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What We Like About Bissell Hard Floor Expert Multi-Cyclonic Bagless Canister Vacuum.
Its own efficiency on concrete is partial as a result of its challenging flooring turbine foot. This is a feature special to some of Bissell's best Vacuum for concrete floors, producing all of the professionals for cement floors, in addition to floor tiles. It enables you to clean as easily and as completely as possible. Additionally on various other areas and kinds of filth. The 18ft power cord can be neatly stored. You'll also get a crevice tool and a dusting brush. S.L.S
I am trying to write Apex code for the following:

Covid 19 Info

Area-Holds info about all covid19 patients in an area
Patient - A person infected with covid 19.  It has a field called state (mild/critical/cured/fatal)

Area and Patient share a lookup relationship

Find out-
1. Avg days to recover in that area (Cured date - CreatedDate)
2. Avg days of fatality (Fatal data - CreatedDate)

Trigger and helper class are below.  I don't have any errors with the code, but I can't get it working.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.
trigger CoronaCountyTrigger on Patient__c (after insert, after update, after delete) {

    if (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isAfter || Trigger.isDelete) {
        if (Trigger.isAfter) {
public with sharing class CoronaCountyHelper {
    public static void avgFatal() {
        Set<Id> countyIds = new Set<Id>();
        List<County__c> countyList = new List<County__c>();
        List<Patient__c> patientList = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.new : Trigger.old;
        for (Patient__c pat1 : patientList) {

        for (AggregateResult ag : [
                SELECT County__c, AVG(Days_Until_Fatal__c) avg1
                FROM Patient__c
                GROUP BY County__c
        ]) {
            countyList.add(new County__c(
                    Id = (Id) ag.get('County__c'),
                    AVG_Days_Until_Fatal__c = (Integer) ag.get('avg1')));

        if (countyList.size() > 0) {
            update countyList;

our customer wants to buy a new printer. Use Salesforce CPQ to make sure they get the printer and all the supporting products they need, such as toner and paper. 

Before You Start
For this module, you can’t use a standard Developer Edition org or Trailhead Playground. You must sign up for a CPQ-enabled Developer Edition org. Follow the instructions in this unit to sign up and connect the org to Trailhead.
Challenge Requirements
On the Printer for Back Office opportunity for Edge Communications, edit lines for quote Q-00001
Add the Laser Printer bundle and select all four options
Save the quote lines

can any one help with this module as i am not finding the Quote tab and also not able to do the above steps in th module also
thanks in advance 