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Hi folks. I have a requirement to pre-populate certain fields (phone, fax, mobile phone), based on the record type, when creating a new Lead. Currently, this is done through an s-control, but I intend to re-implement it using visualforce. Can anyone give me any pointers on how to do this? I can't seem to find any good examples for this particular case.


I need to put a custom related list on the account detail page and put the Hover link on the top of the page for the custom related list.


I was able to do the custom related list displayed on the bottom of the Account detail page wiring a standard controller extension and visula force page.


Now the problem is How do I place the Hover link on the top of the page for the custom list? I saw couple of threads for the above, but the hover links issue was never discussed?.


Can any one please guide me how can I do this.


Thank you.

I am trying to use this very simple apex page to prototype the relatedListHover property of the apex:detail component. I am not able to get the related List Hovers to show up with both the relatedList and relatedListHover properties set to true on the apex:detail component. The standard related lists do show up. But the hovers do not. I have double-checked that the User Interface setting to enable related list hover is truly enabled in the org too.

Any ideas? The example code is below where I try to render the hover links on the User detail page for the currently logged in user.

Here is my apex:detail snippet