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I'm working on adding lead sources to newly created accounts-- is there a way to either a)know if an upsert did a create or an update or b)update a field only if there isn't already a value...

Basically, if an account was created manually, we don't want to overwrite the Source...



The only way I can see, is to do an additional query, test the result and then update if it's empty, but I feel like there should be a smarter way!




I'm just getting started working on Drupal/Salesforce integration in PHP. I've skimmed the API documentation and found a few PHP-specific examples (almost all from Mike Simonds or here) but I feel like I'm missing something.


For example, Mike has an example of using upsert, but it uses the Partner WSDL which uses $sObject->fields, type, etc, which, I gather from posts here, the Enterprise version does not. But what does it use instead?


Should I be digging around in SforceEnterpriseClient.php or is there something more readable somewhere?




I built a VF page to override the change lead status functionality. We require that a Reason Rejected field value is selected when setting the Lead Status = Rejected so I dynamically render the Reason Rejected when Rejected is selected from the select box. Everything works great...except when the user presses the button from a lead list view that is filtered by a Campaign. When they attempt to do so, instead of seeing my custom page, they get something like:


LastName, status FROM Lead WHERE ((CampaignId = '701T00000001cZo') ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:83 No such column 'CampaignId' on entity 'Lead'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.


My VF page references the standard Lead controller. Do I really need to create a custom controller just to make this work?