• Rogahn Bridgette
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I am working on implementing single sign on using Salesforce Auth. Providers. I am integrating it with IdentityServer 4 using Open ID connect method.
I have need to pass additional "launch" request parameter to the single sign on initialization url which will then delegate it to the authorization endpoint.
I would like to give example of what i am trying to do: Single Sign-On Initialization URL: https://login.salesforce.com/services/auth/sso/00D6g0/SalesforceSsoPoc
So if i send user to https://login.salesforce.com/services/auth/sso/00D6g0/SalesforceSsoPoc?launch=dyanmic_token then it would redirect user to the authorize endpoint with the launch=dynamic_token parameter. It should look like this: https://myauthprovider.abc.com/authorize?launch=dynamic_token......
Per help guide on salesforce.com i have ability to pass additional query parameter when i define authorize endpoint while configuring the auth. provider. this is great for adding static parameters but i want to pass launch parameter to the authorize endpoint which contains the onetime launch token generated dynamically.
Documentation that i have referred so far but no luck: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?err=1&id=sso_provider_openid_connect.htm&type=5 https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=sso_provider_addl_params.htm&type=5#sso_provider_addl_params_community