• dmays
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Is it possible to invoke a lead assignment rule when uploading new leads through the API?  I found a posting from May 2004 which suggested the answer is "no", but I'm inquiring, hoping this has been implemented.  If it is possible, could you provide a code example (.Net preferred)?


  • January 10, 2005
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We're trying to do an initial load of Salesforce with Accounts and Contacts, but have run into a maximum batch size of 200 records.  Is there any way to increase this?


  • December 21, 2004
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Is it possible to invoke a lead assignment rule when uploading new leads through the API?  I found a posting from May 2004 which suggested the answer is "no", but I'm inquiring, hoping this has been implemented.  If it is possible, could you provide a code example (.Net preferred)?


  • January 10, 2005
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We're trying to do an initial load of Salesforce with Accounts and Contacts, but have run into a maximum batch size of 200 records.  Is there any way to increase this?


  • December 21, 2004
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