• kamlesh_chauhan
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Is it possible to hide the standard fields in user object page layout and show only the custom fields....?




Need to create a Custom button on the related list to add the existing record.


Please help me on this!


Is it a platform? A module of the entire salesforce.com application? Is it metadata? Is it something that I see when I log into our org? 


I would like to update a field on my parent record (Campaign), based on a filed  value in a related list/child object (Service Requests). Is this possible?

We have an app that is utilizing Batch call outs and when making these calls the initiation is taking an extremely long time. This behavior was not previously reported and this app has been available for over a year. This was first reported by our client on 8/22/12. Has something changed that would cause this behavior. Here is a scenario:

We investigated the complete process at our end and below are the findings : 

Scenario & Observations:: 
- I selected 2 contacts on a Company 
- 2:33:00 --> Batch was initiated (Contact recs --> Pending Status) 
- For 1m 44s, this Batch did not even start, this is time lost in the SFDC queue 
- 2:34:44 --> Contact Append Batch Started & Completed (ended 2:34:50) * 2 Serial Jobs ran and completed in 4s & 6s (i.e. moving Contacts from Pending to In-Progress & Completed) 
- 2:34:48 --> Contact recs were updated with the "In-Progress" status by the Poller job. 
- 2:34:50 --> Contact Append Batch had already Completed, no more work left to do here. 
- 2:34:50 --> An instance of Contact Search Job is submitted. (* The only function here is to present the status of the 2 contacts created, by polling the state of the 2 serial Jobs.). 
- For 2m 56s, this Batch did not even start, this again is time lost in the SFDC queue
- 2:37:47 --> This Job is Completed. (in the log, this job lasted only 1s, and was waiting in queue for rest of the time.) 

Overall, in this test, we learned that 4m.40s were time lost in waiting.


Can you please confirm if something has recently changed? Can anything be done on your side to improve this?


This was not happening previously and seems to have been introduced in the last 4-6 months.



My next project seems like using web service api frequently, I want to know some restrictions about the api to decide how to construct the project.

I already know about how many time could we make API calls in 24 hours, and there still another questions.


1.How about the size when posts datas to SF or from SF to other services? Are there any restrictions? 1M?


2.How about the supported data types when posts to SF or from SF? I heard that it doesn't support the Blob,decimal,enum types when post datas from SF, but how about post to SF? Are there other data types do not be supported?


3.Are there any rectrictions about API calls at the same time? I don't mean *exactly* the same time, for example, how about 5 seconds? How many API calls could we make in 5 seconds or 20 seconds?


4.Are the restrictions any differences between asynchronous communication and synchronous communication?


It's very glad to see anybody answer my questions. Or you can just give me a link about such informations.


Hi folks,


We're looking to build a simple proposal app that allows users to add line items from price books, and then sort them as they'd like them to appear within the proposal.  Currently, the Quotes object does exactly this process, and I'm wondering if there's a native Apex/VF function that would allow us to have the same "Sort" button to sort the related list (product line items) that the Quotes object has in our custom object's related list?

Thoughts on how to achieve this easily?


PageReference gotoConfirmation()
PageReference result=Page.Cofirmation;
result.getParameters().put(id, Product__c.id);

return result;

 this code asks to define id, wen i do so throws an error in put(id, Product__c.id).


wen i use the following

<apex:commandButton  value="Print" onClick="window.location='Confirmation?id={!Product__c.id}'; return false;" />

the output is a new window in the same, how to keep it in a single screen?



 Please help me out with my issue


1)I have 3 radio buttons in my vf page that i have created eg :1,2,3

2) On loading the vf page only one radio button only one radio button should be selected by default eg:3


Please do guide me to solve my issue



Thanks in Advance...

Hi folks,


I'm trying to create a scheduled outbound email. The class queries for all of the custom objects whose date fields are today and emails people whose email addresses are recorded as custom fields within the object. Only... it doesn't work. The code, and its schedule class, below do absolutely nothing.


public class EmailMessage
   public static void SendEmail()
       List<Milestone1_Project__c> activeproc = new List<Milestone1_Project__c>([Select id from
       for( integer i=0;i<activeproc.size();i++){
       Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
       String[] address = new String[]{activeproc[i].Owner.Email,activeproc[i].Legal_Contributor__c,activeproc[i].Technical_Specialist__c};
       for(OrgWideEmailAddress owa : [select id, Address from OrgWideEmailAddress]){
       mail.setSubject('Record of hours spent on Procurement: ' +activeproc[i].Name);
       mail.setPlainTextBody('This is a test.');
       List<Messaging.SendEmailResult> results = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.Email[] { mail });
       System.debug('Email Sent: '+results.get(0).isSuccess() );

 And the Scheduler class:


global class ScheduleEnable implements Schedulable{
    global void execute (SchedulableContext SC){
        EmailMessage e = new EmailMessage();

 Which I've then selected to run every week day at 08:00.


Does anyone see why this might not be working? I can't figure it out at all. It looks fairly solid to me, but I'm not certain about the String array. Am I barking up the right tree?


Any help you lovely folk of the Developer Force community could give would be much appreciated.




Hi guys,


Pretty simple request... I can't seem to find any definitive lists for what I can and cannot set as far as "mail.set" tokens go. The list of "EmailMessage" API Field Names provided by Salesforce at http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/sfFieldRef/index.htm isn't at all extensive. Can anybody point me in a better direction?






We have a form submission tool hosted on Sites.  Periodically, we have users sending us messages that they have received errors asking to register (i.e. the standard permission SF error page). 


We cannot reproduce the error at all on our side, and trying to use error logs has not helped thus far.


The form collects personal data and 2 attachments, and creates a custom object, then a Contact record.  The extension is "without sharing" to avoid permissions on the extension.


Has anyone else experienced such issues and have any advice? 


Hi - I'm working in Professional Edition and am having a issue with Opportunity Owners getting changed to match the Account Owner.  I work in a multi-channel environment where more than one owner works on an Account along with multiple opportunity owners.  Is there a way to be able to change the Account Owner field without disrupting the Opportunity Owners?