• MSrav
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I have created a quick action button (which creates a contact) in contact object and I have added the quick action button to the list view. I am getting a message "select at least one record" whenever I click on quick action button in the list view. Whether this is the expected behavior?
quick action - contactquick action added to list view there is no recordtype in contact object.
I am firing a custom Notification from process builder. I need that when user clicks on that notification he is taken to a specific record detail page.

Right now i only get an option to have user redirected to custom notification record page which is not what is needed. Can we configure Notification in such a way that it gets redirected to a record other than the chatter notification record created for firing custom notification?
  • December 19, 2019
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I have a scenario where a user opens a record in custom object and selects the checkbox "recurring". The interval can be daily,monthly,quarterly and the corresponding dates should be populated with respect to start date. The new records should be created at these dates with few fields data taken from the first record. (the scenario is same as recurring check box on event)

1) I am thinking of scheduling an Apex class which runs daily and fetches the records which are marked as recurring and if the date matches to today the record should get created.

2) or any third party app which can provide me this functionality.

Any ideas??
