• MD Rakib 1
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What is the difference between Permission set licenses and Feature licenses?

Here is an explanation in Salesforce Documentation which I do not fully understand:
Permission Set Licenses
A permission set is a convenient way to assign users specific settings and permissions to use various tools and functions. Permission set licenses incrementally entitle users to access features that are not included in their user licenses. Users can be assigned any number of permission set licenses.

Feature Licenses Overview

A feature license entitles a user to access an additional feature that is not included with his or her user license, such as Marketing or Work.com. Users can be assigned any number of feature licenses.

I guess I should start by asking what is the difference between a "Permission" and a "Feature". I know what a Permission is (Example, a Profile is a set of Permissions). But, in contrast, what is a Feature in Salesforce?

Thank you.
  • September 04, 2018
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Hi all,

I'm stuck in the Apex Integration Services - Apex SOAP Callouts challenge with the following message "The Apex class 'ParkLocator' does not appear to be calling the SOAP endpoint.".

Could you please advise ?

I have created an inbound email handler that processes XML email body. The email will be triggered by a third party application directly to Salesforce's email handler id. These emails are not being processed by Salesforce. However, Salesforce processes the email sent from my email account.

Also, I have my email domain and the third party app's email domain names in the Accept Email From setting.

I have set the failure scenario configuration as shown below:
Email Services Failure Configuration

I need help in finding out if the emails are actually being received by Salesforce.
