• fgwarb
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In daily operations my habit has been to read the logs on the page which displays them; but now I'm downloading the log files and want to use an application other than textWrangler (I'm on a Mac) to open them.


The Mac default Console.app is actually less helpful than a text editor (I'm guessing that it is choking on the size of file?..); so I'm wondering what (if any) alternative log readers are in common usage.






Help needed in updating a custom field on Task


I have a custom field calld Sales_Targer_Id__c on task object and this field need to be get updated by the Id of Sales_Target__c object


And the condition for that is if the officer_code__c of Task is equal to Officer_code__c of sales_Target__c object then update the Sales_Targer_Id__c custom field with the id of the Sales_Target__c custom object.



The documentation on the URL contradicts itself.  "Use it to access the LicenseType field.  By the way, you can't use it to access the LicenseType field."  Funny, but worth correcting.





DescriptionA global merge field type to use when referencing information about the current user's profile. Use profile merge fields to reference information about the user's profile such as license type or name.
UseUse dot notation to access your organization's information.
Note that you cannot use the following $Profile values in Visualforce:
  • LicenseType
  • UserType

Can someone demonstrate successful usage of the VF INCLUDES function?


None of the permutations I've used work!


{!INCLUDES(a.Targeted_By_Campaigns__c, 'ABC')}

{!IF(INCLUDES(a.Targeted_By_Campaigns__c, 'ABC'), 'TRUE','FALSE')}



Is it possible to return the label value of the selected item in a selectlist to the controller.  Sorry, Im new at this and couldn't find anything.


I just want to know what the label of the currently selected item is instead of the value (which I need different for something else)


Thank you


Alert: Salesforce.com experienced the following problem creating the lead below:

Reason: The formula in the "Online leads" rule or process is invalid due to the following:<br/>
    Lead Capture Page: http://www.ourURL.com

Record Information:

[field details]

"Online leads" is the name of one of our Lead Assignment rules.


So, it's "obvious" that there is something wrong with it, but I have nothing to go on regarding what is wrong.  there isn't a <br/> in any of our rules...


Does anyone have any experience with an error like this?



hi to evevryone,


in an organization we send 1000 email in a day,

if i send morethan 1000 emails in a day, how it will work?,

those mails will queue to next day or those mails will delete????


thank you

Hi all,


I'm currently using the following class:


public with sharing class classTest{
    public classTest(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
    List<Dealer_Forecast__c> dfc;
    public String myUserID = UserInfo.getUserId();

    public List<Dealer_Forecast__c> getDfc(){
        if(dfc == null){
            dfc = [SELECT Account__c,Style__c, Region__c, Territory__c
                FROM Dealer_Forecast__c 
                WHERE Account__r.OwnerId =:myUserID];
        return dfc;




But instead of creating the list where the owner of the account is the current user, I'd like to pull records where a custom field on the related Account = a custom field on the current user's User record. So I changed the code to the following:


public with sharing class classTest{
    public classTest(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
    public String userlist {get; set;}
    List<Dealer_Forecast__c> dfc;
    public String myUserID = UserInfo.getUserId();

    public String getUserlist(){  
        userlist = [SELECT Report_Server_Co_Id__c FROM User WHERE id = :myUserID LIMIT 1].Report_Server_Co_Id__c;
        return userlist;   
    public Integer userterr = Integer.valueOf(userlist);
    public List<Dealer_Forecast__c> getDfc(){
        if(dfc == null){
            dfc = [SELECT Account__c,Style__c, Region__c, Territory__c
                FROM Dealer_Forecast__c 
                WHERE Account__r.Territory__c =:userterr];
        return dfc;




I am able to save the class, but when the code is executed, I get an error stating "Argument 1 cannot be null". I imagine the way I'm trying to achieve what is I need is completely incorrect.


Any suggestions?



I am trying to setup a custom case record type selection page. I have a record type query in my controller, and I have a link to the 'new case page with specific record type' in my page. I create a case using the standard record type selection page and I examined the url to use as the link in my page.
The link in my page is working correctly to take me to create a new case with the correct record type, and save or cancel.
I am not sure if there is a problem because there is this url parameter called "CONFIRMATIONTOKEN" when i create the case using the standard record type selection page, which I am not able to reproduct in my custom 'create new case' link.
 Anyone know what the confirmation token url paremeter is used for or how to replicate it?
Also is there a better way to go about creating a custom case record type selection page? 
 Thank you.

public class rtController { List<RecordType> recordType; public List<RecordType> getRecordType() { if(recordtype == null) recordtype = [Select r.SystemModstamp, r.SobjectType, r.NamespacePrefix, r.Name, r.LastModifiedDate, r.LastModifiedById, r.IsActive, r.Id, r.DeveloperName, r.Description, r.CreatedDate, r.CreatedById, r.BusinessProcessId From RecordType r where SobjectType = 'Case' ]; return recordType; }}



<apex:page controller="rtController" tabStyle="Case" showHeader="false" sidebar="false"><apex:sectionHeader title="Case" subtitle="Record Types" /> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!RecordType}" var="rt"> <apex:column > <apex:outputLink value="/500/e?retURL=%2F500%2Fo&RecordType={!rt.Id}&cancelURL=%2F500%2Fo&ent=Case" > {!rt.name} </apex:outputLink> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlock></apex:page>



I am working on an Visualforce page for opportunity object, I need to ask user to select a pricebook for the opportunity.


It is straight forward for standard users - just show all active pricebooks, but parter users can only access the pricebooks defined in pricebook sharing.


How do I find out what pricebooks the current user can use in Apex code?





Is it possible to have a cross object value in an email template? On the Lead object I have a lookup field (Primary_Contact__c) to a user. Is there anyway to get user fields on this template with workflow from the Lead object.

I have tried with no luck:

When saving it reverts to this:

Hi everyone.  

   Is there a Apex class method to get current Salesforce.com instance or URL at runtime?

I want to generate hyperlinks like https://na4.salesforce.com/{accountId} in code.  But I don't want to hard code 'na4'.

Every time I deploy the same code back to Sandbox, I must fix the instance manually.

Thanks in advance.