• Samet Atik 3
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Hi guys, I'm trying to create a new field that take the information from another field and removes certain words. The SUBSTITUTION funtion works fine for one word, however there's a few different values that I want to remove.

This formula works fine for one value:
SUBSTITUTE(Site_Name__c, "Site ", "")

The Site Name field has been set up by multiple people and has become rather messy, so the same information has been entered in multiple ways. As such I need to be able to remove entries similar to the following:

"Site "
"Site Name "

I've tried mutiple variations of the SUBSTITUTE function (see below for examples) but cannot get the formula to look for multiple values and replace them with the same thing. Does anyone have any idea what I might be able to use to get the desired result?

Formulas I've tried and failed with:
(SUBSTITUTE(Site_Name__c, "Site ", ""),
SUBSTITUTE(Site_Name__c, "SITE ", ""),
SUBSTITUTE(Site_Name__c, "Site Name", ""))))

SUBSTITUTE(Site_Name__c, "Site ", "")&SUBSTITUTE(Site_Name__c, "Site ", "")&SUBSTITUTE(Site_Name__c, "Site Name ", "")

SUBSTITUTE(Site_Name__c, "Site ", ""),(Site_Name__c, "SITE ", ""),(Site_Name__c, "Site Name ", "")

Hi, how can I view all my validation rules on one screen as opposed to having to go through each object?