• Hanusha Ganji
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Hi all,

i was struck with the challenge 4
the code coverage is 99%
couldn't complete the challenge

here's my code
public with sharing class MaintenanceRequestHelperTest {
    private static final string STATUS_NEW = 'New';
    private static final string WORKING = 'Working';
    private static final string CLOSED = 'Closed';
    private static final string REPAIR = 'Repair';
    private static final string REQUEST_ORIGIN = 'Web';
    private static final string REQUEST_TYPE = 'Routine Maintenance';
    private static final string REQUEST_SUBJECT = 'Testing subject';
    PRIVATE STATIC Vehicle__c createVehicle(){
        Vehicle__c Vehicle = new Vehicle__C(name = 'SuperTruck');
        return Vehicle;
    PRIVATE STATIC Product2 createEq(){
        product2 equipment = new product2(name = 'SuperEquipment',
                                         lifespan_months__C = 10,
                                         maintenance_cycle__C = 10,
                                         replacement_part__c = true);
        return equipment;
    PRIVATE STATIC Case createMaintenanceRequest(id vehicleId, id equipmentId){
        case cs = new case(Type=REPAIR,
        return cs;
    PRIVATE STATIC Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c createWorkPart(id equipmentId,id requestId){
        Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c wp = new Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c(Equipment__c = equipmentId,
                                                                            Maintenance_Request__c = requestId);
        return wp;
    private static void testMaintenanceRequestPositive(){
        Vehicle__c vehicle = createVehicle();
        insert vehicle;
        id vehicleId = vehicle.Id;
        Product2 equipment = createEq();
        insert equipment;
        id equipmentId = equipment.Id;
        case somethingToUpdate = createMaintenanceRequest(vehicleId,equipmentId);
        insert somethingToUpdate;
        Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c workP = createWorkPart(equipmentId,somethingToUpdate.id);
        insert workP;
        somethingToUpdate.status = CLOSED;
        update somethingToUpdate;
        Case newReq = [Select id, subject, type, Equipment__c, Date_Reported__c, Vehicle__c, Date_Due__c
                      from case
                      where status =:STATUS_NEW];
        Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c workPart = [select id
                                                 from Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c
                                                 where Maintenance_Request__c =:newReq.Id];
        system.assert(workPart != null);
        system.assert(newReq.Subject != null);
        system.assertEquals(newReq.Type, REQUEST_TYPE);
        SYSTEM.assertEquals(newReq.Equipment__c, equipmentId);
        SYSTEM.assertEquals(newReq.Vehicle__c, vehicleId);
        SYSTEM.assertEquals(newReq.Date_Reported__c, system.today());
    private static void testMaintenanceRequestNegative(){
        Vehicle__C vehicle = createVehicle();
        insert vehicle;
        id vehicleId = vehicle.Id;
        product2 equipment = createEq();
        insert equipment;
        id equipmentId = equipment.Id;
        case emptyReq = createMaintenanceRequest(vehicleId,equipmentId);
        insert emptyReq;
        Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c workP = createWorkPart(equipmentId, emptyReq.Id);
        insert workP;
        emptyReq.Status = WORKING;
        update emptyReq;
        list<case> allRequest = [select id 
                                 from case];
        Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c workPart = [select id 
                                                  from Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c 
                                                  where Maintenance_Request__c = :emptyReq.Id];
        system.assert(workPart != null);
        system.assert(allRequest.size() == 1);
    private static void testMaintenanceRequestBulk(){
        list<Vehicle__C> vehicleList = new list<Vehicle__C>();
        list<Product2> equipmentList = new list<Product2>();
        list<Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c> workPartList = new list<Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c>();
        list<case> requestList = new list<case>();
        list<id> oldRequestIds = new list<id>();
        for(integer i = 0; i < 300; i++){
        insert vehicleList;
        insert equipmentList;
        for(integer i = 0; i < 300; i++){
            requestList.add(createMaintenanceRequest(vehicleList.get(i).id, equipmentList.get(i).id));
        insert requestList;
        for(integer i = 0; i < 300; i++){
            workPartList.add(createWorkPart(equipmentList.get(i).id, requestList.get(i).id));
        insert workPartList;
        for(case req : requestList){
            req.Status = CLOSED;
        update requestList;
        list<case> allRequests = [select id
                                 from case
                                 where status =: STATUS_NEW];
        list<Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c> workParts = [select id
                                                        from Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c
                                                        where Maintenance_Request__c in: oldRequestIds];
        system.assert(allRequests.size() == 300);

maintainancerequesthelper did not cover 100%, it passed only 97%

here is the link to the question. Could you please help me solve this issue. i tried all the ways by looking at the previous community replies. but it seems there are few changes made
reate an Apex Trigger
Create an Apex trigger that sets an account’s Shipping Postal Code to match the Billing Postal Code if the Match Billing Address option is selected. Fire the trigger before inserting an account or updating an account.
Add a checkbox field to the Account object:
Field Label: Match Billing Address
Field Name: Match_Billing_Address
Note: The resulting API Name should be Match_Billing_Address__c.

HI All,

According to the above question i need to create a checkbox , which i created by going to setup-->objectmanager-->account--->fields&relationships---->checkbox--->and give the name and keeping it unchecked  + save

i am clear with the code but my question is i have created the checkbox but i couldn't see the option while i am editing/creating the record in  account object.,

according to the question if i select checked then trigger will fire but i couldn't see any option as such

could you please help me with this
Hi All, 

Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void insertNewAccount(String) from the type AccountHandler

This is the error with which i am struck from very long time.
 this is my code

public class AccountHandler {
    public Static Account insertNewAccount(String an){
        Account acc = new Account(name=an);
                insert acc;
                return acc;
        catch(DMLException e){
            return null;



Debug :
Account acc = AccountHandler.insertNewAccount('Test Record');
Hi All, 

Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void insertNewAccount(String) from the type AccountHandler

This is the error with which i am struck from very long time.
 this is my code

public class AccountHandler {
    public Static Account insertNewAccount(String an){
        Account acc = new Account(name=an);
                insert acc;
                return acc;
        catch(DMLException e){
            return null;



Debug :
Account acc = AccountHandler.insertNewAccount('Test Record');
This is what my code is suppose to be doing: 
To pass this challenge, create an Apex class that inserts a new account named after an incoming parameter. If the account is successfully inserted, the method should return the account record. If a DML exception occurs, the method should return null.

public class AccountHandler {

    public static Account insertNewAccount(String accName){
                Account a = new Account(Name=accName);
                insert a;    
                return a;
            } catch(Exception e){
                return null;
        } else {
        return null;

When I test it inside of the execute anonymous window, I input "insertNewAccount('abcd');". I get an error saying "Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void insertNewAccount(String) from the type anon"
I'm getting the following error;
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Inserting a new Maintenance Request of type 'Routine Maintenance' and then closing it did not create of a new Maintenance Request based upon the original record correctly. The challenge is expecting to find the closed Maintenance Request plus an 'New' Maintenance Request of type 'Routine Maintenance' with the same Vehicle as the closed one."
I have had a look at the forum links you provided in a previous post but it's not resolving.

I have added 'Routine Maintenance' and 'Repair' in Case field Type. (Why should this be needed and this type is inconsistent with the other picklist types e.g Electrical, Structural etc)
I also include a filed 'Old Case' to store the Case ID once closed. The challenge is to automate through writing the trigger and the helkper class right? No test class is required at this stage?
Here is my code;
trigger MaintenanceRequest on Case (before update, after update) {  
    List<case>ClosedCaseList = [SELECT Id, subject,Reason, Vehicle__c, vehicle__r.Name, equipment__c,type 
                                FROM Case WHERE Id IN :Trigger.New 
                                AND (status = 'closed' AND (type = 'Repair' OR type = 'Routine Maintenance'))];   
    Map<Id, Case>CasesToConsider = new Map<Id, Case>();
    for(Case c: ClosedCaseList){
        Boolean alreadyClosed = Trigger.oldMap.get(c.Id).Status.equals('Closed') ;
            CasesToConsider.put(c.id, c);
    List<Work_Part__c> allWorkParts = [SELECT ID, Equipment__c, Maintenance_Request__c, 
                Quantity__c, Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c FROM Work_Part__c 
                WHERE Maintenance_Request__c in: CasesToConsider.keySet()];
    MaintenanceRequestHelper.updateWorkOrders(CasesToConsider, allWorkParts);       

public class MaintenanceRequestHelper {
    public static void updateWorkOrders(List<Case> maintenanceRequests){

        Set<Case> targetRequests = new Set<Case>();
        for (Case mr : maintenanceRequests)
            if (('Repair' == mr.Type || 'Routine Maintenance' == mr.Type) && 'Closed' == mr.Status)

        List<AggregateResult> results = [
            SELECT Maintenance_Request__c, MIN(Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c)
            FROM Work_Part__c
            WHERE Maintenance_Request__c IN :targetRequests
            GROUP BY Maintenance_Request__c

        Map<Id, Integer> requestToMinCycle = new Map<Id, Integer>();
        for (AggregateResult ar : results)

        List<Case> workOrders = new List<Case>();
        for (Case t : targetRequests)
            if (('Repair' == t.Type || 'Routine Maintenance' == t.Type) && 'Closed' == t.Status)
                workOrders.add(new Case(
                    Type='Routine Maintenance',
        if (!workOrders.isEmpty())
            insert workOrders;
Performing the first Challenge of this Superbadge for APEX, I am receiving the below error. But it is not true because the Maintenance Request does indeed have all of the attributes cited when I try via the GUI and via a Test Class. Can someone please tell me what is wrong?

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Inserting a new Maintenance Request of type 'Routine Maintenance' and then closing it did not create of a new Maintenance Request based upon the original record correctly. The challenge is expecting to find the closed Maintenance Request plus an 'New' Maintenance Request of type 'Routine Maintenance' with the same Vehicle as the closed one.

(Also, the challenge didn't specifically mention that the Case and Product2 objects should be relabeled)