• Ghilli
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Hi Friends,


I have a visual force page where i was displaying records with the field createdby.name. This was working for me before summer 12 release.


After i activated summer 12 release, createdby.name field does not show the value. The query have the value but when showing them in partner portal, it is not showing up.


If anyone have any idea on this issue please let me know.



Hi all,


I have a question, my case is I two profiles, one for Admin and other for Non Admin.

I have my page and class in Enable visualforce access & Enable apex class access in Non Admin profile.. All fields level security have been checked.. All the Custom Object Permissions hae been checked


There is a button call Visualforce page in a custom object.

For Admin profile everything works fine.


In Non Admin Profile, if View Setup and Configuration permission is checked, accessing the visualforce page works fine. If View Setup permission is unchecked, I can access to visualforce page but after I select any picklists in visualforce page -> Insufficient Privileges error message is shown

Are there any settings that need to be done? Any suggestions would be great..



Hello All,


I have a Visualforce Page which  when viewed as an Admin works fine, the page has a rerender portion when on selecting a value from a drop down a couple of text boxes get rerendered.


I logged in as a different user and the page shows up fine, when i change the drop down the rerender gets called and i end up getting the message


"Insufficient Privileges You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary. "


The VF page, the apex class, the extension class, the objects used (have C R E D), all have the permissions for this profile. Also, all fields of the associated objects are visible to this profile.


With this error message i am unable to get any clue of what is happening actually, it's just supposed to rerender a few text boxes which are not associated with any access privileages.


Moreover, the debug log says "SUCCESS" and all getter and setter methods are called fine. Its only when the page refreshes itself that something goes wrong somewhere.


Please let me know your thoughts.




Does Roll Up Summary field supports formulas with expressions?



I have person accounts enabled for my organization.


I am trying to update a contact record. When I execute update query and if the contact record is my person account, it throws me below error:



Cannot select a person account.


I can understand that the contact record is actually referring to person account .. but then why should I able to select it using - select id from contact where id = 'personaccountid'?  



If anybody knows the resolutions, please do let me know.




Chandrakant M



Can we customize the batch submit around Forecasting to set it at a timestamp.Something like the Forecast batch submit should run automatically at 00:00 hrs at the end of quarter.


Is this feasible. Any help is welcome.


Thanks & Regards,

Heena Bhatnagar



I am fairly new to Force.com development and have hit an issue trying to build some relationships on a custom object.


I have an 'Assessment' custom object with a custom lookup field to a 'Claim' custom object.  I want to build a further custom lookup field on Assessment: 'Claim Contact' that looks up from another custom object, but this object is the detail in a master-detail relationship with the Claim object. 


I want to know how to constrain the 'Claim Contact' lookup so that it only shows values that are related to the Claim that has already been looked up on to the Assessment.


i.e. if the Assessment is linked to Claim A, which has child Contacts Jack and Jill, then these should be the only contacts I am able to pick using the 'Claim Contact' lookup on the Assessment.  If the assessment is not linked to any Claim then I need the lookup to return no results.


Is there a configuration solution to this or if not does anyone know what the best approach is to do this?


Many thanks in advance!

Hi Friends,


I have one scenario in that i need to send the account details to the owner's mobile phone.


I am using the following code to do that. But while executing its asking for the user id and password.


If i gave that also its again loading the same the page.


Please help me to rectify this.


The code is :







<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/functions.js"></script> <script src="/soap/ajax/10.0/connection.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function init() { alert("hi"); var carrier = "{!User.Cell_Phone_Carrier__c}"; alert("hi4"+carrier); if ( carrier == "" ) { alert( "No cell phone carrier specified" + " in your personal information"); setTimeout("window.close();",100); return; } var cell_number = "{!User.MobilePhone}"; alert("hi5"+cell_number); if ( cell_number == "" ) { alert( "No cell phone number specified"+ " in your personal information"); setTimeout("window.close();",100); return; } var l = window.location; alert("hi2"+l.href); if ( l.protocol == "https:") { l.href = l.href.replace(/https/,'http'); alert("hi3"+l.href); return; } sforce.connection.remoteFunction( {url :"http://www.google.com/sendtophone",mimeType: "text/plain",requestHeaders:{"Content-Type":"application/x-www"+ "-form-urlencoded"}, method: "POST", requestData: "gl=US&hl=en"+ "&client=navclient-ffsms"+ "&c=1&carrier="+ carrier+ "&subject={!Account.Name}"+ "&text={!Account.BillingStreet}\n"+ "{!Account.BillingCity}"+ "&mobile_user_id="+ cell_number, async: true, onFailure : done, onSuccess : done}); } function done( response ) { alert("hi6"); document.getElementById('sendtophone'). innerHTML = response; setTimeout("window.close();",5000); } </script> </head> <body onload="init();"> <div id="sendtophone" > </div> </body> </html>





Is there a way to use Custom Labels in a Custom Object?
Hi All,
How to get the distinv values using SOQL.
In SQL we use DISTINCT keyword.
How about in SOQL.
Kindly tell me since its delaying my work.
Hi All,
Good Evening.
I have one scenario in that i displaying 100 records in a manner that each page contain 10 records with a check box. We can navigate to the next 10 records using a Next button. And can come back to previous using Previous button.
If i select the check box i can edit that particular record alone.
If i am editing one record and move to second page there i am editing one record. I have to update this on the whole.
The problem here is if i move to second page the first edited record in the first page is not retained.
Kindly clarify this.
Thank you.
Hi All,
I have one requirement in that i am displaying all the accounts (nearly 100) in visual force page.
I need to customize the results on the page  so that i can specify the number of records to be shown per page.
(I will have one textbox. In that i can specify the number of rows to be shown and have a GO button to execute.)
How can i do this?
Kindly share your knowledge.
Hi all,

I'd like to dynamically  render an Sobject to a VF page.

Here is my controller:

private list<SObject> obj;

public void setobj(list<SObject> s){obj=s;} public list<Sobject> getobj(){return obj;}
public PageReference init() {
 obj=[select Name from Account limit 10]; return null; }

Here my VF Page:

<apex:page Controller="Test" action="{!init}">
<apex:repeat value="{!obj}" var="field">
   <apex:inputField value="{!field.Name}"/>

I've got this error message :
Read access not found for null.
I've also tried with outputText, inputText with no success.The only field I've managed to retrieve is the ID.

Any Idea ?

I have a problem: we should fire a trigger after a file was attached to a custom object. Unfortunately the “after insert” and the “before insert” event on the Attachment object doesn’t get fired (but the after delete event does but we don't need that).

Does anybody has an  idea why? It can't be the code, it's just debugoutput. Or any workaroung?

I am developing a Ajax scontrol(Report) where I show next 100/50/25 days Events.Customer is asking for pagination as there are thousands of events.
Could some body please provide guidelines or samples for the best practices to use.