• dkraun
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I've developed an application to implement SSO using SAML assertion. Earlier i used to post the startURL and logoutURL along-with the SAML assertion to the salesforce login page and after validation of the assertion I was redirected to the start page I had posted. Also when I logged out I was redirected to the logout URL I had posted while logging in. But it has stopped working for me now. Now even though I post these URL's I'm still redirected to the salesforce default start page and logout page. This feature is working for SSO using delegated authentication. Can someone please clarify if there has been changes with respect to support for these features for  SAML assertion based SSO.



I need to add the field history from a custom object to a page, but am running into a lot of problems.  The related list displays with no problem when viewing the custom object through the salesforce custom object tab, but on my custom page it says that Histories is not a valid child relationship name for the entity.  I have checked the child relationships of my custom object and the History object that salesforce generates automatically when "Track Field History" is checked is listed with the name "Histories" as the child relationship name.  I have tried this on multiple custom objects (making them as simple as possible) and a relatedList on Histories just doesn't seem to be possible.  Has anyone been able to make this work?



    I am not able  to send the List of Objects to javascript to generate the bar or pie chart.

    Here is the scenario. There is an apex controller class 'Agents' in that there is a method gettopNAgents() which returns List of Objects(Agents) .

 I am calling this method  in <apex:Pageblocktable  id="table" value="{!topnAgents}" var="com">......</a..:pbt> component  to display all the agents with their respective commission. The data is getting displayed in the table properly but I am not able to send the List to the javascript. I tried calling onRowClick event on pageBlocktable component and oncomplete event on commandbutton component both were not working. 

In javascript I have used var m = document.getElementById(" {!$component.table}"),  var e = "{!topnAgents}"  both were not working. Can any one help me in this.



I am having trouble with one related list.
<apex:relatedlist list="affiliateClients__r" rendered="{!isAffiliate}"/>
<apex:relatedlist list="AffiliateOpportunities__r" rendered="{!isAffiliate}"/>
<apex:relatedlist list="contacts"/>
<apex:relatedlist list="clipfactorypo__r"/>
<apex:relatedlist list="openactivities"/>
<apex:relatedlist list="activityhistories"/>
<apex:relatedlist list="opportunities" rendered="{!isAffiliate}"/>

 The clipfactorypo__r related list gives an error.  I can't spot what I am doing wrong here.  I have successfully got the other related lists working, and I don't see what is so special about this one.  These are all child relationships off the Account object.  I have checked the name using apex explorer by looking in the Child Relationships branch of the Account object.
The only difference between AffiliateOpportunities__r and clipfactorypo__r as far as I can see is that the first is a related list to a standard object, and the second is to a custom object.
I have two custom objects, Setting and Customisation (British spelling). Customisation has a Master-Detail(Setting) field and
Child Relationship Name is Customisations. However
<apex:relatedList list="Customisations" title="Profiles" subject="{!SettingId}"/>

 Causes an error: 'Customisations' is not a valid child rationship name for entity Setting. The name right and I think I have the objects setup right. SettingId is the Id of the setting record I am using to store the information and the customisation record is related to the correct one. Seems to be moaning about the right object so I doubt its a custom controller problem.