• mkchourasia
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The test case in APEX, for the trigger is giving me the Error "Cannot_insert_update_activity_entity".
I am administrator on the system, and when I execute the test case its giving the erroe.
In the triggert I am creating the relation ship between 2 Objects.
When new object is created, it will associate it with the child object.
Thanks for the help in advance
I am trying to provide the lookup for a for a field with the Cusatom Object, but the lookup searches the data wrt only the ID not wrt the other fields. Thanks in Advance
I am trying to Clone a custom object in the S-Control, and I am stuck can some one share their experience of cloning the object which is having parent child relationship with other objects.
I am trying override the Clone button functionality so that while cloniong we can add all the related object entries. I am facing an issue when I am creating the new object in S-Control
Here is the code
var newSPQ = new sforce.SObject("SPQs__c");
update newSPQ;
can someone help me so that I can correct the Mistake
thanks in advance