• Srikanth Kolanu 18
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Hi there, 

I'm quite stuck here. 
I've written a test class for my batch but it doesn't appears to be running. It stays at 0% :( 

I'm missing something but don't know what. 

Can someone help me figure it out? 

Here is my batch class : 
global class BatchUpdateAllLeads implements Database.Batchable <SObject> {
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc){
        String Query='Select id,TECH_Update__c from Lead where TECH_Update__c=false AND Converted=false ' ;
        return Database.getQueryLocator(Query);
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Lead> scope){
        for(Lead l: scope){
            l.TECH_Update__c = true;
        update scope;
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc){
        Id job= bc.getJobId();

And this is my attemp of writting a proper test class :( 
private class BatchUpdateAllLeads_TEST {
    static void testAcc(){
        List<Lead> l = new List<Lead>();
        Lead l1 = new Lead(Company	='BTP',LastName = 'Test',SIRET__c='12659991955626',Numero_d_ordre__c='9999-99-99',Region_GRDF__c='Ile de France',Tech_Update__c=false,IsConverted=false);

        Lead l2= new Lead(Company	='Comp',LastName = 'Test2',SIRET__c='12659991955687',Numero_d_ordre__c='1111-99-99',Region_GRDF__c='Ile de France',Tech_Update__c=false, IsConverted=true);

        Lead l3= new Lead(Company	='Agny', LastName = 'Test3', SIRET__c='19959991988687', Numero_d_ordre__c='1111-99-11', Region_GRDF__c='Ile de France', Tech_Update__c=true,IsConverted=true);
        insert l;
    BatchUpdateAllLeads ap= new BatchUpdateAllLeads();
    Id jobid= Database.executeBatch(ap);

Ty very much for your help
New to Salesforce.

I'm creating a fairly complex process in Process Builder on the Opportunity object.  When the record is saved I want to trigger and calculated some dates and do a few other checks to make sure only valid option types are entered.  Therefore, I want Process Builder to run after I do the Save trigger.  I couldn't find any documentation on this.
I am trying to generate and parse JSON, but JSONGenerator and JSONParser do not seem to work. Execution stops without any errors.

for example, run the following code in the console:
List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Contact LIMIT 10]; 
JSONGenerator generator = JSON.createGenerator(true);
generator.writeNumberField('count', contacts.size())
String jsonString = generator.getAsString();
All I get is USER_DEBUG [14]|DEBUG|1. There are no errors in the output. Same happens when I try to use JSONParser.



  I want to display the account and related contacts in the same visual force page. Actually i am achieved this like,

i am displayed the account names in first page block and am kept the command link for that account names if we click on that command link that will displayed the contacts related to that particular account in another pageblock. But, Now i want to display the account name first and all related contacts line by line. like that  i want to displat the contacts for all accounts. please any one help me how to solve this...




Maple Lawn Office III
8161 Maple Lawn Blvd
Fulton, MD 20759

Contact: Lydia Chandlee
G & R Management
840 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002

Phone: 301-807-0271
Fax: 202-898-0053

Contract: No
Inspection Date: 4/6/2010
Inspection Type: Annual
5 Year Test: 2012
Reg/Serial #: HO1863
Service Company: Kone
Equipment Type: Passenger Hydraulic
Annual Price (per unit): $180
Semi-Annual Prince (per unit): $80

Maple Lawn Office III
8161 Maple Lawn Blvd
Fulton, MD 20759

Contact: Lydia Chandlee
G & R Management
840 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002

Phone: 301-807-0271
Fax: 202-898-0053

Contract: Yes
Inspection Date: 4/6/2010
Inspection Type: Annual
5 Year Test: 2012
Reg/Serial #: HO1863
Service Company: Kone
Equipment Type: Passenger Hydraulic
Annual Price (per unit): $180
Semi-Annual Prince (per unit): $80






  • March 29, 2011
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