• MPIYori
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Has anyone else had this issue or knows how this might be done? I'm trying to create a respond to case template, very basic stuff, where it includes some formalities and the body of the solution attached to a case. The problem is often our solutions include examples in the form of attachments, as far as I've seen even with using visualforce it is not possible to create an E-Mail template that transfers the solution attachments into the attachments section of the outgoing e-mail.


Any help/ideas would be much appreciated. I'll be adding it to the IdeaExchange soon if this isn't possible. 

Message Edited by MPIYori on 06-12-2009 11:29 AM
Message Edited by MPIYori on 06-12-2009 11:30 AM
When using a lookup field, it pops up a search window that allows me to search for a record and has a few record choices in there.  For example, if I had a relationship between Contact and Account and I clicked on the lookup field in a Contact record to relate an Account to it, it would give me a popup window showing me a few Account choices and also allow me to search for an account.  My question is can I change this window and if so how can I do so.  I want to be able to show all accounts in the window and also change the view so the user can see more information about an account record than just the Name.
I'm trying to display a table of events and all associated attendees if it is a group event.

public List<Event> getEvents() { 
        return [SELECT id, whatID, subject, startdatetime, whoID, accountID,
            (SELECT ID, AttendeeID, Status, RespondedDate, Response FROM EventAttendees)
           FROM Event
           WHERE whatID = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')
           ORDER BY startdatetime DESC];

I can confirm with Apex Explorer that the SOQL statement is at least accurate and doesn't fail. Now my issue is displaying the attendees on the Visualforce page

<apex:PageBlock title="Events">
    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!events}" var="event" >
        <apex:column value="{!event.subject}"/>
        <apex:column value="{!event.startdatetime}"/>
        <apex:column value="{!event.whoID}"/>
        <apex:column value="{!event.accountID}"/>

 I've tried !event.EventAttendees.AttendeeID (Error: Unknown property 'ArrayList.attendeeID') and !event.AttendeeID (Error: Invalid field attendeeID for SObject Event)

The EventAttendees object is not well documented and this might just be a complete failure from the start. Any help would be appreciated.