• Saikumar Dharmavaram 9
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I have a problem working with the Import Data module. I press map under edit for FNAME and get the popup window. But when having chosen "Contact: First name" as the SFDC field to map it to, I have no map button available to save this choice. So can´t get anywhere with the challenge.
I saw another post, where it was suggested, that browser version could be the problem. I have tried in both IE and Chrome, and I have latest version installed.
I am working in Lightning.
​BR Lone
Hello All,
I have completed this challenge.

1-For this first you need to create a helper formula field(type-percent) 
Percent Completed :
(DATEVALUE( CreatedDate ) - CloseDate )/100

2- Then you need to create the actual formula field (type- text) by using the helper formula field.
Opportunity Progress :

IF( Percent_Completed__c <=25,"Early", 
IF(Percent_Completed__c <=75,"Middle", 
