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Help me to write test class for following code.
Hii Developers,
Please help to write test class for this part of code.
Please help me
Thank you.
Please help to write test class for this part of code.
Income_Tax__c ITax=[select id,Rent_paid_to_landlord__c,Leave_travel_concessions_or_assistance__c,Employees_PF__c, Interest_payable_paid_to_lender__c,Children_s_Education_Fee__c,PPF__c,Insurance_Premium__c, NSC__c,Deduction_under_Pension_scheme__c,Housing_loan_principal_repayment__c,ELSS_Mutual_Fund__c, NPS__c,Payment_for_Medical_Insurance_Premium__c,Medical_treatment_for_handicapped__c, Medical_for_specified_diseases__c,Education_Loan_Interest_Repayment__c,Interest_on_loan_taken_for_house__c, Donation__c,Rent_deduction_only_if_HRA_not_received__c,Saving_interest__c,Rebate_of_Rs_2000__c,RGESS__c, Royalty__c,Professional_Development_Allowance__c,Car_Maintenance_Allowance__c, Conveyance_Allowance__c,Helper_Allowance__c,Telephone_Internet_allowance__c, Tax_by_previous_employer__c,TDS_already_deducted_by_Current_Company__c,Donation_to_Other__c from Income_Tax__c where id=:tax.id]; If(ITax.Rent_paid_to_landlord__c!=null){ Attachment a = new Attachment(parentid=tax.id, Name = 'Rent paid to landlord.jpeg' , Body = myfile.body); try {insert a;} catch(Exception ex){ ApexPages.addMessages(ex); return null; } } If(ITax.Leave_travel_concessions_or_assistance__c!=null){ Attachment a1 = new Attachment(parentid=tax.id, Name = 'Leave travel concessions or assistance.jpeg', Body = myfile1.body); try {insert a1;} catch(Exception ex){ ApexPages.addMessages(ex); return null; } } If(ITax.Interest_payable_paid_to_lender__c!=null){ Attachment a2 = new Attachment(parentid=tax.id, Name = 'Interest payable paid to lender.jpeg' , Body = myfile2.body); try {insert a2;} catch(Exception ex){ ApexPages.addMessages(ex); return null; } } If(ITax.Employees_PF__c!=null){ Attachment a3 = new Attachment(parentid=tax.id, Name = 'Employees Provident Fund.jpeg' , Body = myfile3.body); try {insert a3;} catch(Exception ex){ ApexPages.addMessages(ex); return null; } } If(ITax.Children_s_Education_Fee__c!=null){ Attachment a4 = new Attachment(parentid=tax.id, Name = 'Children Education Fee.jpeg' , Body = myfile4.body); try {insert a4;} catch(Exception ex){ ApexPages.addMessages(ex); return null; } }
Please help me
Thank you.
- uu
- July 29, 2020
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Upload documents
Hello Developers,
I have created one Income Tax form using Vf page
In the Start of the Financial year(in April) customer will fill the information and Amount for different Allowance and Sections.
That record stores in salesforce's custom object Income_Tax__c.
Now i want to display upload document option for that form in End of the Finacial year i.e. in March Month...
How i do it?
Please guide me developers.
Thank you in advance.
I have created one Income Tax form using Vf page
In the Start of the Financial year(in April) customer will fill the information and Amount for different Allowance and Sections.
That record stores in salesforce's custom object Income_Tax__c.
Now i want to display upload document option for that form in End of the Finacial year i.e. in March Month...
How i do it?
Please guide me developers.
Thank you in advance.
- uu
- July 22, 2020
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Display calendar in VF page
Hello developers,
I have created one Holiday Calendar using Calendar tab in salesforce.
Now i want to display that Holiday Calendar in VF page how i can do it?
Please suggest me any code.Its urgent!
Thank you
Anita Sodhi
- uu
- June 29, 2020
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Please help me!
Hii developers,
Please guide me how to do this.
I want to calcualate Total leave for employee.
On Employee__c object i have custom fields Join_date__c, Total_Allocated_Leaves__c,Taken_Leaves__c,
In general total Leaves are 18 Leaves per year
so that for one month it is 1.5 Leave
But if employee has join_date__c=11-june-2020.
then calculates it (1.5*20)/30=1
here 20 is the number of days he worked in june month and 30 is the total days in june month.
so the overall Leaves for the employee is[18-(1.5-1)]=17 Leaves.
after the one year it will updates the Total_Allocated_Leaves__c with 21+Remain_Leaves__c.
Please help me how to do this!
Thank you.
Anita Sodhi
Please guide me how to do this.
I want to calcualate Total leave for employee.
On Employee__c object i have custom fields Join_date__c, Total_Allocated_Leaves__c,Taken_Leaves__c,
In general total Leaves are 18 Leaves per year
so that for one month it is 1.5 Leave
But if employee has join_date__c=11-june-2020.
then calculates it (1.5*20)/30=1
here 20 is the number of days he worked in june month and 30 is the total days in june month.
so the overall Leaves for the employee is[18-(1.5-1)]=17 Leaves.
after the one year it will updates the Total_Allocated_Leaves__c with 21+Remain_Leaves__c.
Please help me how to do this!
Thank you.
Anita Sodhi
- uu
- June 22, 2020
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Enable input file Field on VF page
Hello developers,
I need help.
If InputField in not null then enable InputFile apex tag on VF page.
How to do it.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance
Anita sodhi
I need help.
If InputField in not null then enable InputFile apex tag on VF page.
How to do it.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance
Anita sodhi
- uu
- June 16, 2020
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Test class for apex class controller
Hello Developers,
Please help me to write test class for below apex contoller
Test class
Thanks in advance.. :)
Anita sodhi
Please help me to write test class for below apex contoller
public class HRApplyLeaveController { Public HRApplyLeaveController(){} public String loggesInName{get;set;} Public String ResourceName{get;set;} public Date FromDate{get;set;} public List<Leave__c> allLeave{set;get;} String loggesInId{set;get;} List<Resource__c> user = new List<Resource__c>(); Leave__c lev; public HRApplyLeaveController(ApexPages.StandardController controller){ ResourceName = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('name'); lev = (Leave__c)controller.getRecord(); user = [SELECT id,Name,Official_Email__c,Personal_Email__c from Resource__c where Name=:ResourceName]; if(user.size()>0) { if(user[0].Name != NULL) { loggesInName = user[0].Name; } } fetchallLeave(); } //table public void fetchallLeave(){ if(user.size()>0){ allLeave=[Select From_Date__c,To_Date__c,Type__c,Decision__c,Number_of_Days__c From Leave__c where Resource__r.Name=:user[0].Name]; } } //popup public boolean displayPopup {get; set;} public void closePopup() { displayPopup = false; } public void showPopup() { displayPopup = true; save(); } //insert record public Pagereference save(){ lev.Resource__c=user[0].id; try{ insert lev; ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Thank you!Record saved successfully')); } catch(Exception ex){ ApexPages.addMessages(ex); } //send email Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); email.setSubject('Leave Application |'+user[0].Name); email.setToAddresses( new List<String>{user[0].Personal_Email__c} ); email.setHtmlBody('Hii Sir/Mam,<br/><br/>https://login.my.salesforce.com/'+lev.Id+ '<br/><br/>Regards,<br/>'+'User'); try{ Messaging.SendEmailResult [] result = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email}); }catch(System.Exception e){ system.debug(e); } return null; } //home button public Pagereference goHome(){ PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/HRHome?id='+user[0].id); pageRef.setRedirect(true); return pageRef; } }
Test class
@isTest public class HRApplyLeaveControllerTest { static testMethod void Test_HRApplyLeaveController() { Resource__c res= new Resource__c(Name='Swapnil Joshi',Official_Email__c='abc@xyz.com', Password__c='s123',Emp_ID__c=1); insert res; Leave__c l=new Leave__c(); l.Resource__c=res.id; l.From_Date__c=system.today(); l.To_Date__c=system.today()+5; insert l; } }
Thanks in advance.. :)
Anita sodhi
- uu
- June 08, 2020
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Convert Number into text
Hello Friends,
Please help me!
I have custom field Zip_Code__c(Number field)
After inserting any value it display 123,456(with comma)
How i convert the Number entered into Zip_code__c into Text Field.
so it will display like 123456(without comma).
Thank you!
Please help me!
I have custom field Zip_Code__c(Number field)
After inserting any value it display 123,456(with comma)
How i convert the Number entered into Zip_code__c into Text Field.
so it will display like 123456(without comma).
Thank you!
- uu
- May 29, 2020
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Help me to write test class for SendEmailPDFClass
Hey Friends,
Please help me to write test class for following apex class.
Below is the test class
I m not getting how to write test class for SingleEmailMessage
Please help me
Thank in advance
Please help me to write test class for following apex class.
global class sendPDFEmailClass{ public sendPDFEmailClass(){} public sendPDFEmailClass(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { } webservice static void SendEmail(){ Id recordId=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id'); Monthly_Salary__c inv = [Select Id, Name ,Resource__c From Monthly_Salary__c Where Id=:recordId]; Id ResourceID=inv.Resource__c; Resource__c res=[select id, Name, Official_Email__c,Personal_Email__c from Resource__c where id=:ResourceID]; PageReference pdf = Page.SalarySlipPage; pdf.getParameters().put('id', recordId); pdf.setRedirect(true); system.debug(pdf.getContentAsPDF()); Blob b; if (Test.IsRunningTest()){ b=Blob.valueOf('this is test'); }else{ b = pdf.getContentAsPDF(); } // Create Attachment Object to attach with Email Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); efa.setFileName(inv.Name+'.pdf'); efa.setBody(b); // Define the email Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); // Sets the paramaters of the email email.setSubject('Salary Slip - '+inv.Name); if(res.Personal_Email__c!=Null){ email.setCCAddresses( new List<String>{res.Personal_Email__c} );} if(res.Official_Email__c==Null){ ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.WARNING,'The Resource has no Official email Address.')); } else{ email.setToAddresses( new List<String>{res.Official_Email__c} ); } email.setHtmlBody('Hi '+res.Name+',<br/><br/> '+'Please find attached your salary slip for the month of '+inv.Name+ +'<br/><br/>'+'Thank You,'+'<br/>' +'Anita'); email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa}); try{ Messaging.SendEmailResult [] result = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email}); }catch(System.Exception e){ } } }
Below is the test class
@IsTest public class sendPDFEmailClassTest { @IsTest public static void SendemailControllerTestClass() { Resource__c res=new Resource__c(); res.Name='TestR'; res.Company__c='Nanostuffs'; res.Official_Email__c='akshata.shah@nanostuffs.com'; res.Personal_Email__c='test@gmail.com'; insert res; Monthly_Salary__c m=new Monthly_Salary__c(); m.Resource__c=res.Id; m.From_Date__c=date.newInstance(2020, 11,1); m.To_Date__c=date.newInstance(2020, 11, 30); insert m; } }
I m not getting how to write test class for SingleEmailMessage
Please help me
Thank in advance
- uu
- May 19, 2020
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Increment Filed value using trigger
Hey Folks,
Plese help me to write trigger.
I have 3 custom object
Employee__c, Leaves__c ,Month__c.
On Leaves__c has Lookup with Employee__c and 1 date field Leave_Date__c.
And On Month__c Master-datail with Employee__c and 1 Leaves_Taken__c number field.
After inserting new Leave__c for that Employee__c It will increment the value by 1 of custom field Leaves_Taken__c for that Month in Month__c object.
If delete the Leaves then decrement the value by 1.
Like Example in below
In Month__c obj, we now have a record for each Month for that Employee. So if leave was approved & taken on 10th Jan 2020, then increment the "Leaves Taken" count on Jan 2020 record in Month__c by 1. On insert, increment to happen. On Delete, decrement to happen. On update, both decrement for old value of Leave Date in Month__c obj & increment of new value in respective records.
Please me out to write trigger for it.
Thanks in advance
Anita Sodhi
Plese help me to write trigger.
I have 3 custom object
Employee__c, Leaves__c ,Month__c.
On Leaves__c has Lookup with Employee__c and 1 date field Leave_Date__c.
And On Month__c Master-datail with Employee__c and 1 Leaves_Taken__c number field.
After inserting new Leave__c for that Employee__c It will increment the value by 1 of custom field Leaves_Taken__c for that Month in Month__c object.
If delete the Leaves then decrement the value by 1.
Like Example in below
In Month__c obj, we now have a record for each Month for that Employee. So if leave was approved & taken on 10th Jan 2020, then increment the "Leaves Taken" count on Jan 2020 record in Month__c by 1. On insert, increment to happen. On Delete, decrement to happen. On update, both decrement for old value of Leave Date in Month__c obj & increment of new value in respective records.
Please me out to write trigger for it.
Thanks in advance
Anita Sodhi
- uu
- May 04, 2020
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Error: Incorrect argument type for operator '+'.
Hii Friends,'
When i was doing additon of two cutsom Field of type "Time" in formula field of type "Time".
X1__c + X2__c
It shows error like
Error: Incorrect argument type for operator '+'.
Please Help me
Thank you
When i was doing additon of two cutsom Field of type "Time" in formula field of type "Time".
X1__c + X2__c
It shows error like
Error: Incorrect argument type for operator '+'.
Please Help me
Thank you
- uu
- April 16, 2020
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How to set default value for "Time" field
Hey friends,
I want to set default value as 9 to "Time" Field.
Above values not accepting.
Please tell me how to write it.
Thank you
I want to set default value as 9 to "Time" Field.
Above values not accepting.
Please tell me how to write it.
Thank you
- uu
- April 15, 2020
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How to create map view in lightning
I have custom object with a field Geolocation type .
How can i create map view of that cities .
I have inserted longitude and latitude values for every city.
how i add it to page layout?
How can i create map view of that cities .
I have inserted longitude and latitude values for every city.
how i add it to page layout?
- uu
- April 12, 2020
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Apex method call using custom button
Hii Friends,
Please help me.
The below javascript code on custom detail page button shows error on click it.
var tempID='{!Offers_Appraisals__c.Id}';
What's wrong with code?
Please help me.
Thank you
Please help me.
The below javascript code on custom detail page button shows error on click it.
var tempID='{!Offers_Appraisals__c.Id}';
What's wrong with code?
Please help me.
Thank you
- uu
- April 10, 2020
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Update and insert new records
Hello Guys,
I want to check whether the records is already exist if yes then update it with new data if not insert new record into custom field.
currentRecord = [SELECT ID,Base_Yearly_Package__c FROM Offers_Appraisals__c WHERE Id = :'a12M000000MMF6k'];
List<Monthly_Salary__c> SalList = new List<Monthly_Salary__c>();
SalList=[SELECT ID,Name,From_Date__c FROM Monthly_Salary__c WHERE Resource__c=:currentRecord.Resource__c];
Monthly_Salary__c new_records2=new Monthly_Salary__c();
for(Monthly_Salary__c s:SalList){
if(s.Name!=new_records3.Name) {
insert new_records3;
} else {update new_records3;}
Above code working.Not even inserting nor updating the records.
Please help me.
where i am wrong?
Thank you
I want to check whether the records is already exist if yes then update it with new data if not insert new record into custom field.
currentRecord = [SELECT ID,Base_Yearly_Package__c FROM Offers_Appraisals__c WHERE Id = :'a12M000000MMF6k'];
List<Monthly_Salary__c> SalList = new List<Monthly_Salary__c>();
SalList=[SELECT ID,Name,From_Date__c FROM Monthly_Salary__c WHERE Resource__c=:currentRecord.Resource__c];
Monthly_Salary__c new_records2=new Monthly_Salary__c();
for(Monthly_Salary__c s:SalList){
if(s.Name!=new_records3.Name) {
insert new_records3;
} else {update new_records3;}
Above code working.Not even inserting nor updating the records.
Please help me.
where i am wrong?
Thank you
- uu
- April 10, 2020
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Access current record ID
Hii Guys,
Please help me! I am new to apex code.
I want to access the current Record ID.
and assign that ID to another variable in apex class.
When i use the above code it shows error msg
Variable Does not exist currentRecod.
Please Help me to solve error.
Where my code is going wrong?
Thanks you
Please help me! I am new to apex code.
I want to access the current Record ID.
and assign that ID to another variable in apex class.
public class SampleCode{
Public Offers_Appraisals__c currentRecord{get; set;}
public SampleCode(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
currentRecord = [SELECT ID FROM Offers_Appraisals__c
WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
public static void HRSalarySheet()
List<Offers_Appraisals__c> OfferList=new List<Offers_Appraisals__c>();
OfferList=[SELECT ID,Name,
FROM Offers_Appraisals__c
WHERE ID=:currentRecord.ID];
Public Offers_Appraisals__c currentRecord{get; set;}
public SampleCode(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
currentRecord = [SELECT ID FROM Offers_Appraisals__c
WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
public static void HRSalarySheet()
List<Offers_Appraisals__c> OfferList=new List<Offers_Appraisals__c>();
OfferList=[SELECT ID,Name,
FROM Offers_Appraisals__c
WHERE ID=:currentRecord.ID];
When i use the above code it shows error msg
Variable Does not exist currentRecod.
Please Help me to solve error.
Where my code is going wrong?
Thanks you
- uu
- April 09, 2020
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On click custom button create new 12 records on other custom object.
Please help me out
I have 3 custom object Employee, Payment & Proposal.
Payment have lookup with Employee.
Proposal have lookup with Employee.
Proposal has Year_package__c & From_Date__c custom fileds.
I want to create a custom button(Create Payments) on Proposal detail page.
On click of Create_Payements__c button it will create 12 new record on Payment (Custom obj.) for that Employee.
On Payement The 12 record will be Name like Jan 2020,Feb2020 and so on(as per From_Date__c on Proposal object).
How do I code for it on Custom button??????
Thanks in advance
Please help me out
I have 3 custom object Employee, Payment & Proposal.
Payment have lookup with Employee.
Proposal have lookup with Employee.
Proposal has Year_package__c & From_Date__c custom fileds.
I want to create a custom button(Create Payments) on Proposal detail page.
On click of Create_Payements__c button it will create 12 new record on Payment (Custom obj.) for that Employee.
On Payement The 12 record will be Name like Jan 2020,Feb2020 and so on(as per From_Date__c on Proposal object).
How do I code for it on Custom button??????
Thanks in advance
- uu
- April 08, 2020
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Help me to write test class for following code.
Hii Developers,
Please help to write test class for this part of code.
Please help me
Thank you.
Please help to write test class for this part of code.
Income_Tax__c ITax=[select id,Rent_paid_to_landlord__c,Leave_travel_concessions_or_assistance__c,Employees_PF__c, Interest_payable_paid_to_lender__c,Children_s_Education_Fee__c,PPF__c,Insurance_Premium__c, NSC__c,Deduction_under_Pension_scheme__c,Housing_loan_principal_repayment__c,ELSS_Mutual_Fund__c, NPS__c,Payment_for_Medical_Insurance_Premium__c,Medical_treatment_for_handicapped__c, Medical_for_specified_diseases__c,Education_Loan_Interest_Repayment__c,Interest_on_loan_taken_for_house__c, Donation__c,Rent_deduction_only_if_HRA_not_received__c,Saving_interest__c,Rebate_of_Rs_2000__c,RGESS__c, Royalty__c,Professional_Development_Allowance__c,Car_Maintenance_Allowance__c, Conveyance_Allowance__c,Helper_Allowance__c,Telephone_Internet_allowance__c, Tax_by_previous_employer__c,TDS_already_deducted_by_Current_Company__c,Donation_to_Other__c from Income_Tax__c where id=:tax.id]; If(ITax.Rent_paid_to_landlord__c!=null){ Attachment a = new Attachment(parentid=tax.id, Name = 'Rent paid to landlord.jpeg' , Body = myfile.body); try {insert a;} catch(Exception ex){ ApexPages.addMessages(ex); return null; } } If(ITax.Leave_travel_concessions_or_assistance__c!=null){ Attachment a1 = new Attachment(parentid=tax.id, Name = 'Leave travel concessions or assistance.jpeg', Body = myfile1.body); try {insert a1;} catch(Exception ex){ ApexPages.addMessages(ex); return null; } } If(ITax.Interest_payable_paid_to_lender__c!=null){ Attachment a2 = new Attachment(parentid=tax.id, Name = 'Interest payable paid to lender.jpeg' , Body = myfile2.body); try {insert a2;} catch(Exception ex){ ApexPages.addMessages(ex); return null; } } If(ITax.Employees_PF__c!=null){ Attachment a3 = new Attachment(parentid=tax.id, Name = 'Employees Provident Fund.jpeg' , Body = myfile3.body); try {insert a3;} catch(Exception ex){ ApexPages.addMessages(ex); return null; } } If(ITax.Children_s_Education_Fee__c!=null){ Attachment a4 = new Attachment(parentid=tax.id, Name = 'Children Education Fee.jpeg' , Body = myfile4.body); try {insert a4;} catch(Exception ex){ ApexPages.addMessages(ex); return null; } }
Please help me
Thank you.
- uu
- July 29, 2020
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Test class for apex class controller
Hello Developers,
Please help me to write test class for below apex contoller
Test class
Thanks in advance.. :)
Anita sodhi
Please help me to write test class for below apex contoller
public class HRApplyLeaveController { Public HRApplyLeaveController(){} public String loggesInName{get;set;} Public String ResourceName{get;set;} public Date FromDate{get;set;} public List<Leave__c> allLeave{set;get;} String loggesInId{set;get;} List<Resource__c> user = new List<Resource__c>(); Leave__c lev; public HRApplyLeaveController(ApexPages.StandardController controller){ ResourceName = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('name'); lev = (Leave__c)controller.getRecord(); user = [SELECT id,Name,Official_Email__c,Personal_Email__c from Resource__c where Name=:ResourceName]; if(user.size()>0) { if(user[0].Name != NULL) { loggesInName = user[0].Name; } } fetchallLeave(); } //table public void fetchallLeave(){ if(user.size()>0){ allLeave=[Select From_Date__c,To_Date__c,Type__c,Decision__c,Number_of_Days__c From Leave__c where Resource__r.Name=:user[0].Name]; } } //popup public boolean displayPopup {get; set;} public void closePopup() { displayPopup = false; } public void showPopup() { displayPopup = true; save(); } //insert record public Pagereference save(){ lev.Resource__c=user[0].id; try{ insert lev; ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Thank you!Record saved successfully')); } catch(Exception ex){ ApexPages.addMessages(ex); } //send email Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); email.setSubject('Leave Application |'+user[0].Name); email.setToAddresses( new List<String>{user[0].Personal_Email__c} ); email.setHtmlBody('Hii Sir/Mam,<br/><br/>https://login.my.salesforce.com/'+lev.Id+ '<br/><br/>Regards,<br/>'+'User'); try{ Messaging.SendEmailResult [] result = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email}); }catch(System.Exception e){ system.debug(e); } return null; } //home button public Pagereference goHome(){ PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/HRHome?id='+user[0].id); pageRef.setRedirect(true); return pageRef; } }
Test class
@isTest public class HRApplyLeaveControllerTest { static testMethod void Test_HRApplyLeaveController() { Resource__c res= new Resource__c(Name='Swapnil Joshi',Official_Email__c='abc@xyz.com', Password__c='s123',Emp_ID__c=1); insert res; Leave__c l=new Leave__c(); l.Resource__c=res.id; l.From_Date__c=system.today(); l.To_Date__c=system.today()+5; insert l; } }
Thanks in advance.. :)
Anita sodhi
- uu
- June 08, 2020
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Convert Number into text
Hello Friends,
Please help me!
I have custom field Zip_Code__c(Number field)
After inserting any value it display 123,456(with comma)
How i convert the Number entered into Zip_code__c into Text Field.
so it will display like 123456(without comma).
Thank you!
Please help me!
I have custom field Zip_Code__c(Number field)
After inserting any value it display 123,456(with comma)
How i convert the Number entered into Zip_code__c into Text Field.
so it will display like 123456(without comma).
Thank you!
- uu
- May 29, 2020
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Error: Incorrect argument type for operator '+'.
Hii Friends,'
When i was doing additon of two cutsom Field of type "Time" in formula field of type "Time".
X1__c + X2__c
It shows error like
Error: Incorrect argument type for operator '+'.
Please Help me
Thank you
When i was doing additon of two cutsom Field of type "Time" in formula field of type "Time".
X1__c + X2__c
It shows error like
Error: Incorrect argument type for operator '+'.
Please Help me
Thank you
- uu
- April 16, 2020
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How to set default value for "Time" field
Hey friends,
I want to set default value as 9 to "Time" Field.
Above values not accepting.
Please tell me how to write it.
Thank you
I want to set default value as 9 to "Time" Field.
Above values not accepting.
Please tell me how to write it.
Thank you
- uu
- April 15, 2020
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How to create map view in lightning
I have custom object with a field Geolocation type .
How can i create map view of that cities .
I have inserted longitude and latitude values for every city.
how i add it to page layout?
How can i create map view of that cities .
I have inserted longitude and latitude values for every city.
how i add it to page layout?
- uu
- April 12, 2020
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Apex method call using custom button
Hii Friends,
Please help me.
The below javascript code on custom detail page button shows error on click it.
var tempID='{!Offers_Appraisals__c.Id}';
What's wrong with code?
Please help me.
Thank you
Please help me.
The below javascript code on custom detail page button shows error on click it.
var tempID='{!Offers_Appraisals__c.Id}';
What's wrong with code?
Please help me.
Thank you
- uu
- April 10, 2020
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Update and insert new records
Hello Guys,
I want to check whether the records is already exist if yes then update it with new data if not insert new record into custom field.
currentRecord = [SELECT ID,Base_Yearly_Package__c FROM Offers_Appraisals__c WHERE Id = :'a12M000000MMF6k'];
List<Monthly_Salary__c> SalList = new List<Monthly_Salary__c>();
SalList=[SELECT ID,Name,From_Date__c FROM Monthly_Salary__c WHERE Resource__c=:currentRecord.Resource__c];
Monthly_Salary__c new_records2=new Monthly_Salary__c();
for(Monthly_Salary__c s:SalList){
if(s.Name!=new_records3.Name) {
insert new_records3;
} else {update new_records3;}
Above code working.Not even inserting nor updating the records.
Please help me.
where i am wrong?
Thank you
I want to check whether the records is already exist if yes then update it with new data if not insert new record into custom field.
currentRecord = [SELECT ID,Base_Yearly_Package__c FROM Offers_Appraisals__c WHERE Id = :'a12M000000MMF6k'];
List<Monthly_Salary__c> SalList = new List<Monthly_Salary__c>();
SalList=[SELECT ID,Name,From_Date__c FROM Monthly_Salary__c WHERE Resource__c=:currentRecord.Resource__c];
Monthly_Salary__c new_records2=new Monthly_Salary__c();
for(Monthly_Salary__c s:SalList){
if(s.Name!=new_records3.Name) {
insert new_records3;
} else {update new_records3;}
Above code working.Not even inserting nor updating the records.
Please help me.
where i am wrong?
Thank you
- uu
- April 10, 2020
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Access current record ID
Hii Guys,
Please help me! I am new to apex code.
I want to access the current Record ID.
and assign that ID to another variable in apex class.
When i use the above code it shows error msg
Variable Does not exist currentRecod.
Please Help me to solve error.
Where my code is going wrong?
Thanks you
Please help me! I am new to apex code.
I want to access the current Record ID.
and assign that ID to another variable in apex class.
public class SampleCode{
Public Offers_Appraisals__c currentRecord{get; set;}
public SampleCode(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
currentRecord = [SELECT ID FROM Offers_Appraisals__c
WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
public static void HRSalarySheet()
List<Offers_Appraisals__c> OfferList=new List<Offers_Appraisals__c>();
OfferList=[SELECT ID,Name,
FROM Offers_Appraisals__c
WHERE ID=:currentRecord.ID];
Public Offers_Appraisals__c currentRecord{get; set;}
public SampleCode(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
currentRecord = [SELECT ID FROM Offers_Appraisals__c
WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
public static void HRSalarySheet()
List<Offers_Appraisals__c> OfferList=new List<Offers_Appraisals__c>();
OfferList=[SELECT ID,Name,
FROM Offers_Appraisals__c
WHERE ID=:currentRecord.ID];
When i use the above code it shows error msg
Variable Does not exist currentRecod.
Please Help me to solve error.
Where my code is going wrong?
Thanks you
- uu
- April 09, 2020
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On click custom button create new 12 records on other custom object.
Please help me out
I have 3 custom object Employee, Payment & Proposal.
Payment have lookup with Employee.
Proposal have lookup with Employee.
Proposal has Year_package__c & From_Date__c custom fileds.
I want to create a custom button(Create Payments) on Proposal detail page.
On click of Create_Payements__c button it will create 12 new record on Payment (Custom obj.) for that Employee.
On Payement The 12 record will be Name like Jan 2020,Feb2020 and so on(as per From_Date__c on Proposal object).
How do I code for it on Custom button??????
Thanks in advance
Please help me out
I have 3 custom object Employee, Payment & Proposal.
Payment have lookup with Employee.
Proposal have lookup with Employee.
Proposal has Year_package__c & From_Date__c custom fileds.
I want to create a custom button(Create Payments) on Proposal detail page.
On click of Create_Payements__c button it will create 12 new record on Payment (Custom obj.) for that Employee.
On Payement The 12 record will be Name like Jan 2020,Feb2020 and so on(as per From_Date__c on Proposal object).
How do I code for it on Custom button??????
Thanks in advance
- uu
- April 08, 2020
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Steps to generate a custom quote/invoice pdf
Hi guys, the quote template has lots of limitations when it comes to styling; I would like to do something custom and need a step-by-step guide. Basically, I would like a "create quote" button on quote pagelayout that references my visualforce page and creates the pdf.
So I think I need to follow the steps below:
1. Create a custom controller class. Can I do this with standard List controller? Basically, I have to query all the quote and quotelineitems
2. Create a new visual force page using controller from step1, add the proper styling and render as pdf.
3. Create the button on quote with a link to visual force page
Any tips and guides are appreciated.
Did I miss anything?
So I think I need to follow the steps below:
1. Create a custom controller class. Can I do this with standard List controller? Basically, I have to query all the quote and quotelineitems
2. Create a new visual force page using controller from step1, add the proper styling and render as pdf.
3. Create the button on quote with a link to visual force page
Any tips and guides are appreciated.
Did I miss anything?
- Sammy7
- October 17, 2016
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Implementing jQuery Calendar in Visualforce Page
Hi All
I am currently working on an implementation of a calendar view in a Visualforce page. Basic idea is to display a schedule on the calendar based on date fields in custom objects. From some searching, I came across this article: http://www.codebycody.com/2013/06/create-calendar-view-in-salesforcecom.html
I tried to follow the code in the working example, but the calendar does not display in the page. Below is the screenshot of the page:
Glady appreciate if someone can guide me through this issue and how best to implement this feature.
I am currently working on an implementation of a calendar view in a Visualforce page. Basic idea is to display a schedule on the calendar based on date fields in custom objects. From some searching, I came across this article: http://www.codebycody.com/2013/06/create-calendar-view-in-salesforcecom.html
I tried to follow the code in the working example, but the calendar does not display in the page. Below is the screenshot of the page:
Glady appreciate if someone can guide me through this issue and how best to implement this feature.
- Jerry Ye
- April 15, 2016
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