• anukarthi_nimmala
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Hi Everyone,


As everyone new when we want a calendar pick for a input text field we will use a ainput field of date datatype so that we can see calendar picker in visualforce page.But My requirement is to use a custom calendar picker by using some component which defines the custom calendar picker.


So Please help me with in achieving my requirement.Any example code please help me with that.


                                                                                                                                           Thanks and Regards,


Hi Everyone,


I actually need to pass javascript variable to apex controller.I tried to pass it by using apex:actionfunction.But its not working properly.So please someone help me ourt of this issue .I ju8st want to pass the javascript variable in to apexcontroller.


So help me please.




                                                                                                                                                                        Thanks and regards,







Please someone tell me how to pass html input text value to my apex controller.PLease  give me an example of doing so if possible .



                                                                                                                                                                                  Thanks and regards



Hi everyone,


My requirement is to integrate a rich text editor in to visualforce page .So I want an editor which has rich features like upload image in to salesforce.But iam not able to do this using Rich text editor .So Please tell me how to integrate any rich text editor in to visualforce page where i can upload images to the rich text editor.

                                                    Thanks and regards,





Iam having a soql query whose o/p i pased to a list  of DOcumnt type


List<Document> docdisplaylist=new  List<Document> ();
Public List<Document> getdocdisplaylist()

   return docdisplaylist;

Document d=new Document();
public pageReference docrecord()
  d=[Select Document.name,Document.description,Document.body,Document.keywords From Document where Document.id=:docid ];


Now iam trying to display that list values in a pageblock table as shown below




 <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!docdisplaylist}" var="dd">
  <apex:column ><apex:inputField value="{!dd.name}" onchange="updateRecords()"  />                       </apex:column>
    <apex:column ><apex:inputField value="{!dd.description}"   onchange="updateRecords()" /></apex:column>
  <!-- <apex:column ><apex:inputFile value="{!dd.body}" onchange="updaterec()"  /></apex:column>-->

In thie above line iam getting error as below

   <!--<apex:inputField> does not currently support Blob fields, please use <apex:inputFile>-->
 <apex:column ><apex:inputField value="{!dd.keywords}"  onchange="updateRecords()" /></apex:column>

So here iam not able to display document body in <apex:inputfield >



So What should i do now to display the document.body in visualforce  pages pgblock table .Please someone help me in doing it...




                                                                                                 Thanks and Regards,





i want to  read from a file, then have to upload into a Document, use Apex SOQL to fetch the Document and Document body, then use Document.getBody or something like that to get the body as a long string and then insert the  column values as fields in to custom object.how could i do this.Any sample code will be help-ful

Hi i have a csv file with field values as each column in csv file which i upload to documents tab.Now  instead of using import wizard for importing the csv field values to the custom object, I want to pass the column values  of csv file in to controller and then insert the values in to custom object up on a button action.



Difficulty what iam facing here is how to pass the column values from documents tab in to the controller.Is it possible to do it?

If so plz guide me how to do that with a sample code to achieve  this.




                                                                                                                                                                       Thanks and regards,









Does anyone have an idea of how to work around the string limits in this case.


I have an apex code that reads a document object. I can get that fine, and it's a CSV fine. I then want to run through the document and parse it line by line. I can get the body into a blob with document.body, then get the body as a string with the body.toString() method.


But the problem here is the limits on a string are 100,000 characters. If my blob is larger than 100,00 characters, then what can I do? I don't have to have it all at once. A loop is find but I don't see a way to do blob.tostring(start byte, end byte).


Any ideas?



Hi All,

I want a input text in my visualforce page. On clicking this inputbox the standard salesforce calendar should popup. Is this possible.

Please note that i need only a input text and not a input field.

I got the below code from the forums.

What are the values that i have to pass in the highlighted part of the code. Is this possible in Visualforce.

<a href="javascript&colon;openPopupFocus

('/home/calendar.jsp—form=form1&field=sdate&mo=0&callonchange=true', '_blank', 186, 170, 'width=186,height=170,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,status=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,directories=no,location=no,dependant=yes', true, true);"


title="Pick A Date (New Window)"



<img src="/s.gif" alt="Pick A Date (New Window)" class="datePickerIcon">

