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Hi everyone,


So I have a trigger that is workin ggreat in the test environment and I thought I could just bang out the test class and get it over. Well, I can't seem to write test code I guess. Can anyone advise?



trigger update30DayNoticeSentOnTaskComplete on Task (after update) {
public Id oppId;
for(Task t:Trigger.New){
if(t.WhatId != NULL)
if(t.Subject=='Send Out Notice To Vacate')
oppId = t.WhatId;
List<Opportunity> opp = [select Id from Opportunity where id = :oppId];
for(Opportunity o : opp){
o.X30_Day_Letter_Sent__c = system.today()+5;
update o;




Hi There!


I have a need to update a date field on an opportunity when the task status is changed to completed.Workflow as follows:


Task marked "Completed" > Field "Follow up date" = TODAY() + 5


Pretty simple, but I will be using this trigger as framework for other triggers to get all our reps in line to follow through with a process, so it's pretty important. Thanks anyone who's willing to help.



Hi there-


So I got assistance on this code, built the test class and deployed it. It works fine when creating a Task under Opp but throws a null pointer exception error when I create a task under any other object.


Goal: When adding a task in opportunity automatically pull the assigned rep and select the picklist field for them on the task. When no rep selected do nothing.


Both fields are named Assigned_Rep__c, however the field on the Opp is a reference Assigned_Rep__r.Name. I do not need any trigger except when accessed from an opportunity.




Attempt to de-reference a null object Trigger.populatePicklist: line 9, column 34


trigger populateAssignedRep on Task(before insert, before update){
    String oppPrefix = Schema.SObjectType.Opportunity.getKeyPrefix();
    List<Id> oppIds = new List<Id>();
    for(Task t: Trigger.new){
        String relatedTo = (String)t.WhatId;
        String relatedToPrefix = relatedTo.subString(0,3);
        if(oppPrefix == relatedToPrefix){
    Map<Id,Opportunity> oppMap = new Map<Id,Opportunity>();
        oppMap.putAll([Select Id, Name, Assigned_Rep__c, Assigned_Rep__r.Name from Opportunity where Id IN :oppIds]);
          for(Task t: trigger.new){
             String relatedTo = (String)t.WhatId;
             String relatedToPrefix = relatedTo.subString(0,3);
             if(oppPrefix == relatedToPrefix){
                   Opportunity opp = oppMap.get(t.WhatId);
                   if(opp.Assigned_Rep__c != null){
                      t.ARI_Rep__c = opp.Assigned_Rep__r.Name;                    }


I'm using this as my first venture into triggers, and was able to handle the test class by myself, so I am extremely appreciative of the help I am getting. Thanks everyone.


Hello everyone-

This should be a quick slam dunk for any trigger masters out there and should help me to start learning myself.



When a task is added to an Opportunity the lookup field Rep_Team__c on the opportunity record is checked. If the field is populated then it will take that value and convert it to the corresponding task record picklist value Rep_Tm__c.


This is 1:1 conversion or nothing. (meaning if the picklist value is not available then it will be left alone.)


I really wish I could give more information than this but I don't understand the syntax and am hoping that by seeing the working code I can learn to create my own.


Thanks for any help!!






Hi All,
     I wish to associate a custom tab view to a visualforce page , is it possible if so kindly guide me with the  appropriate steps.

Thanks in Advance

Message Edited by Nalini on 06-03-2009 12:18 AM
Message Edited by Nalini on 06-03-2009 03:50 AM
Message Edited by Nalini on 06-03-2009 03:52 AM