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Is there a way to know number of records that has been processed, rejected by a batch apex job?


I try to generate HTML code in a controller and pass back to VF page to display. But,I can't think of a way to

display the HTML code correctly.


At my VF page, 

  1. By using <script>document.write({!HTML})</script>  --> the HTML code able to display as a table. But, this way is not working fine at IE7.
  2. By using <apex:outputText value="{!HTML}"></apex:outputText> --> this purely display the HTML code as text, not a table.
  3. Combine 1 & 2, <script>document.write()</script><apex:outputText value="{!HTML}"></apex:outputText> --> This way is working fine at IE7 and firefox, but this way looks a bit weird. Why with the <script> tag, the <apex:outputText> able to display HTML code correctly?

Kindly advise on this problem.


or is there any other idea on how to create a dynamic table at VF page based on the data being retrieve?



Is there any other way to include visualforce page into home page instead of using iframe?


By using iframe, there will have scroll bar which I do not want.

Ok, so I'm trying to create tables based on strings i have in a couple of parallel arrays using visualforce.  My code is good, but when I run it, strange things occur:

tableText+="<tr><td class='included' onClick=\"toggleObj("+i+", '"+ObjArr2[i]+"', this)\" colspan='2' onMouseOver='flipOn(this)' onMouseOut='flipOff(this)' id='"+ObjArr[i]+"TD'><span class='fieldhdr'>"+ObjArr2[i]+" Object</span></td></tr>";


tableText+="<tr><td class="included" colspan="2" id="&quot;+ObjArr[i]+&quot;TD" onMouseOut="flipOff(this)" onMouseOver="flipOn(this)" onClick=\"toggleObj("+i+", '"+ObjArr2[i]+"', this)\"><span class="fieldhdr">"+ObjArr2[i]+" Object</span></td></tr>";

Quotation marks are turned into &quot; and it totally re-arranges things, puts double quotes instead of singles, and I don't understand why.  I've tried putting \ in front of the ', and this does prevent the text from being re-arranged but throws the same error in firefox: "Missing ; before statement"  This would be incredibly useful for me, and make my page much more dynamic.  Is there a workaround?