• DavidLe
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I have built an advanced form with c# & .net to insert leads using API calls.   I had a recent request to start using the auto-response emails when leads are inserted and the triggers in the api don't seem to be working for me.   Here's and excerpt from the code:

                EmailHeader email = new EmailHeader();
                email.triggerAutoResponseEmail = true;

                binding.EmailHeaderValue = email;

                SaveResult[] sr = binding.create(newlead);

Am I missing some part of the call?  The email is never triggered.



I have 2 record types (ASSET and OPPORTUNITY) that are related. 

Each has a data element called Related "X" (where "X" is the other record type name). 

Is the connector able to see this field? 

It does not display when the list of fields of the record is presented for extraction purposes (Step 2 of 3 in the Table Query Wizard).