• Michael Clarke 36
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I am a newbie to development and I am trying to create an Apex class that recreates activity of anonymous window code.

Intent is to delete contents of Account_Manager_Budget__c for the current month and repopulate it with data from the Account_Budget__c for the current month.
public class PopulateAccountManagerBudget {
    public static void PopulatingBudgets(){
//set current month
	    Integer BudgetYear = System.today().year();
	    Integer BudgetMonth = System.today().month();
		system.debug(BudgetMonth + '/' + BudgetYear);
//Delete all Account Manager Budget records for current month (including forecasts)
		List<Account_Manager_Budget__c> AccMgrBudget = [SELECT Id FROM Account_Manager_Budget__c WHERE Year__c = :BudgetYear AND Month__c = :BudgetMonth];
		system.debug(AccMgrBudget.size() + ' records deleted.');
		delete AccMgrBudget;
//Retrieve all current Month Account budgets and sum to Account Manager level
		AggregateResult[] groupedBudget = [SELECT Account_Manager__c, SUM(Budget__c)Budget FROM Account_Budget__c WHERE  Year__c = :BudgetYear AND Month__c = :BudgetMonth GROUP BY Account_Manager__c];
		system.debug('groupedBudget = ' + groupedBudget.size() + ' results');
//Set up List to insert budget into Account Manager Budget object
		List<Account_Manager_Budget__c> NewAccMgrBudget = new List<Account_Manager_Budget__c>();
		String AM_Id = '';
		String AM_Budget = '';
//Loop through budgets and assign to List
		for(AggregateResult ar:groupedBudget){
        	AM_Id = String.valueof(ar.get('Account_Manager__c'));
    	    AM_Budget = string.valueof(ar.get('Budget'));
    		System.debug('Account Manager = ' + String.valueof(ar.get('Account_Manager__c')) + ', BudgetYear = ' + BudgetYear + ', BudgetMonth = ' + BudgetMonth + ', Budget = ' + string.valueof(ar.get('Budget')));
//		    Account_Manager_Budget__c amb = new Account_Manager_Budget__c(Account_Manager__c=String.valueof(ar.get('Account_Manager__c')), Year__c=BudgetYear, Month__c=BudgetMonth, Budget__c=decimal.valueof(string.valueof(ar.get('Budget'))));
            Account_Manager_Budget__c amb = new Account_Manager_Budget__c(Account_Manager__c=AM_Id, Year__c=BudgetYear, Month__c=BudgetMonth, Budget__c=decimal.valueof(AM_Budget));
//insert list into Account Manager Budget object for current month, with Forecast = 0
		insert NewAccMgrBudget;

The aggregate result returns 9 records in Anonymous window but zero records when testing the Apex Class.

Test Class:
private class PopulateAccountManagerBudget_test{

    @isTest static void MyTestClass(){
        //system.debug('RecourdCount=' + recordCount);
        Integer recordCount = 0;

	    Integer BudgetYear = System.today().year();
	    Integer BudgetMonth = System.today().month();
		system.debug(BudgetMonth + '/' + BudgetYear);

        //        AggregateResult[] countRecords = [SELECT COUNT(Id)recordCount FROM Account_Manager_Budget__c WHERE Budget_Date__c = :dateBudgetDate];
		AggregateResult[] groupedBudget = [SELECT Account_Manager__c, SUM(Budget__c)Budget FROM Account_Budget__c WHERE Year__c = :BudgetYear AND Month__c = :BudgetMonth GROUP BY Account_Manager__c];
		for(AggregateResult ar:groupedBudget){
            recordCount = recordCount+1;
        system.assertEquals(9, recordCount);

System.assertEquals shows recountCount = 0 but I know there are Account Budget records for 9 Account Managers that should be aggregated (and are in Anonymous window).

I would appreciate your expert eyes on this.
Hi, I am learning skills as a developer and I have a use case for what I have learnt.
The Case object has parent Opportunity, and the Opportunity object has children Opportunity_Split__c.

I would like to show Opportunity Splits on the Case page using the Lightning App Builder.

My understanding is that for a visualforce page to appear on a Case Page it needs to utilise the Case standard controller. Therefore I need to extend the standard controller with an extension.

Visualforce code is:
<apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="Case_ListOppSplits_Controller" lightningStylesheets="true">
    <apex:pageBlock title="Opportunity Splits">
    	<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Opportunity_Splits}" var="oppSplit">
            <apex:column value="{!oppSplit.Name}"/>
            <apex:column value="{!oppSplit.Split_Loan_Amount__c}"/>
            <apex:column value="{!oppSplit.Rate_Type__c}"/>
            <apex:column value="{!oppSplit.Repayment_Type__c}"/>
Case Controller extension is:
public class Case_ListOppSplits_Controller {

    public ApexPages.StandardSetController setController{
		        Case currentCase = [SELECT Id, Subject, Opportunity__c FROM Case WHERE Id =: ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
                setController = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator(
                    [SELECT Id, Name, Opportunity__c, Loan_Purpose__c, Loan_Type__c, Loan_Usage__c, Rate_Type__c, Repayment_Type__c, Split_Loan_Amount__c
                     FROM Opportunity_Split__c
                     WHERE Opportunity__c =: currentCase.Opportunity__c]));
            return setController;

//initialise setController  and return  a list of records
    public list<Opportunity_Split__c> getOpportunity_Splits(){
        return (List<Opportunity_Split__c>) setController.getRecords();
The visualforce page cannot be saved as it throws this error: Unknown constructor 'Case_ListOppSplits_Controller.Case_ListOppSplits_Controller(ApexPages.StandardController controller)'

Am I anywhere near a solution or is my understanding way off the mark?

Your help in solving this, and expanding my knowledge, would be very much appreciated.

Hi, I am new to Apex

I have copied an example trigger code, however I get the error message 'Variable does not exist: addError'.
All it does is prevent deletion of an orphan contact with a custom error msg.
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

trigger ContactBeforeDelete on Contact (before delete)
    for(Contact c:trigger.old)
            c.addError=('You are not authorised to delete this contact.');