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Hi All, 
I have a requirement where I need to write a batch class which will run everyday and will send an email to the owner 1 day prior to the closed date at 8 am pacific time.
Kindly please help me by providing the code for this use case.

Thanks a lot in advance.
Hi All, 
I have an apex method where I hava  a for loop which is iterating over a list of items. That list has 2 items in it but the loop is returning only the 1st item. 
Can you guys please help me out with it and let me know where I am going wrong.
public static String getPrecission(String imageString){
            String modelIdValues = System.Label.quote_Id;
                List<String> quoteIdLst = (quoteIdValues.contains(';')) ? quoteIdValues.split(';') : new List<String>{quoteIdValues};
                if(quoteIdLst.size() > 0){
                	String accessToken = getAccessToken();
                    for(String quote: quoteIdLst){
                        List<Vision.Precission> lstPricission = *****************;
                        return JSON.serialize(lstPricission);
            return JSON.serialize(new List<Vision.Precission>());
        }catch(Exception e){
            return JSON.serialize(new List<Vision.Precission>());

Please do help me out, why for loop is iterating only for the 1st element of the list. 
Hi All,
I have a business requirement where I want a particular record to be viewd by system admin only and no other user should be able to view the record. Even if the other user knows the record number, he should get an error when trying to open that particular record.

Is there any out of box functionality provided by the salesforce to achieve this? 
Thanks a lot for your help in advance.

Hi I am new to apex and I have a requirement to write a test class for my apex class.
Please refer the class below:-
public with sharing class auth {
    public String lang { get; set; }
    public auth() {
        String langCode = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('language');
        if (langCode == 'EN' || langCode == 'ES') {
            lang = langCode;
        else {
            lang = 'EN';
    public PageReference changeLanguage() {
        lang = (lang.equalsIgnoreCase('EN')) ? 'ES' : 'EN';
        return null;

Please do help me out with this.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Hi All,
I have a requirement to display my phone number on my visualforce page in three- digit format. This format change will only be done when there are only three digits preceded with zeros or three digits appended with zeros.

Example: Instead of 000-000-0711 or 711-000-0000, number will be displayed as 711.

Thank you so much for you help in advance.
Hi All,
I want to create a package in salesforce which will pass all the values of a public tableau dashboard as a parameter. Intergrating tableau dashboard sould be dyanamic.

Thanks a lot in advance.
I have a button in lightning with an onClick Javascript - window.open('/apex/VIPFORM__VIP_FormWizard?id={!Document_Review_Feedback_Form__c.Id}', '_blank');

I want to convert this button in lightning. Please do suggest me a way to do it. Thanks in advance.
My related list of an object has a picklist field. I want few values from that field to be removed. How can I do this. 
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi All,
We have been using Salesforce Classic in our organisation and are planning to move to Lightning. We are planning to use Lightning Experience Configuration Converter Tool for VisualForce Pages. 
Is this tool safe to use or in any case will it indeliberately affect the data in our org. 
Thanks in advance for your help.