• rob_burkett
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I picked up the following Tip during a SFDC presentation and it works great on the Contact record. It creates a button on the Contact object, which when clicked, creates an activity in the Contact record and sets up a reminder task in 2 days.

I need to modify it to do the same on a Case object. Can anyone help me modify the code so that it does the same in a Case, i.e. creates an activity that a VM was left, and creating a reminder task when clicked? 

Code is at the end of the next section.

Need: Track all activities to contacts within Salesforce and save time by having one click logging of left voicemails

Business Case: Sales reps can quickly log voicemail calls and receive a reminder task a few days later to follow up on the voicemail.

Business Value: Make more calls, improve productivity in high call volume type environments

Left Voicemail Custom button instructions

To set 1 custom buttons on the contact record – LVM

select Setup| Appsetup | Customize | Contacts | Custom Buttons and Links | select new custom button

Create a button label name (LVM) in the display type select the Detail page button option

select behavior type - Display in existing window without sidebar or header

select content source – URL


add the Code: (modify the code to fit your instance)

