• Killian
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We have a custom numerical field in the Contract tab. This field is used to "track" a numerical change from one Contract to the next. I want to report on the difference between this custom field between two Contracts. (in other words, compare this custom field from one record to another, and calculate the difference). Does anyone know how do I do this?

- Do I create a calculated Formula field? I tried but I don't think this works because Formula fields only seem to work in the same Contract/Record.

- Do I create a calculated field in a Report? I can't see how I do this.

- Do I need to build something in s-control??? I would not where to start.

Anyone have any idea about this? Am I going about this all wrong???

Any help at all is appreciated.


We have a custom field "Number of Members" in Account. This field is required only when Account Type of "Industry Association" is selected from the Account Picklist. (Our Account Picklist has
Please can someone advise on how I go about doing this?
I have tried Field dependencies, but they only work for Controlling fields and Dependent fields that are picklists.

sorry if this question is misplaced here, but I couldn't find any other list to place this question to.

I am not yet very familiar with the philosophy of SalesForce, but as I understand so far: if I use SalesForce, I don't need a traditional in-house infrastructure of servers and software distribution and the like. Right? Ok, but what if I am forced by law to store the data gathered by my company within the physical boundaries of my company and I am not allowed too to store the data encrypted outside of my company?

For instance, I think of clinical data of a hospital information system. Some governments may not allow that data to be stored outside of the physical areas of the hospital, even not if they would be encrypted. Is there any chance to use software on demand like SalesForce in this context? Has SalesForce a feature like: "local data, but remote business logic" or doesn't make this sense at all (i.e., "the database is the system")?

Thank you in advance for any comments.
