting" in this object Territory manager sets Annual target for Distributor for each quarter. when Territory manager save the record, all the data will be copied to another custom object named as "Distributor target" for this object Distributor have accept button, as distributor accepts the target, records will create in another custom object Which is "Secondary Sales performance" for each quarter.
How can i achieve it Please guide me....
I need to create a dashboard that shows what is the most rented itens, but I only can check the status of the item to see if it´s 'Rented' or 'Available'. Does anyome have any idea of what I can do? 


I have created one LWR site in it I have added Lead Form Component I but I am uable to create lead from it.
User-added image

And I want both Authencated and unauthencated user Can directly create lead from it.
Hello, I have a trigger that populates the ContentDocumentId into a field. Now i would to like to populate the version Id too, but i dont know how to get it into the field VersionId__c  
trigger ContentIdEintragen on ContentDocumentLink (after insert, before update) {
    map<id,id> parentids = new map<id,id>();
    for(ContentDocumentLink cdl:trigger.new){
    List<Mediathek__c> ContentDocumentIdupdate = new List<Mediathek__c>();
    for(Mediathek__c mt:[select id from Mediathek__c where id IN:parentids.keyset()]){
            mt.ContentDocumentID__c = parentids.get(mt.id);
            mt.VersionId__c =... ;
    update ContentDocumentIdupdate;


I have a page using tables.

<td class="table td">Data</td>
<td class="table td_right">{!formularioVisita.Data__c}</td>

How i can format the data?

I tried some things using the apex but not sucess at all.



I got some trouble trying to display the sub-querry from Child fields.
Apex controller:

public class FormController {

    private final FormularioDeVisita__c formulario;

    public FormularioVisitaPdfController() {
        if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') != null){
        formulario = [
          ChequeEmpresa__c, SedePropria__c, CNPJ__c, MercadoExternoCliente__c, DataFundacao__c,
                FormInfoPercent__c, FormInfoText__c, FormInfoCheckbox__c, FormInfoDate__c, FormInfoCurrency__c,
                FormInfoPercentDecimal__c, FormularioVisita__c
            from FormularioVisitaChild__r) 
        from FormularioDeVisita__c 
        WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];

    public FormularioDeVisita__c getformularioVisita() {
            return formulario;

    public PageReference save() {
        update formulario;
        return null;

Example from Visualforce page:
         <td class="table td">Mercado livre?</td>
         <td class="table td_right">{!formularioVisita.MercadoLivre__c}</td>

Using that format i can display the Father querrys without problem: {formularioVisita."any"}.

But when i try to use a field from the sub-querry, i cant make it work.
Thanks for any help!


I have created an LWC component to create a new Quote. Created an Aura Application and called a component from the Visualforce page. I have created a List button and called the visualforce page.
The issue is when clicking on the list button lightning record edit form is showing but the Save & Cancel buttons are not working. If I use lwc alone it is working but within the VF page, it is not working.
Any idea what I missed here?
I have a lwc which displays few account fields. I am using wire service to display account field values. But when there is no value, it shows undefined as a value in LWC. I want to show it as a blank. 
I tried several ways but couldn't come up with a solution. Please help.
Here is the javascript code:

export default class AccountTab extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    @api accountList;
    @wire(getAccounts, {recordId:'$recordId'})
            this.accountList = data;
            console.log('current record id : '+this.recordId);
        }else if(error){
Here's my code:
    <div class="business-days-container">
        <h4 class="header">{flowLabel}<abbr class="slds-required" hidden={required}>* </abbr></h4>
        <template if:false={readonly}>
            <div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
                <div class="day slds lds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_3-of-12">Monday</div>
                <div class="day-time slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_9-of-12 inline-flex-wrap">
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="monday_in"  placeholder="HH:MM" label="" value={mondayVal.open}></lightning-input>
                    <span class="flex-item span-item"> to </span>
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="monday_out" placeholder="HH:MM" label="" value={mondayVal.close}></lightning-input>
            <div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
                <div class="day slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_3-of-12">Tuesday</div>
                <div class="day-time slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_9-of-12 inline-flex-wrap">
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="tuesday_in"  placeholder="HH:MM" label="" value={tuesdayVal.open}></lightning-input>
                    <span class="flex-item span-item"> to </span>
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="tuesday_out" placeholder="HH:MM" label="" value={tuesdayVal.close}></lightning-input>
            <div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
                <div class="day slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_3-of-12">Wednesday</div>
                <div class="day-time slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_9-of-12 inline-flex-wrap">
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="wednesday_in"  placeholder="HH:MM"  label="" value={wednesdayVal.open}></lightning-input>
                    <span class="flex-item span-item"> to </span>
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="wednesday_out" placeholder="HH:MM" label="" value={wednesdayVal.close}></lightning-input>
            <div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
                <div class="day slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_3-of-12">Thursday</div>
                <div class="day-time slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_9-of-12 inline-flex-wrap">
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="thursday_in"  placeholder="HH:MM" label="" value={thursdayVal.open}></lightning-input>
                    <span class="flex-item span-item"> to </span>
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="thursday_out" placeholder="HH:MM" label="" value={thursdayVal.close}></lightning-input>
            <div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
                <div class="day slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_3-of-12">Friday</div>
                <div class="day-time slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_9-of-12 inline-flex-wrap">
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="friday_in"  placeholder="HH:MM" label="" value={fridayVal.open}></lightning-input>
                    <span class="flex-item span-item"> to </span>
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="friday_out" placeholder="HH:MM" label="" value={fridayVal.close}></lightning-input>
            <div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
                <div class="day slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_3-of-12">Saturday</div>
                <div class="day-time slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_9-of-12 inline-flex-wrap">
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="saturday_in"  placeholder="HH:MM" label="" value={saturdayVal.open}></lightning-input>
                    <span class="flex-item span-item"> to </span>
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="saturday_out" placeholder="HH:MM"  label="" value={saturdayVal.close}></lightning-input>
            <div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
                <div class="day slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_3-of-12">Sunday</div>
                <div class="day-time slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_9-of-12 inline-flex-wrap">
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="sunday_in"  placeholder="HH:MM" label="" value={sundayVal.open}></lightning-input>
                    <span class="flex-item span-item"> to </span>
                    <lightning-input onchange={handleTimeChange} class="flex-item" read-only={readonly} type="time" variant="label-hidden" name="sunday_out" placeholder="HH:MM"  label="" value={sundayVal.close}></lightning-input>
<template if:true={readonly}>
            <div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
                <div class="slds-col slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_1-of-3">Monday</div>
                <div class="slds-col slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_2-of-3 inline-flex-wrap">
                    <template if:true={mondayClosed}>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">Close</span>
<template if:false={mondayClosed}>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{mondayVal.open}</span>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">to</span>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{mondayVal.close}</span>
<div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
    <div class="slds-col slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_1-of-3">Tuesday</div>
    <div class="slds-col slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_1-of-3 inline-flex-wrap">
        <template if:true={tuesdayClosed}>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">Close</span>
        <template if:false={tuesdayClosed}>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{tuesdayVal.open}</span>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">to</span>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{tuesdayVal.close}</span>
<div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
    <div class="slds-col slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_1-of-3">Wednesday</div>
    <div class="slds-col slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_1-of-3 inline-flex-wrap">
        <template if:true={wednesdayClosed}>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">Close</span>
        <template if:false={wednesdayClosed}>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{wednesdayVal.open}</span>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">to</span>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{wednesdayVal.close}</span>
<div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
    <div class="slds slds-size_1-of-3">Thursday</div>
    <div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_6-of-12 inline-flex-wrap">
        <template if:true={thursdayClosed}>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">Close</span>
        <template if:false={thursdayClosed}>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{thursdayVal.open}</span>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">to</span>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{thursdayVal.close}</span>
<div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
    <div class="slds slds-size_1-of-3">Friday</div>
    <div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_6-of-12 inline-flex-wrap">
        <template if:true={fridayClosed}>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">Close</span>
        <template if:false={fridayClosed}>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{fridayVal.open}</span>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">to</span>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{fridayVal.close}</span>
<div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
    <div class="slds slds-size_1-of-3">Saturday</div>
    <div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_6-of-12 inline-flex-wrap">
        <template if:true={saturdayClosed}>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">Close</span>
        <template if:false={saturdayClosed}>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{saturdayVal.open}</span>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">to</span>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{saturdayVal.close}</span>
<div class="day-wrap slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutter">
    <div class="slds slds-size_1-of-3">Sunday</div>
    <div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-small-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_12-of-12 slds-large-size_6-of-12 inline-flex-wrap">
        <template if:true={sundayClosed}>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">Close</span>
        <template if:false={sundayClosed}>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{sundayVal.open}</span>
                        <span class="flex-item span-item view-only">to</span>
                        <span class="span-item view-only uppercased">{sundayVal.close}</span>
User-added imageIf I were to put a value on Monday like the picture above I want the field beside it to be required if I were to push the proceed button which was not included in the screenshot. The same goes for the other days. The solution should go both ways if I were to put the value on the next dropbox the other field should be required as well. How do I do this?

Need Help. Thanks in advance
Hi Dev Team,

We have a functionality on VF page, it works completely fine for desktop version and also from mobile chrome version and if users are trying to access this functionality using salesforce standard  mobile application we are not getting any resopnse on the page.
We have raised this issue with mobile application team , they are not able to provide proper support. 
Can anyone help us on this ?
Valuable feedbacks will be appreciated !

The first 2 have same id and 2nd having same id. I want to combined records based on IDs

Target__c:{ActualJun__c=1006019.98, Id=a0C7E00000D2UdeUAF}
 Target__c:{Actualoct__c=1331.01, Id=a0C7E00000D2UdeUAF}

Target__c:{ActualJun__c=1006019.98, Id=a0C7E00000D2V4GUAV}
 Target__c:{Actualoct__c=1331.01, Id=a0C7E00000D2V4GUAV}

Hi Devs,

I have 2 custom objects

1) order having  fields -> orderId, pobox, emailaddress etc. some of these are required fields.
2) item refer to order in master detail relationship, order was created first so assuming that will be master.

item having fields -> itemid, category, orderId , Order__c

WHen I make post call on item without any fields of Order in payload it return exception saying "message": "Required fields are missing: [Order__c]"

My questions is  do I need to pass all fields of "order" object when I do POST on  item object  or just those which  are required once under order object field definition? Or Is there any other way to refence the order object  while making post call to item object?  


Salesforce sObject User represents a person who has a login account hence ability to login. In a multi-tenanted solution where different Users login to see objects and information only of their own organization. For example in Salesforce Healthcloud practitioner and patients belonging to a Healthcare Facility.

We have NOT found any field in sObject User or another object which links the user object to an Account, Organization or a Healthcare Facility enabling creation of multi-tenant solution which one server support multiple organization i.e. when users login they only see and can modify information belonging to their own organization.

How do we link a User to an Account, Organization or Healthcare Facility?
Certified Salesforce Admin & Developer with hands-on experience in Apex classes, triggers, visual force pages & lighting concepts. Looking for contract/ full-time job. Ready to join immediately and relocate anywhere in the United States. Authorized to work for any employer in the USA. 
Please reach out to me at mahidhar.akarapu@gmail.com.
We're looking for a Salesforce developer to oversee the development and administration of our Salesforce instance.
Ideally, you're an independent Salesforce contractor who can contribute about 20h/week on a long term basis, enjoy working remotely and collaborate well with distributed team.
  • Salesforce Admin and Dev certified
  • Minimum 3 years of Salesforce application development
  • Experience with integration of systems and 3rd party apps within Salesforce
  • Experience with Marketo a plus
  • Knowledge of SFDC governor limits and guidelines
  • Experience working in an Agile or SCRUM environment
  • Ability to communicate technical recommendations to non-technical stakeholders 
  • Able to work remotely within PST business hours.
The role will involve:
  • Developing customized solutions with the Salesforce platform to support critical business functions
  • Managing daily support and maintenance of internal Salesforce instance, and conduct longer-term improvement operations to ensure compatibility with evolving mission requirements
  • Communicating with project managers, clients and other developers to design cohesive project strategies and ensure effective collaboration throughout all phases of development, testing and deployment
  • Maintaining a flexible and proactive work environment, to facilitate a quick response to changing project requirements and customer objectives
  • Interacting with clients, managers and end users as necessary to analyse project objectives and capability requirements, including specifications for user interfaces, customized applications and interactions with internal Salesforce instances

The successful candidate will have experience in the following key areas:
  • APEX Experience
  • Visualforce and Salesforce.com platform experience]
  • SQL experience
  • Experience developing customer -facing user interfaces
  • C# or Node.js development experience on cloud platforms
  • Understanding of JSON and XML Schema Documents
  • Unit and integration testing

If you have experience with Salesforce development standard capabilities SFDC then this will be highly desirable.
Looking for qualified Salesforce Developer: https://bit.ly/2OWJ2jt 

Great culture, fast-paced environment with a chance to make a real impact!  Higher education experience is a plus.  
Hi Everyone :)

I am working with multiple companies that are looking for Salesforce Developers in Berlin and Munich.
One company is an award-winning E-Commerce company who are looking for mid-level and senior developers to help build a unique solution for their global management software. They provide opportunities to enhance knowledge on how to create UI components, programs and APIs using the latest platform features including lightning.
The company provides complete relocation support including accommodation, documentation, and visa sponsorship (if required).
The right candidate can earn up to €80,000 here, based on languages, seniority and experience.
If you are open to hearing more, let me know and we can connect

Salesfroce Developer position in Atlanta with an excellent organization.

Short term Contract:  https://jobs.crelate.com/portal/perspectivetalent/job/jylxidbscej-335516

Permenent Role with little to no travel : https://jobs.crelate.com/portal/perspectivetalent/job/aoqeogoxqc1-441892
Excellent work / life balance - 35 hour work week
Free medical and dental
8% contribution to 401K
Family oriented work environment