• geckogal
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I need help updating my shipping on an oppty.  This is a formula field that uses the close date to determine the shipping cost.
  Overnight shipping is either $40, $45 or $50 depending on the close date.
Currently, I am using the following formula, but I now need to increase effective today (adding a third option):
IF (
CloseDate < DateValue("2008-08-20"),
IF (
Overnight__c, 40, IF(Overnight_Sat_Delivery__c, 45, IF(X2_Day__c, 25, IF( X3_Day__c, 23, IF( Ground__c, 15, IF(Canada__c, 60, IF(International__c, 75, IF(P_O_Box__c, 25, 0)))))))),
If (
Overnight__c, 45, IF(Overnight_Sat_Delivery__c, 50, IF(X2_Day__c, 30, IF( X3_Day__c, 28, IF( Ground__c, 20, IF(Canada__c, 65, IF(International__c, 80, IF(P_O_Box__c, 30, 0))))))))
Thank you for your help