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Access Denied while call salesforce pages using javascript ajax
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadXMLDoc()
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
well the above code returns error : Access Denied
I had already logged in using login.aspx page and it is working fine. but when I tried to call javascript function on the click event of button it is throwing error: Access Denied.
Can you help me on this regard.
- apurswani
- September 21, 2010
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Access Denied while calling salesforce page using javascript......
- apurswani
- September 21, 2010
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How to pass certificates from salesforce to c#
Can anyone tell me that how to pass certificates from salesforce to c#?
As I am maintaining security in c# and for that I wanted to pass certificates from salesforce to c#....and wanted to verify that the call to this methods has come from salesforce but not from other services.....
- apurswani
- July 28, 2010
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How to make a call to C# method using Salesforce.....
Hi is there any way to call c# methods (functions) from salesforce.
- apurswani
- July 28, 2010
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Mixing Enterprise WSDL & Apex WSDL
We are using Enterprise WSDL to retrieve the records but it is not allowing me to maintain transactions so for create/update/insert we are using APEX class where we have maintained classes.
But now the problem is that :
it includes the entire Enterprise-WSDL like definition of all objects - including SObject, standard Salesforce objects (Account) and all our custom objects. In fact, we seem to have two definitions of Sobject - one from partner WSDL (com.sforce.soap.partner.sobject) and another one from Apex Class WSDL.
Can anyone tell me how to use it as it is showing "N" number of Compilte time errors while building application.
- apurswani
- July 27, 2010
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Error decrypting string:
Hi I am trying to use CLI to encrypt password and decrypt the same.
I tried following :
encrypt -g anil
and it returned : 291988e8b2ff083d
Now when I tried to decrypt the same using following command: -
encrypt -v 291988e8b2ff083d anil
Now it is throwing following error: -
Error decrypting string: 291988e8b2ff083d, error: Given final block not properly padded
Can any one tell me what wrong I did.
- apurswani
- July 23, 2010
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Do we have savepoints and rollback in .net for salesforce
I am creating Contact using .net code and it is getting created successfully.
But after creating contact I need to do one entry in contact share(you might be wondering why to make entry in contact share when it is being managed by salesforce. well it is just because i wanted to give share all of my contacts created using system administrator's account to be shared by some other users too, so i am creating one more entry pertaining to other users in contactshare)
hope the the above senerio is clear to you.
well everything works fine but what if something goes wrong in contactshare and it is not able to create row in contactshare ....here i wanted to rollback the record entered in contact also.
now the query is how to do that? how to maintain transactions in salesforce.
- apurswani
- July 21, 2010
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CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY : Entity type cannot be inserted: Event Attendee
I am still facing this issue while creating Event.
I had written program in c# but it is throwing error:
entity type cannot be inserted Event Attendee
I am using System Administration account to login in.
- apurswani
- July 21, 2010
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Event and EventAttendee is having redundant data.....
Can anyone tell me that why Event is having redundant data?
Ok let me tell you the senerio ; I had created one event with two attendees. Now,
1. I found three rows in Event table. one for the person who created event (say event creator) (logically correct)
2. and two rows for attendees in Event table. (here is the redundancy)
3. two rows in EventAttendee table. (logically correct)
Now my query is that when salesforce is having EventAttendee table and creating appropriate records in this table then why it is creating two more rows in Event table.
Why Event table is having three rows. Also I would like to add one more thing here is that there is a relationship between Event and EventAttendee table and found that in EventAttendee table both rows are having same EventId which is logically correct. And this EventID in EventAttendee table is nothing but the ID in Event table mapped to the row pertaining to the creator of the event. which is again logically correct. i.e. Event Creator's ID should be mapped with both the records in EventAttendee.
But why to create Three records in Event (one for event creator and two for attendee) whereas logically attendee's records should go to EventAttendee table only.
Now you may be wondering why I had raised this query when it is being maintained by salesforce ....well let me tell you the reason to raise this issue. I had been assigned to write a program to create event but now I am confused that once user and clicked on createEvent button in aspx page shall I create three records in Events and two records in EventAttendee (assuming there are two attendees)
- apurswani
- July 20, 2010
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IsDeleted is not working.....
I am using asp.net and allowing user to create task using aspx file. now the data entered by the user has to be stored in salesforce. all things are working fine except when I make user to delete task and set the field IsDeleted=true it is NOT WORKING at all.
as even after setting IsDeleted field to true it is still showing false.
Why is not getting updated?
SforceService Obj_SforceService = new SforceService();
Task task = new Task();
task.Id = "00T90000003FXT4EAO";
task.IsDeleted = true;
SaveResult[] sr = Obj_SforceService.update(new sObject[] { task });
for (int j = 0; j < sr.Length; j++)
if (sr[j].success)
txtMessage.Text += " Succeed";
txtMessage.Text +="Failed";
Above programs works fine with any issue and it is showing the message "Succeed" in textbox. but still it is not updating record and IsDeleted is still false. why?
- apurswani
- July 16, 2010
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IsDeleted is not working using dot net.....
I am using asp.net and allowing user to create task using aspx file. now the data entered by the user has to be stored in salesforce. all things are working fine except when I make user to delete task and set the field IsDeleted=true it is NOT WORKING at all.
as even after setting IsDeleted field to true it is still showing false.
Why is not getting updated?
SforceService Obj_SforceService = new SforceService();
Task task = new Task();
task.Id = "00T90000003FXT4EAO";
task.IsDeleted = true;
SaveResult[] sr = Obj_SforceService.update(new sObject[] { task });
for (int j = 0; j < sr.Length; j++)
if (sr[j].success)
txtMessage.Text += " Succeed";
txtMessage.Text +="Failed";
Above programs works fine with any issue and it is showing the message "Succeed" in textbox. but still it is not updating record and IsDeleted is still false. why?
- apurswani
- July 16, 2010
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Mixing Enterprise WSDL & Apex WSDL
We are using Enterprise WSDL to retrieve the records but it is not allowing me to maintain transactions so for create/update/insert we are using APEX class where we have maintained classes.
But now the problem is that :
it includes the entire Enterprise-WSDL like definition of all objects - including SObject, standard Salesforce objects (Account) and all our custom objects. In fact, we seem to have two definitions of Sobject - one from partner WSDL (com.sforce.soap.partner.sobject) and another one from Apex Class WSDL.
Can anyone tell me how to use it as it is showing "N" number of Compilte time errors while building application.
- apurswani
- July 27, 2010
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Error decrypting string:
Hi I am trying to use CLI to encrypt password and decrypt the same.
I tried following :
encrypt -g anil
and it returned : 291988e8b2ff083d
Now when I tried to decrypt the same using following command: -
encrypt -v 291988e8b2ff083d anil
Now it is throwing following error: -
Error decrypting string: 291988e8b2ff083d, error: Given final block not properly padded
Can any one tell me what wrong I did.
- apurswani
- July 23, 2010
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Do we have savepoints and rollback in .net for salesforce
I am creating Contact using .net code and it is getting created successfully.
But after creating contact I need to do one entry in contact share(you might be wondering why to make entry in contact share when it is being managed by salesforce. well it is just because i wanted to give share all of my contacts created using system administrator's account to be shared by some other users too, so i am creating one more entry pertaining to other users in contactshare)
hope the the above senerio is clear to you.
well everything works fine but what if something goes wrong in contactshare and it is not able to create row in contactshare ....here i wanted to rollback the record entered in contact also.
now the query is how to do that? how to maintain transactions in salesforce.
- apurswani
- July 21, 2010
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CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY : Entity type cannot be inserted: Event Attendee
I am still facing this issue while creating Event.
I had written program in c# but it is throwing error:
entity type cannot be inserted Event Attendee
I am using System Administration account to login in.
- apurswani
- July 21, 2010
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Event and EventAttendee is having redundant data.....
Can anyone tell me that why Event is having redundant data?
Ok let me tell you the senerio ; I had created one event with two attendees. Now,
1. I found three rows in Event table. one for the person who created event (say event creator) (logically correct)
2. and two rows for attendees in Event table. (here is the redundancy)
3. two rows in EventAttendee table. (logically correct)
Now my query is that when salesforce is having EventAttendee table and creating appropriate records in this table then why it is creating two more rows in Event table.
Why Event table is having three rows. Also I would like to add one more thing here is that there is a relationship between Event and EventAttendee table and found that in EventAttendee table both rows are having same EventId which is logically correct. And this EventID in EventAttendee table is nothing but the ID in Event table mapped to the row pertaining to the creator of the event. which is again logically correct. i.e. Event Creator's ID should be mapped with both the records in EventAttendee.
But why to create Three records in Event (one for event creator and two for attendee) whereas logically attendee's records should go to EventAttendee table only.
Now you may be wondering why I had raised this query when it is being maintained by salesforce ....well let me tell you the reason to raise this issue. I had been assigned to write a program to create event but now I am confused that once user and clicked on createEvent button in aspx page shall I create three records in Events and two records in EventAttendee (assuming there are two attendees)
- apurswani
- July 20, 2010
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IsDeleted is not working.....
I am using asp.net and allowing user to create task using aspx file. now the data entered by the user has to be stored in salesforce. all things are working fine except when I make user to delete task and set the field IsDeleted=true it is NOT WORKING at all.
as even after setting IsDeleted field to true it is still showing false.
Why is not getting updated?
SforceService Obj_SforceService = new SforceService();
Task task = new Task();
task.Id = "00T90000003FXT4EAO";
task.IsDeleted = true;
SaveResult[] sr = Obj_SforceService.update(new sObject[] { task });
for (int j = 0; j < sr.Length; j++)
if (sr[j].success)
txtMessage.Text += " Succeed";
txtMessage.Text +="Failed";
Above programs works fine with any issue and it is showing the message "Succeed" in textbox. but still it is not updating record and IsDeleted is still false. why?
- apurswani
- July 16, 2010
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IsDeleted is not working using dot net.....
I am using asp.net and allowing user to create task using aspx file. now the data entered by the user has to be stored in salesforce. all things are working fine except when I make user to delete task and set the field IsDeleted=true it is NOT WORKING at all.
as even after setting IsDeleted field to true it is still showing false.
Why is not getting updated?
SforceService Obj_SforceService = new SforceService();
Task task = new Task();
task.Id = "00T90000003FXT4EAO";
task.IsDeleted = true;
SaveResult[] sr = Obj_SforceService.update(new sObject[] { task });
for (int j = 0; j < sr.Length; j++)
if (sr[j].success)
txtMessage.Text += " Succeed";
txtMessage.Text +="Failed";
Above programs works fine with any issue and it is showing the message "Succeed" in textbox. but still it is not updating record and IsDeleted is still false. why?
- apurswani
- July 16, 2010
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System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Read timed out
- Niki_16
- July 09, 2009
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System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Read timed out?
I have a webservice it runs fine, but it takes a while to get a response because it loads lots of data.
when it callout from an apex class from salesforce, it always return : System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Read timed out.
Is there a property to set the time out period of the salesforce?
How do we address this problem?
- sd2008
- March 18, 2009
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