• dkraun123
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I have run into this error message when trying to use dynamic SOQL for the first time. I am running the query in a managed package, but the object I am working with is in the same managed package, the package api is unrestricted, and my profile is system admin with full rights. Can anyone think of any other settings that would be causing restricted access?

I have run into this error message when trying to use dynamic SOQL for the first time. I am running the query in a managed package, but the object I am working with is in the same managed package, the package api is unrestricted, and my profile is system admin with full rights. Can anyone think of any other settings that would be causing restricted access?

I have a pick list and I am trying to create a clear button that clears the value. This is pretty simple but I can't seem to figure it out.

Here is the simple code to reproduce:

<apex:page controller="clearCon" action="{!load}">
        <apex:pageBlock >
           <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
               <apex:commandButton value="Clear Criteria" action="{!clear}" rerender="industry"/>
           <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2" id="industry">
               <apex:inputField value="{!acct.Industry}"/>

public class clearCon {

    public Account acct {get; set;}
    public PageReference load() {
        acct = new Account();
        return null;
    public PageReference clear(){
        acct.Industry = null;
        return null;



Message Edited by TehNrd on 10-07-2008 08:52 AM