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Hi, please help me my challenge not yet complete,not sure where i did wrong.Below you can check the error which i am facing along with the code
Data Integration Specialist
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Error : The 'ProjectRESTService' Apex REST service does not appear to be working properly. Calling the service either didn't update the opportunity correctly, return the string 'OK', create an associated project correctly or function correctly in general.
Synchronize external PMS system project data with Salesforce
Use the requirements above to implement an Apex REST service to process related project and opportunity data that comes in from the Square Peg external application. Before checking this section, run the service method in the ProjectRESTService class to confirm that it’s working as expected.
Below is my code:
@RestResource(urlMapping = '/project/*')
global with sharing class ProjectRESTService {
global static String postProjectData(String ProjectRef, String ProjectName, String OpportunityId,
Date StartDate, Date EndDate, Double Amount, String Status){
String retMsg = 'Error';
SavePoint sp1 = Database.setSavePoint();
List<Opportunity> lstOfOpps = new List<Opportunity>();
if(OpportunityId != null && OpportunityId.trim().length() > 0){
Opportunity opp = [SELECT Id, DeliveryInstallationStatus__c, Discount_Percent__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :OpportunityId];
opp.DeliveryInstallationStatus__c = 'In progress';
UPDATE lstOfOpps;
List<Project__c> lstOfRrjts = new List<Project__c>();
Project__c prjt = new Project__c();
prjt.ProjectRef__c = ProjectRef;
prjt.Name = ProjectName;
prjt.Opportunity__c = OpportunityId;
prjt.Start_Date__c = StartDate;
prjt.End_Date__c = EndDate;
prjt.Billable_Amount__c = Amount;
prjt.Status__c = Status;
UPSERT lstOfRrjts;
retMsg = 'OK';
}catch(Exception ex){
retMsg = ex.getMessage();
return retMsg;
Data Integration Specialist
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Error : The 'ProjectRESTService' Apex REST service does not appear to be working properly. Calling the service either didn't update the opportunity correctly, return the string 'OK', create an associated project correctly or function correctly in general.
Synchronize external PMS system project data with Salesforce
Use the requirements above to implement an Apex REST service to process related project and opportunity data that comes in from the Square Peg external application. Before checking this section, run the service method in the ProjectRESTService class to confirm that it’s working as expected.
Below is my code:
@RestResource(urlMapping = '/project/*')
global with sharing class ProjectRESTService {
global static String postProjectData(String ProjectRef, String ProjectName, String OpportunityId,
Date StartDate, Date EndDate, Double Amount, String Status){
String retMsg = 'Error';
SavePoint sp1 = Database.setSavePoint();
List<Opportunity> lstOfOpps = new List<Opportunity>();
if(OpportunityId != null && OpportunityId.trim().length() > 0){
Opportunity opp = [SELECT Id, DeliveryInstallationStatus__c, Discount_Percent__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :OpportunityId];
opp.DeliveryInstallationStatus__c = 'In progress';
UPDATE lstOfOpps;
List<Project__c> lstOfRrjts = new List<Project__c>();
Project__c prjt = new Project__c();
prjt.ProjectRef__c = ProjectRef;
prjt.Name = ProjectName;
prjt.Opportunity__c = OpportunityId;
prjt.Start_Date__c = StartDate;
prjt.End_Date__c = EndDate;
prjt.Billable_Amount__c = Amount;
prjt.Status__c = Status;
UPSERT lstOfRrjts;
retMsg = 'OK';
}catch(Exception ex){
retMsg = ex.getMessage();
return retMsg;
- santosh konathala
- August 18, 2023
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Team please help where i did wrong
Data Integration Specialist
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Error : The 'ProjectRESTService' Apex REST service does not appear to be working properly. Calling the service either didn't update the opportunity correctly, return the string 'OK', create an associated project correctly or function correctly in general.
Synchronize external PMS system project data with Salesforce
Use the requirements above to implement an Apex REST service to process related project and opportunity data that comes in from the Square Peg external application. Before checking this section, run the service method in the ProjectRESTService class to confirm that it’s working as expected.
Below is my code:
@RestResource(urlMapping = '/project/*')
global with sharing class ProjectRESTService {
global static String postProjectData(String ProjectRef, String ProjectName, String OpportunityId,
Date StartDate, Date EndDate, Double Amount, String Status){
String retMsg = 'Error';
SavePoint sp1 = Database.setSavePoint();
List<Opportunity> lstOfOpps = new List<Opportunity>();
if(OpportunityId != null && OpportunityId.trim().length() > 0){
Opportunity opp = [SELECT Id, DeliveryInstallationStatus__c, Discount_Percent__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :OpportunityId];
opp.DeliveryInstallationStatus__c = 'In progress';
UPDATE lstOfOpps;
List<Project__c> lstOfRrjts = new List<Project__c>();
Project__c prjt = new Project__c();
prjt.ProjectRef__c = ProjectRef;
prjt.Name = ProjectName;
prjt.Opportunity__c = OpportunityId;
prjt.Start_Date__c = StartDate;
prjt.End_Date__c = EndDate;
prjt.Billable_Amount__c = Amount;
prjt.Status__c = Status;
UPSERT lstOfRrjts;
retMsg = 'OK';
}catch(Exception ex){
retMsg = ex.getMessage();
return retMsg;
Data Integration Specialist
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Error : The 'ProjectRESTService' Apex REST service does not appear to be working properly. Calling the service either didn't update the opportunity correctly, return the string 'OK', create an associated project correctly or function correctly in general.
Synchronize external PMS system project data with Salesforce
Use the requirements above to implement an Apex REST service to process related project and opportunity data that comes in from the Square Peg external application. Before checking this section, run the service method in the ProjectRESTService class to confirm that it’s working as expected.
Below is my code:
@RestResource(urlMapping = '/project/*')
global with sharing class ProjectRESTService {
global static String postProjectData(String ProjectRef, String ProjectName, String OpportunityId,
Date StartDate, Date EndDate, Double Amount, String Status){
String retMsg = 'Error';
SavePoint sp1 = Database.setSavePoint();
List<Opportunity> lstOfOpps = new List<Opportunity>();
if(OpportunityId != null && OpportunityId.trim().length() > 0){
Opportunity opp = [SELECT Id, DeliveryInstallationStatus__c, Discount_Percent__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :OpportunityId];
opp.DeliveryInstallationStatus__c = 'In progress';
UPDATE lstOfOpps;
List<Project__c> lstOfRrjts = new List<Project__c>();
Project__c prjt = new Project__c();
prjt.ProjectRef__c = ProjectRef;
prjt.Name = ProjectName;
prjt.Opportunity__c = OpportunityId;
prjt.Start_Date__c = StartDate;
prjt.End_Date__c = EndDate;
prjt.Billable_Amount__c = Amount;
prjt.Status__c = Status;
UPSERT lstOfRrjts;
retMsg = 'OK';
}catch(Exception ex){
retMsg = ex.getMessage();
return retMsg;
- santosh konathala
- August 18, 2023
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Data Integration Specialist: Challenge 5: Why Is This Not Working?
Hi All,
I get the following error when attempting to check in this challenge. However, if I test my code from workbench, it works correctly. I've checked my spelling, order of parameters in the method signature.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'ProjectRESTService' Apex REST service does not appear to be working properly. Calling the service either didn't update the opportunity correctly, return the string 'OK', create an associated project correctly or function correctly in general.
I've checked other forum post and I noticed people are searching for the project record prior to upserting it. I don't understand why that is needed if I can upsert directly against the ProjectRef__c external id field. I could try to copy and paste what they did to pass the challenge, but I want to understand why what I coded doesn't work. A second pair (or more) eyes would be appreciated. Thank you!
I get the following error when attempting to check in this challenge. However, if I test my code from workbench, it works correctly. I've checked my spelling, order of parameters in the method signature.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'ProjectRESTService' Apex REST service does not appear to be working properly. Calling the service either didn't update the opportunity correctly, return the string 'OK', create an associated project correctly or function correctly in general.
I've checked other forum post and I noticed people are searching for the project record prior to upserting it. I don't understand why that is needed if I can upsert directly against the ProjectRef__c external id field. I could try to copy and paste what they did to pass the challenge, but I want to understand why what I coded doesn't work. A second pair (or more) eyes would be appreciated. Thank you!
@RestResource(urlMapping='/project/*') global with sharing class ProjectRESTService { @HttpPost global static String postProjectData(String ProjectRef, String ProjectName, String OpportunityId, Date StartDate, Date EndDate, Double Amount, String Status) { SavePoint sp = Database.setSavepoint(); try { Project__c p = new Project__c(ProjectRef__c=ProjectRef, Name=ProjectName, Opportunity__c=OpportunityId, Start_Date__c=StartDate, End_Date__c=EndDate, Billable_Amount__c=Amount, Status__c=Status); upsert p ProjectRef__c; Opportunity o = new Opportunity(Id=OpportunityId, DeliveryInstallationStatus__c='In Progress'); update o; return 'OK'; } catch (Exception e) { System.debug('~~~ Cause: ' + e.getCause() + ' Message: ' + e.getMessage() + ' getLineNumber: ' + e.getLineNumber() + ' StackTrace: ' + e.getStackTraceString() + ' Type: ' + e.getTypeName()); Database.rollback(sp); return e.getMessage(); } } }
- Terri T Jiles
- June 02, 2017
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