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Hi all,
    Salesforce has opportunity & opportunity products. When i update opportunity products, the lastmodifiedate of opportunity also getting modified.

I have two objects ,quotes & quote lines. Quote lines has master-detail relationship with quotes. A quote may have one or more quote lines. So when i updating quote lines, lastmodifieddate field of quotes is not getting modified.
I want it to be modified same as how salesforce is doing with opportunity & opportunity products.

Can any body suggest how to implement this.Hope i will get response very soon.

Thank you,
Sudheer Tumu.
This board is for any and all questions about the Apex programming language, including syntax, features and capabilities.
Hi all,
Iam using "sales Quote with line Items App". For Quote Amount calculation , Now I have to click on "calculate QuoteAmout " custom link.
But what i want is , whenever i have added Quote Lines Itself has to give me Quote Amount without clicking on that custom link.
Can any one tell me how to do this?
When clicking "save" Button after adding quote lines , I have to invoke that custom link,
Is there any way to change the salesforce pages & their links? 
I want solution for this as soon as possible.
Sudheer Tumu.
Hi all,
I have downloaded  "Mail Merge for Quotes Application " and installed in my account. But  My Quote Lines are not getting replaced by the Original data. Quote fields are getting replaced But Quote Line Fields are not getting replaced.
Iam using the default template documents provided by that App only.
can any one suggest me what is the real problem.
Thank You,
Sudheer Tumu.
Hi there,
   I am trying to query custom objects 'Quote'. I am using the enterprise WSDL.
a) The query runs from the SForce explorer and returns the results.
b) I am able to get the metadata for the object 'SFDC_520_Quote__c'.
c) The following java code throws an exception
qr = binding.query("select Id, opportunity__c from SFDC_520_Quote__c");
Sep 18, 2006 5:30:22 PM org.apache.axis.client.Call invoke
SEVERE: Exception:
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.SObject - Opportunity__c
 at org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializer.onStartChild(BeanDeserializer.java:258)
 at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.startElement(DeserializationContext.java:1035)
Am I missing something or is there a bug? Please help.
I have two questions on mail megre.
1. Is there a way to display a lead date field + 30 days ?
2. I have a list of items in my document. How can I display line numbers automatically for number of items displayed (eg; below)
1.    Item Name1(Merge Field from SF)           Item Desc1(Merge Field from SF)   
2.    Item Name2(Merge Field from SF)           Item Desc2(Merge Field from SF)   
3.    Item Name3(Merge Field from SF)           Item Desc3(Merge Field from SF)   


I have developed  some Word mail merge templates for my company (Enterprise edition) that print an opportunity with a specific layout (something like an order acknowledgement). We have been using the template for two weeks now with no problems, and all of a sudden from the beginning of this week we are getting different error messages.

More specifically, I get messages like: "Merge data error: End tag 'esforce.com' does not match start tag 'data'", or other versions of this message (instead of esforce.com, I get parts of the Opportunity information), or “A string literal was expected, but no opening quote character was found.

My guess is that information during a mail merge is passed on using URL encoding, and when special characters are involved (ex. Product description) the URL parameters break. However, I've not been able to pinpoint the problematic characters.

Has anyone faced the same problem? Or has anything in the mail merge process changed during the last week? (Opportunity field names?)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


handling the sforce - API is quiet new to me. I think it's the best way to describe what I've already done:
I've downloaded the Enterprise WSDL, and succeeded in generating customer object classes.
When I try to query any one of these customer object, I get the message above.
queryString = "select Plan_Summe__c from Projekt__c";
        try {
            qr = binding.query(queryString);
            boolean done = false;
            if (qr.getSize() > 0) {
                while (!done) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < qr.getRecords().length; i++) {
                        Projekt__c records = (Projekt__c) qr.getRecords(i);
                        System.out.println("Summe: " + i + " " + records.getPlan_Summe__c());
When I try to bypass the 'invalid field' problem by using an ID-field as it is used in alle SObject classes, I will encounter a ClassCastException. Querying a standard SObject (e.g. Contact) works fine. The debugger showed that the QueryResult contains an array of com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.SObject when it should instanciate com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.Projekt__c.
What could be the problem?
Thanks in advance.
I have an Email template setup where I am trying to print out the Opportunity Line Item fields.
I can get access to all other related fields except the line items (products)

This works if I use a Mail Merge option with a Word doc template.

Reason for using an HTML email template - so that the sales rep can email out a proposal
Any help/suggestions are appreciated


We are currently creating contracts (in Word) using the mail merge template function.  The problem is that our customers don't want to see language specific to a product they didn't purchase.  Also, we don't want to print every possible product/service that isn't included in the sale.  Creating many, many possible versions of the contract just isn't practical. 

One of my peers has developed a Word document containing macros that parses through the output of the mail merge and includes or excludes sections using bookmarks.  The macro displays a window where the user selects various options that control the customization.  He created this process because he was told that you couldn't mix macros with the mail merge functionality.  It appears to me that you could mix the two but would have to have Office Edition installed.  True or false?

The process this person developed requires too many steps and I fear that our sales people will mess it up and thus proclaim it a failure.  The solution I would like to create would prompt the user for information needed to customize the contract language and then create the output in a single step.  Any thoughts on how I could do this in Word or any other technology? 

I've created an sforce control to generate quotes based on opportunity information. I've gotten as far as creating the word document out of a mail merge template, create an activity to say the quote has been created, and open up the browser to the new email page using an email template. The thing I want to do now is turn that document into an email attachment. How can I do that????

This is the link I'm using to open up the email:

window.top.location =  '/email/author/emailauthor.jsp?retURL=/' + Opportunity_ID + '&what_id=' + Opportunity_ID + '&who_id=' + Contact_ID + '&template_id=' + email_Template_Id





Is there a way to keep the session alive through the API by making some API calls within every two hour timeout period?  It seems that trying to keep the session alive using global describe calls or query calls  fails after a certain time, even though the session does last longer than the original 2 hour period.  

What is the maximum amount of time a session can be kept alive? 

What API calls should be used to keep the session alive?

