• Santos Bogisich
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Below are 3 classes connected to each other. Help me to write a TEST CLASS.

public class IND_NeSLAgreementStatusRequest extends ParentAPIRequest{
public string Deal_No {get;set;}
public IND_NeSLAgreementStatusRequest(Applicant__c app,String loanAppId){

this.Deal_No = 'RJG01179D';//app.Opportunity__r.Parent_Deal_number__c;

public override Map<String,String> getHttpRequestHeaders(){
Map<String,String> requestHeaderMap = Utilities.getHeaders();
return requestHeaderMap;

public override boolean validate(String serviceName){
if(this.Deal_No == null && String.isBlank(this.Deal_No)){
throw new IND_Exception(System.Label.deal_Number);
return true;


public class IND_NeSLAgreementStatusService {

public static IND_NeSLAgreementStatusRequest getNeSLAgreementStatusRequest(Applicant__c app,String loanAppId){
IND_NeSLAgreementStatusRequest neSLAgreementStatusRequest = new IND_NeSLAgreementStatusRequest(app,loanAppId);//only validation and setting headers
return neSLAgreementStatusRequest;
catch(Exception ex){
ErrorLoggerUtil.logErrorEvent('IND_NeSLAgreementStatusRequest', 'getNeSLAgreementStatusRequest', System.Label.Apex, ex,loanAppId);
throw new IND_Exception(ex.getMessage());
public class IND_NeSLAgreementStatusResponse extends ParentAPIResponse {

public class Response {
public String status;
public String respDesc;
public List<Content> content;

public Response response;

public class Content {
public String Status_Code;
public String Status_Description;
public String Esign_Link;


As an admin, I can send reset password emails to community users (As shown below)

Reset password email

But we want to send the reset password link to our community user via SMS (We have integration with NEXMO for sending out an SMS). How can I generate the Reset password link-only, so I can append it in the SMS content?

I have very simple VF Page rendered as a pdf with a section where I set inline style with margins using the following code:


<div style="margin-left:250px; margin-top:250px;">
 <apex:panelGrid columns="1" width="100%" >                       
        <apex:outputText value="Some Text" id="some text"/>


The margin left property worked, however the margin-top property did not.  Could someone shed some light on this?

