• Akshay Mense
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  • Member since 2019

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Hi All,

I have a requiremnt to send bell notification once many records gets inserted(apprx 900) on weekly basis. so that the users will get to know new records are inseted 
Hello, I am not able to see the LWC in app builder. i have enabled the 
Isexposed to true and given proper targets as well  as below. 


I was able to deploy the LWC before in the org but currently i am not able to deploy or edit existing lwc. Please help
Hello there,

I'm stuck in the Trailhead "Convert Lightning Web Components Open Source to Salesforce", at the "Convert Components for the Salesforce Platform" step.

When I right-click the force-app folder and click SFDX: Deploy Source to Org in VS Code, I am getting an error : "Infinite loop detected".

Any idea what it could be due to ?

Thanks a lot for the help.
Have a great day.
Hi All,
I have a requirement to create a lightning component in which i want to display the images as links. On clicking the image an action should be called from the Js controller. Please let me know how to do this in lightning.
Hi, I am having trouble with the "Attributes and Expressions" module from trailhead.

Here is the challenge:
Create a Lightning Component to display a single item for your packing list.
  • Create a component called campingListItem that displays the name (ui:outputText) and the three custom fields using the appropriate output components.
  • Add an attribute named 'item' for type Camping_Item__c.
I created an component named campingListItem and this is the code:
<aura:component >
    <aura:attribute name="item" type="<my_domain>__Camping_Item__c"/>
    <ui:outputText value="{!v.item.Name}"/>
    <ui:outputCheckbox value="{!v.item.<my_domain>__Packed__c}"/>
    <ui:outputCurrency  value="{!v.item.<my_domain>__Price__c}"/>
    <ui:outputNumber value="{!v.item.<my_domain>__Quantity__c}"/>

The error that I am getting is: "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The packingListItem Lightning Component's attribute tag doesn't exist or its attributes are not set correctly."

With this, I tried to create another component, with the name "packingListItem", but It didn't work.

Can anyone help me?




How to get a matrix table (like a matrix report with two grouping columns) in a visualforce page ? The matrix table should be like follwing image (colors is just for information):



PL 1

PL 2

PL 3

PL 4

Contractor 1

Stage 1

Stage 1

Stage 1


Contractor 2


Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 5

Contractor 3



Stage 4


Contractor 4



First line (Blue) --> get values for custom field PL__c (this is the first dimension

First column (green) --> get values for custom field Contractor__c (the the second dimension)

Content of the other cells (Orange) --> Stage__c


Except the top cell which will be the header (Red).


All the best,

